Repubblicani. La vostra “etica del dovere” essenziale per l’unificazione liberale
Dear friends and dear Republican friends gathered in Fiuggi, I express to you the warmest wishes, the more that your congress is held on a subject very dear to us all, the unity of the liberal forces of the Italian Risorgimento in view of a unitary list already the European Elections.
I speak as a liberal base, National Councillor the PLI (where do the critical and foliage for the incredible inertia), but allow for the uncompromising secularism, to the concepts of ethics in politics, freedom is inseparably linked to justice, and politics as such, even a civic duty of the ruling classes , of "the most Republican," the most liberal of Mazzini and LaMalfa. And my thoughts turn to the great Mayor Nathan, of which I spoke at a conference in Rome for the friends of the Jewish community.
We also address the greeting of the Committee for the reunification of all the Italian liberals (in the strict sense and the International dell'ELDR) that I founded in 2006 on a wave of enthusiasm resulted from our fortnightly newsletter Salon Voltaire from 2004 to 2006 to 3500 was directed intellectuals, organizers and lay supporters, Republicans and liberals from all over Italy, and then became a fixed site.
We are a small committee, but for the first time in recent history of our joint movement "Rep-Lib", which is broken up into a diaspora dull, a kind of masochistic "cupio dissolve, we were able to reverse the trend , and we met a dozen groups, some of whom do not even speak first.
Enough with unbridled individualism and particularism, dear friends! Individualism that has transformed - our fault - that is really the only successful ideology of modern times, the only one capable of ensuring freedom, social justice, economic development, in a tiny fringe, marginal, and a loser. It 's a terrible paradox of history that must be avenged.
also because - it is my leitmotif sought - and social demographics are clear: you joined us and show us, in theory, as a potential basis to more than 30 percent of the Italian population call vote. Dozens of investigations opinion polls, which have carefully excluded the word "liberal" or "Republican", but they have placed dozens of factual questions on the economy, civil rights, the state-citizen relations and church-state, customs and institutions, They found that the content of the responses over a third of Italians and political analysis "Liberal".
you wonder? I wonder quite the contrary. That is how our liberal leaders, Republicans, radicals, shareholders, free and democratic "non-socialist, or clerical, or conservatives" (as we have defined the scope of our Reunification), have been successful in the crazy and difficult task of reducing us to 0 , 6 per cent.
This and no other cause for surprise.
We've always had very skilled in political elites, abstract, his head in the clouds, or engaged all'iperuranio of Studies or the slums of sottopotere. By "politics" have not always understood the Company, but the Parliament, or rather the direct and individualistic with the "parliamentary colleagues," magari al bar della Camera. Classi dirigenti tutte ugualmente ignare della scienza della psicologia e quindi incapaci di comunicare, di "vedersi con gli occhi del cittadino comune", e quindi di fare propaganda tra la gente. Gente che è quasi vista con fastidio, come un terzo incomodo. Pensate che ancor oggi alcuni liberali (in questo sicuramente peggiori dei repubblicani) si "vergognano" addirittura di fare propaganda. Altri si fanno vanto vanto di non usare il computer e non rispondono neanche alle email.
Ebbene, cari amici, questa si chiama inadeguatezza professionale. Noi repubblicani e liberali in origine eravamo quelli più all'avanguardia, i più aggiornati, i più moderni. E invece la principale contraddizione in cui si dibatte l'elite - Often a self-proclaimed - liberal Republican is the emergence of a class provincial, petty, narrow of views, away from the North. Other times that the bank's "secular" Commercial Mattioli, with La Malfa and Malagodi that were most popular in London than in Rome.
And what is this, if not the typical failure to adhere to our principle of "merit"? In this case "on" or "excellence" does not mean being good lawyers or engineers, but to prove with facts and with results to be "good policy".
Dear Republican friends, we must put a stop to this malpractice inefficiency of our ruling classes.
comfortable enough even to this concept of "small is beautiful" in which they wallow come un alibi i dirigenti liberal-repubblicani. Sono i primi a rendersi conto che se il movimento si ingrandisse, i primi ad essere spazzati via sarebbero proprio loro! Sbagliatissima, il nostro male peggiore, questa concezione individualistica e pseudo-aristocratica o snob che ci ha penalizzato più dei nostri nemici storici: il fascismo, il comunismo, il clericalismo, il conservatorismo.
Dunque approfittiamo di questa occasione offerta dalle Europee per innescare un meccanismo virtuoso (noi proponiamo anche a voi per il 4 luglio a Roma un primo Convegno pubblico unitario) che potrebbe porre le basi, finalmente, cominciando con la propaganda dal basso sui temi concreti e finendo con un grande appello finale a tutti i Liberali d'ogni tendenza del Paese, for the big event of the General Assembly, which is a total re-establishment from scratch of a Great Liberal Third Force by 36 percent potential.
Berlusconi, after all, is not eternal, and is already disaffected policy. The retreat in Sardinia attracts him. And politically Veltroni has not enjoyed good health of: Africa tempts him. Inevitable decay of two aggregations and purely fake election and subsequent rationalization of Italian politics, lies a great future for us liberals and Republicans united.
Salon Voltaire, Committee for the reunification of the Italian Liberals, Cons.Naz. PLI
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