Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Can I Make Converse Be Taller

A civilized country

We are preparing to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, but how many years will still, continue to celebrate the birth of a civilized country? Why do you ask? Well ...
is a civil country where the government decides to destroy the public school, to cut all forms of support for the most vulnerable to lay on the pavement 150 000 families to recover in 3 years, 8 billion and € simultaneously allows the squandering of public money by the proliferation of government jobs and "patronage," useful only to create electoral clienteles?
is a civil country in cui il Governo continua a finanziare missioni militari e spende miliardi di euro in armamenti, mentre centinaia di migliaia di persone, e non solo nella scuola, vengono licenziati perché non ci sono soldi?
È civile un Paese in cui un dipendente pubblico può percepire più di 25 mila euro al mese ed un altro neanche mille?
È civile un Paese in cui una persona può ricevere una pensione di oltre 40 mila euro al mese ed un’altra meno di 500 euro?
È civile un Paese in cui il Governo decide che per risparmiare è meglio togliere tutto a chi a poco che dare un po’ meno a chi a tanto?
È civile un Paese in cui il Governo è impegnato 24 ore su 24 a risolvere the problems of the Prime Minister instead of thinking about people's problems?
is a country where the civil government, while all private companies lay off workers, instead of finding ways to reuse or discharge to the unemployed on the road another 150 thousand?
is a civil country where the education minister says teachers just because they earn too much, trying to incite a war between the poor?
is a civil country in which the Minister of Education continues to compare the number of caretakers with that of the police officers as two similar crafts? (What we would say guesses Di Pietro)
is a civil country in which the Minister of Education talk of meritocracy, when Parliament, Government and part of the Regional Councils (lists), are filled with appointed, not elected but who are paid by the people who never respond to merit, it, let alone the needs of the people but that are to follow a narrow oligarchy?
is a civil country where the government / CDA RAI takes a media lawyer for the prime minister at the modest sum of € 3 million, paid by taxpayers, while millions of families will be deprived of the opportunity to survive?

We all temporary / unemployed, perhaps even banal, and as we wondered what would a good father in a time of crisis economy. Let's say, for example, which has 11 children.
Ten children have a salary of € 1000 per month, one "lucky" to 25,000 € per month.
The father, above all, eliminate waste, if any, then save another € 10,000 per month you would make money from the privileged son of 15.000 € per month could continue to live comfortably, never, never take away means of livelihood for the other 10 children.
right, logical, normal, and yet our Father / State held that it was better to leave without pay 150 thousand teachers and professors, demolishing the public school, but not to touch the privileges of cliques and castes.
How long can we tolerate this gross injustice?
How long can we expect a civilized state, fair?
Maybe it's time to roll up our sleeves and build us a civilized country, all together.

;                                                                  Antonino Monterosso

Friday, March 11, 2011

Top Tennis Racquet Brand Beginner


... The earthquake in Japan this morning,''he shifted the axis of rotation of the Earth''by almost 10 cm. And 'what emerges from the preliminary results of studies carried out by INGV, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Melini-Piersanti). The impact of this event on the axis of rotation, the institute said in a statement,''and 'was much greater even than that of the great Sumatra earthquake of 2004 and probably second only to Chile earthquake of 1960.'' ...

Between the lines of news and blogs on the internet this morning I saw the video and photos of the tsunami in Japan.
face of these events, my thoughts lost in the gloss, of all its logic. I was hooked on that vision with a mixture of compassion and frightening charm.
The images on the Internet are distant images: cars, houses collapsing, appear in miniature, like the toys they had as children. Despite this, the silent power of the Earth becomes enormously practical. And now the size of the common man in front of that giant wave, inevitably collapses.
Everyone remembers suddenly that the Earth is a living being, just like us. A living being ever changing and we, willy-nilly CONVERSION we are part of this, we are not ever outdoors. These events disrupt our consciences for us to understand how things go. Perhaps then one day we may finally discover what we are involved directly and understand what we have done to help this process from the inside, trying to turn the 'common man "in a man.

there are two elements in the tsunami devastated physically and symbolically Water and the Earth. symbol of the depths of water, emotion, energy-element bound to the kidneys where it is enclosed our primal energy, which is given to us by our ancestors, but also a symbol of fluidity: Nothing is weaker than at the same time strong water.
The earth symbol of stability. The axis of rotation that moves: virtually and perceptions turn things differently.

When you oppose something, you do not want that to happen or expressed hostility, issue with what a lot of energy to the frequency of the event or object that you wanted to avoid. Do not allow entry means not react negatively to information ... Take heed though: it is said here to avoid the information but not to be penetrated.
Taken from Reality Transurfing - Vadim Zeland

Monday, February 28, 2011

Nico Robin Thriller Bark Hentei

The Man Who Planted Trees - A nice metaphor for life

makes more noise than a tree falling
a forest that grows ...
; Lao Tzu

the wake of the film on Mauro Corona , this post is dedicated to the vision of a great little animated film, that I've tasted a few days ago: "The Man Who Planted Trees." Adapted from a book by Jean Jono, is a story full of poetry and love for life. A vision on the importance of continually planting small seeds daily vitality, with perseverance and faith in the future. The growth of these seeds does not make noise, we often do not even realize the results are so slow. Often the discomfort and the static view of things that we have, does not make us understand how small things can cause changes in time enormous benefit to all humanity, and this film shows him in a clear, light and deep, touching the heart.
The animation technique used emphasizes lines drawn in a dynamic, constantly changing, the delicacy of the message.

Good vision, thanks to those who have made available on youtube. Be well ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Half Brick House And Painting Colors

Sunset - The frame

Sono immagini scattate in momenti di evasione, silenzi, pace, ispirazione, in cui la luce del tramonto illuminava il mondo. Per maggiori informazioni visita la pagina permanente del blog: il mio punto di vista , che aggiornerò periodicamente con i miei lavori fotografici.

Nell'arte la cosa più importante è LA CORNICE.
Nella pittura è letteralmente così per le altre arti solo figuratively, because without that humble object can not figure out where it ends and art begins where the real world. E'necessario put around a container or otherwise to say: WHAT 'THAT SHIT ON WALL?
If John Cage, for example, said: "Now I put a contact microphone on the throat, then I drink carrot juice and this will be my composition", that's his gargling would be classified as a composition because it has applied a frame, declaring as such. "Take it or leave it, now I want this to be music."
At this point is only a matter of taste, because without the frame declared as such we only have a guy who drinks carrot juice. So if the music is the best, what is music? Anything can be music, but music does not become 'Till someone does not disclose this and the public that listens to decide not to perceive it as music. Most people can not or will not deal with this abstraction do: "Give me a chorus! I like this chorus? Looks like another chorus that I like? The more familiar the more I like. Feel those three notes? Here are three notes that I can sing. I really like the ones you know, give me a rhythm. Do not let me look hard, give me a good rhythm, you can dance, that face-tum ta, tum ta-tum, if not ''ll hate you very much, and I want it now. Meanwhile, some other song you write the same: a lot, because I'm really intrippato for music. "
Frank Zappa - The autobiography