Monday, September 28, 2009

Risk Questionnaire For Retirement

The liberal triumph in Germany, just in time of economic crisis shows that

There is nothing more on the policy. All to say that the Democrats swept Merkel. In truth, watching the votes of all, Frau Angela has further reduced its ratings of 1, 4% (in previous elections had already lost 3.3). But the socialists were to collapse in modo disastroso. E soprattutto grandissimo successo liberale (14,6%).
Il vincitore vero è stato, dunque, il liberale Guido Westerwelle, eccentrico e anticonformista liberista e libertario (si veda il suo ritratto nell'articolo di Enzo Bettiza), che ha solo smussato un poco le punte di liberismo economico.
I socialisti, che anche in Germania non hanno capito nulla (il comunismo è morto, ma evidentemente anche il suo fratello socialismo non sta tanto bene in salute), sono stati giustamente puniti. Avevano sostenuto che la crisi mondiale "è la crisi del mercato", sventolando lo spauracchio di un mercato "ancora più libero" con i liberali al Governo. Ma gli elettori were smarter than them. The liberal
Westerwelle had good game to demonstrate the contrary, that the very liberalism, from its inception is the ideology of the rules, and that "the current global crisis is not the market crisis." Indeed, the well-known, severe, liberal rules of competition have been circumvented in the United States and other countries by favors, privileges, tricks, missing checks and angular relationships with governments.
Well, just the current crisis demonstrates, on the contrary, what may happen to the finance and economy when you are away from the correct "market rules" and craftily evade the controls of the body to guarantee preventing consumers, the first real market players, to make their choices wisely.
Therefore, it seems to be saying the success of Westerwelle, back to the free market, but the real one (at Einaudi, we would say in Italy), that really is set correctly by putting all the competitors on the same equal footing, without tricks bag or in banks, and without political favoritism. Only then will the economy and finance can wipe out and punish the bad apples without damaging the innocent citizen-consumers, and even returning to them the role of market players.


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