Liberali e repubblicani: guardare al P.L. Europeo e all’Internazionale Liberale
While the anti-liberalism, ethical, legal, institutional, economic, raging in the political class of the left and right, one half against "modern" and that even among Italy's European slipping due to age-old cultural deficit, now appears much changed in the liberal sense, that consoles a few heroic volunteers - "civil society" to name a few, as if to make clear that their "civil" are not - they are committed to giving substance to the utopia of reunification and revitalization of the layman. And by "lay", a word incorrectly in Italy but traditional, we mean the real ones: Liberals and Republicans.
Substantial areas of these two glorious historical components of the Risorgimento that time, the impetus came from this blog two years ago, which gave rise to the first poster and the first coordination among liberals that the history of Italian flavors (June 2006), they are led back to unity after decades of diaspora , not only to praise the past, which is to be commended, but rather for the relaunch of Italy today and tomorrow. Why only them, to us, it is this task? Simple: because all ideologies have collapsed, it is true, except the one that has seen the Cavour, the Mazzini, the Cross, Nathan, the Einaudi, La Malfa, Ernesto Rossi's, create a new Italy, that their intentions had be less similar as possible to the reign of the Bourbons or the Pope, and more similar to Britain.
The path of our Committee, who works in an environment - the secular - fraught with idiosyncrasies, personalities and old ways to the subdivision, has thus far been slow but positive. Against expectations, it is still active in two years after its foundation, and indeed has had great success, which goes far beyond 10 or 12 symbols and has already gathered a reversal of historical trends, to stimulate the process of rapprochement for the first time in 15 years of virtually all branches of liberalism represented until 1993 the old Liberal Party, and even after 150 years of liberal Republicans, at least in part.
The process is evolving slowly and the politics of small steps. Now the focus has been on the forthcoming elections (local and European).
I've always been personally opposed to forge ahead and present to the voters without first clearly explained the major new teacher, with events that must necessarily be "great" to impress in the memory and erase old stereotypes established over 60 years of political loser. Because - I have repeatedly said since the Act of the founding of the Committee, in 2006 - the science of psychology of communication is clear: we are so late, because of liberal politicians on the stage so far (after all Malagodi and La Malfa), which should be given the people, through the diffident political journalists used to see us lose the sense of real break in the trend, that is a drastic solution of continuity with the past, with entirely new methods of communication, with a gritty political personnel and the Anglo-Saxon.
But my intuition is never shared by his friends, because true States-General to re-foundation of the world organization presuppose liberal throughout the territory that the republican-liberal world has not and apparently do not even want to have, because now with the internet would not impossible, and even economically. Not to mention, funding needed for small, poor or no connections with the Italian industrial lighting, the few who in a crowd of entrepreneurs accustomed to protectionism, the hoped-for policy of state support, more or less hidden, I would definitely prefer the meritocracy of the market's true.
However, if we must re-election in unifying process has just begun, at least let's do it with dignity and providing the best hand (which for us, unlike women, not the "side B" ...) and not going to meet ' yet another unjust defeat, at least so that the first digit of the percentage is zero, we, in theory, we would have our half of the Italians.
Indeed, the difference between 40 or more per cent and 1 per cent or more, would provide the numerical measure tangible, scientific, of our inability to represent the new Italians, the New Liberals born in 1990 and 2000. Today - comfortable enough with the excuses for our laziness or incompetence - are many, many. The old general knew better. It is worth exposing the army into battle and be counted by enemies, even without first having made propaganda campaigns in cities and villages, and called the national lever? No need to Caesar or Napoleon to say no.
part of the preparation unit of all the Italian liberals, even in anticipation of elections, however, initiatives in full swing in the liberal camp. By his friend Claudio Pietroni, Liberal Forum and the Committee of the Marches of Italian Liberals, who held Aug. 30 at the IV National Congress of Loreto "Coordination of Italian liberal for a liberal policy", I get the following statement:
"This was another occasion meeting place for those political and cultural formations that are recognized in the great historical tradition of liberalism, which in the dialogue are a method of aggregation, even at the local level, to offer people an alternative to the two major camps of left and right, both impervious to liberalism.
"It 'was a new positive stage - continues the release of Pietroni - improving on the path della tradizionale diaspora liberale che ha raggiunto l’acme nel 1992, in occasione dello scioglimento del PLI e della cosiddetta Prima Repubblica, ma si è anche evidenziato un vuoto politico di presenza del pensiero liberale.
"Il convegno ha confermato e rafforzato la necessità di prestare ascolto alle aspettative dei cittadini sul territorio in previsione delle prossime amministrative di primavera e delle elezioni europee della primavera del 2009. Si è, inoltre, sottolineata la necessità di curare meglio e con più frequenza la comunicazione via Internet.
"Inoltre, non potendo intervenire sulla modifica della legge elettorale per le prossime elezioni europee, modifiche concernenti lo sbarramento, l’eventuale aumento the number of divisions over the introduction of the blocked list, it was decided to continue with the project's initial signature collection "as if" the means, human energy, cultural and financial were sufficient to overcome any obstacle.
"has been very positive meeting with Mr. Lorenzo Furlan, coordinator of non-partisan" To reduce the cost of politics ", which aims to present a draft law of popular initiative (see We agreed to solve the common problem of collecting signatures, and possibly also a help for the elections.
"In conclusion, the main objective of the path taken is quello di dare vita ad un’ampia costituente che faccia riferimento al Partito Liberale Europeo (ELDR) e all’Internazionale Liberale (IL) al fine di avviare la riorganizzazione dell’area in vista delle Europee 2009 e delle prossime amministrative. Questa ambizione per un soggetto politico nuovo, è suffragata dalla partecipazione di chi si dichiara repubblicano, riformatore o laico e si riconosce parte della famiglia culturale che fa riferimento al Partito Liberale Europeo e all’Internazionale liberale.
"Il Convegno si è concluso – così si chiude il Comunicato – con l’annuncio di un nuovo appuntamento per martedì 16 settembre a Roma, assieme al Partito Liberale (De Luca), alla Federazione Liberal (Morelli), the Forum for the unity of the Republicans (arsenic) and other groups that are promoting the project constituent (see "
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