Monday, September 28, 2009

Risk Questionnaire For Retirement

The liberal triumph in Germany, just in time of economic crisis shows that

There is nothing more on the policy. All to say that the Democrats swept Merkel. In truth, watching the votes of all, Frau Angela has further reduced its ratings of 1, 4% (in previous elections had already lost 3.3). But the socialists were to collapse in modo disastroso. E soprattutto grandissimo successo liberale (14,6%).
Il vincitore vero è stato, dunque, il liberale Guido Westerwelle, eccentrico e anticonformista liberista e libertario (si veda il suo ritratto nell'articolo di Enzo Bettiza), che ha solo smussato un poco le punte di liberismo economico.
I socialisti, che anche in Germania non hanno capito nulla (il comunismo è morto, ma evidentemente anche il suo fratello socialismo non sta tanto bene in salute), sono stati giustamente puniti. Avevano sostenuto che la crisi mondiale "è la crisi del mercato", sventolando lo spauracchio di un mercato "ancora più libero" con i liberali al Governo. Ma gli elettori were smarter than them. The liberal
Westerwelle had good game to demonstrate the contrary, that the very liberalism, from its inception is the ideology of the rules, and that "the current global crisis is not the market crisis." Indeed, the well-known, severe, liberal rules of competition have been circumvented in the United States and other countries by favors, privileges, tricks, missing checks and angular relationships with governments.
Well, just the current crisis demonstrates, on the contrary, what may happen to the finance and economy when you are away from the correct "market rules" and craftily evade the controls of the body to guarantee preventing consumers, the first real market players, to make their choices wisely.
Therefore, it seems to be saying the success of Westerwelle, back to the free market, but the real one (at Einaudi, we would say in Italy), that really is set correctly by putting all the competitors on the same equal footing, without tricks bag or in banks, and without political favoritism. Only then will the economy and finance can wipe out and punish the bad apples without damaging the innocent citizen-consumers, and even returning to them the role of market players.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Machine That Cuts Letters

... Better late than never. Republicans lose patience on the lack of reform

The letter today that the Republican leader Giorgio La Malfa, addressed to the Corriere della evening announcing the final separation of government and Republicans from the center-right, it is pleasing to all the liberals because it comes after months of illness before the patent inadequacy of this government and populist windbag, as inconclusive on the real reforms that could Italy closer to Europe. Other Gaddafi and Putin. It 'the same La Malfa to list some of the most serious reasons of dissent: the lack of reform (from government to the provinces), the bad economic policy, the lack of state secularism, the ambiguous foreign policy, and so on. We are delighted that La Malfa is meditating now on the "way in which the country make the political change necessary to stop the decline italiano che dura da quindici anni", e ci illudiamo che voglia innanzitutto pensare a confluire in un nuovo, grande soggetto unico liberale, critico verso Destra e verso Sinistra, capace di fare le riforme strutturali che ancora mancano al nostro Paese. Un soggetto del genere, se fosse coeso e comprendesse anche i radicali, darebbe del filo da torcere alla partitocrazia dominante e potrebbe addirittura aspirare ad essere il secondo o terzo partito d'Italia. Riportiamo qui di seguito la lettera di La Malfa (Nico Valerio).
Caro Direttore, lo scorso 4 settembre ho inviato al Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi una lunga lettera per illustrare le ragioni del mio disagio nei confronti soprattutto della politica Government's economic, especially in this difficult world crisis. Own economic policy was, in the aftermath of the entrance of Italy into the euro, one of the compelling reasons that led me to propose to leave the PRI and the center-left coalition to join the coalition led by Berlusconi. The entry into the euro was necessary and urgent a profound turning point in Italian economic policy for the euro would no longer be possible to protect the country's industrial competitiveness through regular devaluations of the lira exchange rate with which they covered our weaknesses strutturali.Le two lines of the program of the center were the reduction of pressure taxation and liberalization. Given the size of public debt reduction tax constituted a substantial reduction of current expenditure and in particular a contraction of government that stifles the ability of citizen action. Instead, between 2001 and 2006 there has been no reduction in current public expenditure, the tax burden has remained what it was, the project of liberalization that had submitted to the Council of Ministers in charge of the project in Lisbon, was abandoned in 2006 and never ripreso.Ancora more disappointing than the budget for the first year and a half each legislatura.Accantonato ambitious reorganization of government (including the abolition Provinces) to reduce current spending and thus reduce the tax burden, the government has ended up confined to a policy of the day to day. But this does not guarantee all the coupling to the global recovery when it happens, however, because Italy is not sufficiently competitiva.Non we shared the federalist reform of the state from which it inevitably will arise, the way in which it was articulated, new charges public finance. In the absence of a genuine reorganization of the entire politico-administrative machine, promising to devote more resources to the north-central tax together with the need to ensure the South's resources currently enjoyed will surely bring to an increase fiscale.Su pressure deficit or a more political, I have many questions about various aspects of foreign policy, while a long series of mistakes in crisis is putting the delicate balance between the secular state and the Catholic Church that was one of the best fruits the collaboration between DC and secular parties in dopoguerra.Il time within which Italy must change course is getting shorter. The world does not wait for our laziness and our hesitations. New countries entering the market and the spaces in Italy tend to fall because companies have costs, including tax, too high. The school and University, from which innovation occurs, live in desperate conditions. The pension system needs to be sustainable, an extension of the retirement age. Public administration is unbearably large and costosa.Ecco because I have come to the conclusion that a phase for us is closed and you need to open a dialogue about how the country in which to realize the political change necessary to stop the decline that has lasted for fifteen years Italian and prepare a worthy future for our youth. Believe me.
Giorgio La Malfa, Member of the mixed group (Component Republicans)