Friday, May 23, 2008

When Is The Chevy Tahoe Bodystyle Changing

Repubblicani. La vostra “etica del dovere” essenziale per l’unificazione liberale

Dear friends and dear Republican friends gathered in Fiuggi, I express to you the warmest wishes, the more that your congress is held on a subject very dear to us all, the unity of the liberal forces of the Italian Risorgimento in view of a unitary list already the European Elections.
I speak as a liberal base, National Councillor the PLI (where do the critical and foliage for the incredible inertia), but allow for the uncompromising secularism, to the concepts of ethics in politics, freedom is inseparably linked to justice, and politics as such, even a civic duty of the ruling classes , of "the most Republican," the most liberal of Mazzini and LaMalfa. And my thoughts turn to the great Mayor Nathan, of which I spoke at a conference in Rome for the friends of the Jewish community.
We also address the greeting of the Committee for the reunification of all the Italian liberals (in the strict sense and the International dell'ELDR) that I founded in 2006 on a wave of enthusiasm resulted from our fortnightly newsletter Salon Voltaire from 2004 to 2006 to 3500 was directed intellectuals, organizers and lay supporters, Republicans and liberals from all over Italy, and then became a fixed site.
We are a small committee, but for the first time in recent history of our joint movement "Rep-Lib", which is broken up into a diaspora dull, a kind of masochistic "cupio dissolve, we were able to reverse the trend , and we met a dozen groups, some of whom do not even speak first.
Enough with unbridled individualism and particularism, dear friends! Individualism that has transformed - our fault - that is really the only successful ideology of modern times, the only one capable of ensuring freedom, social justice, economic development, in a tiny fringe, marginal, and a loser. It 's a terrible paradox of history that must be avenged.
also because - it is my leitmotif sought - and social demographics are clear: you joined us and show us, in theory, as a potential basis to more than 30 percent of the Italian population call vote. Dozens of investigations opinion polls, which have carefully excluded the word "liberal" or "Republican", but they have placed dozens of factual questions on the economy, civil rights, the state-citizen relations and church-state, customs and institutions, They found that the content of the responses over a third of Italians and political analysis "Liberal".
you wonder? I wonder quite the contrary. That is how our liberal leaders, Republicans, radicals, shareholders, free and democratic "non-socialist, or clerical, or conservatives" (as we have defined the scope of our Reunification), have been successful in the crazy and difficult task of reducing us to 0 , 6 per cent.
This and no other cause for surprise.
We've always had very skilled in political elites, abstract, his head in the clouds, or engaged all'iperuranio of Studies or the slums of sottopotere. By "politics" have not always understood the Company, but the Parliament, or rather the direct and individualistic with the "parliamentary colleagues," magari al bar della Camera. Classi dirigenti tutte ugualmente ignare della scienza della psicologia e quindi incapaci di comunicare, di "vedersi con gli occhi del cittadino comune", e quindi di fare propaganda tra la gente. Gente che è quasi vista con fastidio, come un terzo incomodo. Pensate che ancor oggi alcuni liberali (in questo sicuramente peggiori dei repubblicani) si "vergognano" addirittura di fare propaganda. Altri si fanno vanto vanto di non usare il computer e non rispondono neanche alle email.
Ebbene, cari amici, questa si chiama inadeguatezza professionale. Noi repubblicani e liberali in origine eravamo quelli più all'avanguardia, i più aggiornati, i più moderni. E invece la principale contraddizione in cui si dibatte l'elite - Often a self-proclaimed - liberal Republican is the emergence of a class provincial, petty, narrow of views, away from the North. Other times that the bank's "secular" Commercial Mattioli, with La Malfa and Malagodi that were most popular in London than in Rome.
And what is this, if not the typical failure to adhere to our principle of "merit"? In this case "on" or "excellence" does not mean being good lawyers or engineers, but to prove with facts and with results to be "good policy".
Dear Republican friends, we must put a stop to this malpractice inefficiency of our ruling classes.
comfortable enough even to this concept of "small is beautiful" in which they wallow come un alibi i dirigenti liberal-repubblicani. Sono i primi a rendersi conto che se il movimento si ingrandisse, i primi ad essere spazzati via sarebbero proprio loro! Sbagliatissima, il nostro male peggiore, questa concezione individualistica e pseudo-aristocratica o snob che ci ha penalizzato più dei nostri nemici storici: il fascismo, il comunismo, il clericalismo, il conservatorismo.
Dunque approfittiamo di questa occasione offerta dalle Europee per innescare un meccanismo virtuoso (noi proponiamo anche a voi per il 4 luglio a Roma un primo Convegno pubblico unitario) che potrebbe porre le basi, finalmente, cominciando con la propaganda dal basso sui temi concreti e finendo con un grande appello finale a tutti i Liberali d'ogni tendenza del Paese, for the big event of the General Assembly, which is a total re-establishment from scratch of a Great Liberal Third Force by 36 percent potential.
Berlusconi, after all, is not eternal, and is already disaffected policy. The retreat in Sardinia attracts him. And politically Veltroni has not enjoyed good health of: Africa tempts him. Inevitable decay of two aggregations and purely fake election and subsequent rationalization of Italian politics, lies a great future for us liberals and Republicans united.
Salon Voltaire, Committee for the reunification of the Italian Liberals, Cons.Naz. PLI

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Fleetwood Wilderness Manual

Paradossi. Dove creare un gruppo liberale? Dentro una coalizione non-lib, ovvio

The A Liberal Party. As he said Toto? " Neapolitan Neapolitan part." The idea was there, but the sluggish implementation. The joke less apt to Antonio de Curtis, who generally do not make a wrong. So, after the scandal garbage, tolerated by a citizenry that is made about his "SODDING" image of Naples, southern Italy and all, and forgetful of the ancient dignity can not drive out its directors, We retaliated on behalf of Italy by improving the famous line from Toto. And now, yes that is sharp: "Partenopeo, part Italian."
Well, pardon the incipit creative and caustic, but we've come up with the joke when we read of Toto dell'idea di dar vita ad una "Parte liberale", finalmente, dentro il Centro-destra, cioè il cosiddetto - ma ancora tutto da fondare - Partito del Popolo della Libertà.
Oddio, l'eterogenesi dei fini riserva sempre delle sorprese. Ma sappiamo che, anche se non avesse scritto il celebre libro, Tremonti si appresta da buon socialdemocratico a fare una politica economica dirigista e statalista. L'Alitalia, anziché fallire o essere acquistata da Air France, sarà ricapitalizzata o addirittura "statizzata".
Insomma, siamo tornati all'IRI di Prodi, altroché. E dire che il Centro-destra se la prendeva con l'ineffabile farfugliatore e borbottatore di Bologna. Che avrà avuto mille difetti, ma almeno il suo governaccio some weak liberal proposal has made it (the center-right none, in five years), and reduced the deficit that the Berlusconi government, straparlando every minute of "liberal" and "liberalism" had increased, after increasing the salary to the state "slackers", without a license and without asking a single merit. In addition, defending the corporation of taxi drivers in Rome, the most greedy and arrogant of Italy, just because a sympathizer of AN.
But there will be some voices discordant Right? Of course, that the petite brunette who like all the little bark and no bite. And if you decide to bite? Worse, he is a former quasi-socialist, however, the most lab that lib. This, as they were Liberals ousted as Biondi, Costa, Sterpa, Urbani, and while the few remaining libertarians and liberals such as Martin and Della Vedova, sleeping peacefully.
Here, in a coalition so deeply anti-liberal, plus galvanized by the election of the House and statist Fini Alemanno as Mayor of Rome, who do you think you still think of liberalism in the institutions, civil rights and the economy? Cleared of journalists, only a politician, the friend Taradash, who is preparing to convene in Montesilvano (Pescara) "the masses lib-lib-lib" People of Freedom, the people who will be registered as the name implies - as FI - not to the European Liberal Party, but the Conservative-Christian Party, that is, the Popular. Clear as a syllogism, no?
One against all. For heaven's sake, we all wish to Taradash, who is a true liberal (and the proof is that we have known in radical home). But, I say, it is also used as a toscanaccio and therefore all the Tuscans to think the worst, and rightly so. And then, there's the suspicion, at least, to have the wrong room? Unless ...
Unless, instead of the Liberal Party does not want to do as is done in theater when the actor talks to himself, or think out loud, so that they feel the audience in the stalls, but not the recipient's true, that behind the scenes. Here, we do not want it to be a "separate " liberal. NICO
CONFERENCE catering services. We have just concluded the Chianciano conference, sponsored by Marco Pannella and Mauro del Bue, that liberals are called to another meeting on the Diaconate, and Giacalone Taradash considered essential to the formation of a "liberal party", if you want to accomplish " a liberal revolution. " The promoters of the meeting of the new majority afraid of the inability expressed by the elections of 13 and 14 April to stem "the reaction of all groups of powers threatened by the liquidation of pensions and privileges" in the face of decisions that must be painful and unpopular, the seriousness of the political, economic and civic life. "For this - they say the squad - we consider it essential for the success of a government that is given a voice within the new party to the" liberal party "in Italian politics which is already present across the political forces that have initiated the creation the PDL, but too often in the past has been relegated, as it was on the opposite side, in a role of witness that direction. "
I have the impression that this time deacon, Giacalone and make a hole in Taradash ' water.
Why, you are starting from finding acceptable the necessary existence of a "liberal party" in order to achieve the "liberal revolution" and is reduced to a mere "stringers" of a liberal party that definitely is not it?
Indeed, to establish a "liberal party" in the PDL? The only result that could achieve the task is to aggregate groped Berlusconi added to the consensus, in order to respond to the conference in Chianciano face that seems to attempt to aggregate additional consents antiberlusconiana area.
Would not it time to abandon this old way of doing politics and constitute the "liberal party" is lacking in our country and whose absence impedes "the path of modernization in all areas of the country where the state plays a key role - infrastructure, services, rules "?
BEPPE Lamedica

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Building Inspection Checklist

Privacy? Ma il contribuente è in rapporto con i concittadini, not with the State

right to know who makes the smart or right to privacy? When a conflict emerges even remotely like that, a true liberal defends the right to know without hesitation. There are compelling similarities: we think only the right to know the budgets of our competitors, perhaps to conduct in the securities or the purchase of the company. Can you imagine a strange "privacy market"? What would happen if the financial statements of ' Alitalia were secrets? And even there we are names and surnames, with a lot of salaries. Come on, do not say nonsense " politically correct ", what kind of law is the "right to privacy"? It 's a minor law that must give way in the face of greater rights relating to public order, justice and the economy of a nation.
A true liberal, therefore, would be contrary to the decision of the Ombudsman considered that the exposure of illegal income of the Italians on the web, ... inadequacy of the medium. Strange this reason: I wonder if a law student would be promoted under consideration with a view like that. A document or is private or public, but in this case, especially in times of globalization of immediate knowledge, publicity follows the technological channels they want.
And then the web, is known to us liberals, is a wonderful bulletin at no cost. The poor ing . Stanca did much to modernize the relationship between the Administration and the Internet, and now a ruling all obscurantist reports on the high seas? No, so will not be able to block anything. You do not go against the use of technology.
What consolation is that not only the associations of consumer protection, but for once the great majority of Italians (at last not reactionary or corporate!) I agree with the disclosure of data. Unfortunately, there is the reverse of the coin. Psychologically it is a bad sign: it means that the vast majority is poor and forced to "honest". It has nothing to hide.
Wonder, however, that some sections of "liberal oxymoron," the so-called liberal-conservative center-right, have cried shame of violating confidentiality, as if they were spied on in the bedroom. But as they betray, ipso facto, revealing that even the blind have a little something sinister to hide. Other that the danger of kidnappings, Up do not laugh: which band will never go to scroll through the false, quite false tax returns? No, it is clear that the big worry is evasion or avoidance, now visible. Privacy

tax? But is not there that should reside the famous modesty Italy, that shameless ragged shame of our dear new bourgeoisie of the recently added, that neither the professional fee "black", nor a recommendation, or lace, or the contract made up, nor the vote-buying, or bribery in general, it seems offensive. I say unpopular things
? I do not think. Maybe I say things anti-aristocratic and anti-privilege. As a good liberal
Much of the political right has arisen with one voice, screaming and yelling. Also because one looked like a "gift" to watch the hated Visco, words as if the defeated army during the retreat had "poisoned the wells". But then his right-wing newspapers have published lists for the first indicted. But the Protestants mistaken, as I explain below. Have, please contact the patience to read through.
with us when we say "privacy" cat, there almost always hatching. It 's like a dead Neapolitan someone invites you to be silent: what would you think? Moreover, the law was to put privacy ahead of the Italians, almost to want to educate from Anglo, which are genetically immune to them, as is well known to anyone who frequent buses, trains, restaurants, bars, beaches and Italian roads. And therefore the guarantor of the neophytes fall into the ridiculous, see statements by the cancellation of the last digits of phone numbers called by ourselves.
In liberal democratic countries of the West, the United States in mind, anyone can look quickly and easily (and I suppose, given the modern media, now via computer) of the income of his neighbor, as the celebrity or politician's who has voted. But it will not, I think, almost none, for curiosity of the people is not as morbid as in Italy, pervaded the mindset of secrecy el ' hypocritical social shame of mold first Catholic towards money. In liberal countries Anglo-Saxon is "interest" of the citizen to know in advance the right and left, how high is your income. To have such social and economic credibility. In a pub in London once a chubby guy with whom I spoke began the discussion of jazz (he was an American, an Englishman would have been more discreet and more ... poor) saying once that he was one who earned not know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

But even in Italy, this is a public directory for decades. I remember quand 'I was a teenager the newspapers published long lists of contributors in order of decreasing income, I do not know whether declared or found. E ' so a player could discover with surprise that the well-known jeweler officially earned a little over his head-clerk, or the lord of the top floor, crying poverty and traveled in 500, had a triple your income.
The so-called guarantor of privacy, the institution which I have always been contrary, the wrong doing of crabs off the search engine on the internet, showing how the average citizen to think Made in Italy , emotional and irrational. Too bad, because the service was not only useful but also typically liberal.
taxes, in fact, this appears psychologically odious everywhere, and never in Italy corresponding in our individual perception of the public services provided by the state (and for that we Liberals lagnamo us, rightly, because there is objective evidence of this scandalous inadequacy), only in appearance are a matter between the individual citizen and the State . The true subject is the community, not the individual. The word "taxpayer," recalls the ancient tribus where bands was divided by the Roman people. The tribes to pay jointly and severally. Natural then that will break in them, among the members, the total of the total burden.
short, the upstream tax is the amount that all the citizens, that the nation has to pay for the management of public affairs. a little like the bill in a restaurant: if someone is smart, and when paying disappears and goes to the bathroom, the other had to pay a bit 'more. It 's normal that every single one looks around and count how many guests and what they pay. I guess that's a function to be responsible citizens, a role of control from below typical liberal. Or would prefer to do it was the State?
is not, therefore, socialism or collectivism or late, or a particular sadism of that posthumous' antipaticone the Finance Minister Visco. As in agriculture - let the humorous analogy - rather than to chemical pesticides that kill all insects indiscriminately and poison the food, it is now increasingly being used to "biological warfare" against the pests by using predators of other insect pests.
Well, without going that far in the fiscal system of subtle widespread control based at least on simple knowledge, it would be non-invasive and even authoritarian-statist, but by the citizens themselves, and therefore truly liberal. Also because in this case a possible Mafia code of silence "respects the privacy" we turn against each and every citizen: pay more, even for the usual smart that if they enjoy it behind him.

Who, in total transparency Typical liberal systems where does the so-called "social control" spontaneous (always better than from an authoritarian socialist or fascist system, right?) - need to know if their fellow citizens contribute, in fact, whether or not the general collection. It is also a healthy self-interest: the more people pay what they owe, unless all pay. And even at the level of healthy competition between the public, there is an interest in the knowledge by the individual: if my competitor does not pay the correct taxes his company, his family, will compared to my advantage, since it enjoys the same services.
The fake "privacy" hairy side in a case like this, however, not può che nascondere furberie, truffe, corruzione, privilegi, pastette e magagne. Ed è profondamente illiberale.