Monday, February 28, 2011

Nico Robin Thriller Bark Hentei

The Man Who Planted Trees - A nice metaphor for life

makes more noise than a tree falling
a forest that grows ...
; Lao Tzu

the wake of the film on Mauro Corona , this post is dedicated to the vision of a great little animated film, that I've tasted a few days ago: "The Man Who Planted Trees." Adapted from a book by Jean Jono, is a story full of poetry and love for life. A vision on the importance of continually planting small seeds daily vitality, with perseverance and faith in the future. The growth of these seeds does not make noise, we often do not even realize the results are so slow. Often the discomfort and the static view of things that we have, does not make us understand how small things can cause changes in time enormous benefit to all humanity, and this film shows him in a clear, light and deep, touching the heart.
The animation technique used emphasizes lines drawn in a dynamic, constantly changing, the delicacy of the message.

Good vision, thanks to those who have made available on youtube. Be well ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Half Brick House And Painting Colors

Sunset - The frame

Sono immagini scattate in momenti di evasione, silenzi, pace, ispirazione, in cui la luce del tramonto illuminava il mondo. Per maggiori informazioni visita la pagina permanente del blog: il mio punto di vista , che aggiornerò periodicamente con i miei lavori fotografici.

Nell'arte la cosa più importante è LA CORNICE.
Nella pittura è letteralmente così per le altre arti solo figuratively, because without that humble object can not figure out where it ends and art begins where the real world. E'necessario put around a container or otherwise to say: WHAT 'THAT SHIT ON WALL?
If John Cage, for example, said: "Now I put a contact microphone on the throat, then I drink carrot juice and this will be my composition", that's his gargling would be classified as a composition because it has applied a frame, declaring as such. "Take it or leave it, now I want this to be music."
At this point is only a matter of taste, because without the frame declared as such we only have a guy who drinks carrot juice. So if the music is the best, what is music? Anything can be music, but music does not become 'Till someone does not disclose this and the public that listens to decide not to perceive it as music. Most people can not or will not deal with this abstraction do: "Give me a chorus! I like this chorus? Looks like another chorus that I like? The more familiar the more I like. Feel those three notes? Here are three notes that I can sing. I really like the ones you know, give me a rhythm. Do not let me look hard, give me a good rhythm, you can dance, that face-tum ta, tum ta-tum, if not ''ll hate you very much, and I want it now. Meanwhile, some other song you write the same: a lot, because I'm really intrippato for music. "
Frank Zappa - The autobiography

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sound Blaster X-fi Mb Lizen

Mauro Corona - The Man of wood

"You know that the great mystics have strong arms"
; ; Lorenzo Jovanotti - Falla Turn

Mauro Corona is a very particular that I soon became friendly. And there are many reasons for this. In appearance looks like a primitive always bare arms, even in winter (for him the cold is a mental condition), dark beard and curly hair style Er Rubbish, but the eyes, which always hides a bit with the hair and look down and faint when being interviewed on TV, it shines through all his goodness and depth. He lives in the woods of Erto, commonly known to the multitudes for one of those tragedies of "rationality" that he wanted to build the dam Vojont, collapsed at night in winter uccise migliaia di abitanti del posto.  Mauro è un poeta, scrittore e scultore dalle braccia forti, uno di quei rappresentanti della feconda cultura che ha poco a che vedere con gli sterili intellettualismi.
Ascolta le voci del bosco, parla con gli alberi (bellissimo a proposito il suo primo libro: Le voci del bosco , in cui parla delle personalità dei vari alberi) e riesce a vedere dentro il legno vivo espressioni umane, che fuoriescono piene di vitalità da quei pezzi di legno, rispettandone la loro originalità e dimensioni.
Su youtube è possibile vedere diverse interviste molto interessanti, ma più di tutte un pò nascosto è possibile guardare anche il poetico film in 3 parts: "The wooden man" , where you will discover many features of the Crown, also come along as his sculptures. In the third part
Vojont and also speaks of an ancient prophecy tied to Erto (5:20 min, third video) .
Enjoy and stay well.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Destravar Dvd Sony Dvp-sr200p

Where is Common Place? Music

"I only believe what I see," is the typical expression of the fanatic materialist is unable to go beyond appearance. In this statement there would be nothing wrong, except that our brain can perceive only the slice of reality ranging from infrared to ultraviolet rays!
We use less than 5% of our brain. This is the view of the universe in which we have access. Therefore, to say that there is what you can see and measure becomes quite limiting and clearly illogical.
; Salvatore Brizzi - Awakening

morning chatting with a colleague, came off the topic, in particular food and macrobiotics. My colleague had heard about but did not know a lot and asked me to explain in a few words what it was. I think I know, but really there and then I also agree I do not know that much.
Without going into the merits of the argument to be referred, in fact, do not know much, I will touch on one aspect of our communication that I found interesting.

The amazing things that make me smile thinking about the operation mental mechanisms are two

The first is that despite not knowing nothing about macrobiotics, I tossed a few things up steam vegetables and I felt that my rational side was sure to know what he was saying, leading But then the argument for vegetarianism, meat and various derivatives, in which I felt more "iron".

The second, which prompted me to share this little experience has been that in those two minutes in which I talked about macrobiotics, I realized he had just repeated verbatim, what I had told some of my teachers .
Returning home in the car, I reflected on this story, and I realized that he had never read anything really specific topic to study, he had never known anyone who practiced rigorously that kind of power, but even worse that he had never felt so full of myself the effects of that kind of power. Yet from the outside might appear that I had a well-formed opinion based on what I said.
Having exposed myself on this thing, I think about how much of the rationalist culture, politics and scientific thought often of "ordinary" that we filled, often are based on this strange mental mechanism called MYTH that like a dark fog (non) human experience, and greatly reduces power and human freedom.

Be well ...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pregnant And Broken Capillaries

resonance at 432 Hz and human

There is no musical taste, there
Andrea Doria

propose a conference of Andrea Doria very interesting about the difference between the tuning a 440 Hz, cioè quella standard che utilizziamo, e l'accordatura a 432 Hz, il tono musicale naturale con cui, per esempio accordava Mozart.
E'interessante perchè propone molti esperimenti "visivi" sulla potenza del suono, e fa un cenno anche alla controversa storia della standardizzazione dei 440 hz.
La prima parte e l'ultima della conferenza mi sono arrivate in maniera affascinante, quando Doria parla della risonanza, da' una definizione precisa di suono, e fa un accenno ai potenti effetti del suono (utilizzati per esempio per spostare i macigni per la costruzione delle prime piramidi).

Il fenomeno dell'oscillazione, presente dappertutto in natura, e che influenza praticamente tutti gli esseri viventi,  osservato attentamente dal punto di vista musicale, potrebbe fornirci molte indicazioni su noi stessi, soprattutto se partiamo dal concetto base di risonanza. Infatti, come spiega bene Doria, noi non ascoltiamo  solo con l'orecchio ma con tutto il corpo, ed è facile verificarlo, se osserviamo costantemente e attentamente le nostre reazioni alla musica.
Se pensiamo poi che oggi siamo praticamente sommersi da sottofondi musicali (o come dice Battiato da immondizie musicali ) dovunque andiamo, questa attenzione all'ascolto e ricerca si fa ancora più interessante e da un certo punto di vista urgente.
In basso la prima parte di 10, tutte presenti su youtube. Buona visione.

Qui sotto racconto un'esperienza di potenza musicale vissuta in prima persona a un concerto Bregovic: non c'entra direttamente con i 432 hz, ma ha a che fare con il concetto  di risonanza.

Non avevo mai visto dal vivo Bregovic, nè ascoltato volontariamente sue canzoni. Conoscevo solo "Kalashnikov" per fama. La mia prima volta l'altro giorno a Modena alla festa dell'Unità.
Arriviamo un pò in ritardo ma il concerto non è ancora iniziato, e scegliamo di sistemarci centralmente the stage, slightly backward near the mixer to hear better. In the arena, under the stage had been set up an audience of chairs, all occupied by ladies and gentlemen timely and well seasoned. Bregovic not know but did not think acoustic music, to listen while seated. In fact, once the concert begins, I understand that these chairs have nothing to do with his music.
A first sign: the band enters the stage but not in the audience, two trumpets sound the first notes on opposite sides of the arena: the entire audience was blown away. Then finally at the center of the stage, dressed all in white, Goran. A look at the audience from behind during the first piece, the effect is strange: in the center and sides of head without moving around a lot. And so the second piece. Bregovic not bat an eyelid does not say a word paradoxical watching that scene, just keep shooting with his orchestra music burst, more and more compelling. And the third piece of the magic happens: a first and curly dark-skinned girl who looks away from Lenny Kravitz, pushed the pace, hands and leaping into the air, started dancing under the stage, right there in front of the audience of chairs that are not a fold, but a few seconds time and a mass of people follow this act of upsetting the seemingly static, but in reality so unreal and unstable that it was created. From then on it un'onda che si espande sempre di più: le prime file di sedie iniziano a vacillare e bastano pochi altri pezzi a far scomparire sovrastati dall'allegria e dall'energia di quella musica e di quei balli, le teste sedute comodomente.Avanzo anche io per scattare qualche foto, e noto dietro di me una signora sulla sessantina, visibilmente incazzata per quella copertura fastidiosa di visuale. Scatto le foto e poi torno insieme agli altri, senza perdere di vista a distanza la signora. Bregovic continua: un vero mostro da palcoscenico. Da lontano sembra guidare il pubblico buttando giù ondate più lente e più forti di musica balcanica: pur non dicendo una parola la gente è completamente rapita dalla sua energia.Passano due ore, senza neanche un secondo di noia. Penso che Bregovic è proprio un grande artista.Verso la fine del concerto l'arena è trasformata, l'energia è visibile da ogni parte, le sedie non si vedono praticamente più, come mangiate dal caos musicale che si era creato.
Con la vista ricerco la signora incazzata e la trovo in piedi a ballare sulla sedia.
E'stata una grande dimostrazione pratica e  visibile della forza della musica.
E'stata una grande dimostrazione di come alcune cose possono cambiare la situazione molto più della politica, e iniettare energia a gente stanca. Una di queste è la music.