Saturday, December 26, 2009

Urgent Cash Bangalore

Pannunzio pulled by the jacket, that is, the theft of the body, the Italian national sport

one time it was all Cavour, good times, although even then the snakes in the breast, infiltrated for ulterior motives, there were. Then all crispin , then Giolitti, then - you know how it ended for national cowardice - all fascists. Then, Fascism defeated, we are reminded that they were actually all still Crocean. And poor cross is not to blame: the opportunists were his disciples to fake right and left, without so many more ideas. Then again, all Marxists, then all Democrats (including those with the "clip on the nose," as Montanelli ). Now all Berlusconi. Until Berlusconi does not fall, of course, then everyone will say at conferences that they were " antiberlusconiani always, of course." And
Pannunzio , as seen in the beautiful country of 'opportunism mass and gall as a true National mask? Meanwhile, hovered over him for a long time serious clues. For decades he had been worrying the rate of "his" quotes (real, adapted, plausible or false) that could be read in the press. It seems almost alive - remember? - The period in which all said they were fans of Ennio Flaiano and cited to race his aphorisms, or unlikely they were real. Alas, a bad sign: all pannunziani, no pannunzionano .
And what of that 'fake unbearable nostalgia? It seems to read Villon. "Ah, how beautiful it was World d ' yesteryear, that a fine foil for' elite educated and enlightened, well-written, well illustrated ... "What, however, to see the runs, very few of them gentlemen read. Indeed, it is by believing that their conformity el ' insensitivity of many intellectuals and journalists, even the ones that decades later he would be praised with nostalgia, condemned the closure.
E 'from forty' years that certain intellectuals, professors and journalists posing as snobbish " pannunziani " or late " heirs of the World "out of time. Maybe the ones with which the great director of the Risorgimento Liberal" and "World" never had anything to do, or with whom he was in deep disagreement, or even no minimum estimate.
E ' likely to own some of these, certainly a minority, a kind of Nemesis unlike well known to psychologists, for now they want revenge on his "no" to live, to love him by force from dead possession of his body from years calcined to bend - horrible to say - the most ugly designs.
Scherzo, of course, but the thought came to me, as it approaches (March 2010) the centennial querllo true (he was born March 5, 1910) of Pannunzio , reading a few articles and listening some track report of meetings convened with a strange big ahead of schedule (December 2009) in a couple of conferences on Pannunzio , one of which by the Corriere della Sera, Milan. Conferences, from which Pannunzio in life would be kept well away.
But aside from the macabre national sport of "theft of the corpse," I do not want it to happen to the poor Pannunzio what is happening to liberalism in Italy. All praise him, nay, I regret with nostalgia, right now who do not vote more, and even oppose any coalition truly liberal, and even within the various parties hinder liberal solutions. Necrophilia? We hope no.
But I wrote too much, and I would not want those who wanted to be "two lines of presentation" to embarrass the author of the next song. Sull ' anniversary and the figure of' intellectual and liberal journalist, who was also a political malgre soi , was released through the work of the Centre Pannunzio a volume of Turin "Liberals pure hard. Pannunzio and his legacy "of which we give a song like a back cover, signed by its director, Professor. Quaglieni .
"There has been a tendency to see Mario Pannunzio a radical. It is true that he was one of the founders of the first radical party in 1955, but it is equally true that in 1962 he resigned from that party under the leadership of Marco Pannella taken Tutt 'other orientation.
Another trend has been to consider the newspaper "La Repubblica" a sort of heir to the "World" Pannunzio , despite many authoritative collaborators of the "World" Pannunzio chose to write about "The Journal ".
A third misconception to be clarified is the result of historical improvised confusing Pannunzio with the ' Actionism [Policy Action Party, heir to some extent the anti-fascist movement Justice and Freedom, sometimes wavering and ambiguous because of its diverse and conflicting ideological components, Ed ] , but that has little or nothing to do with who he was and remained intransigent anti .
was recently highlighted instead the matrix genuinely liberal Pannunzio and coherence that led one of the most authoritative collaborators of the "World", Francis Partner, to define Pannunzio "a liberal pure and hard ".'s liberalism Pannunzio had deep roots that are found in the essay The passions of Tocqueville, written by Pannunzio in 1943.
Pannunzio founded, before the" World, "the newspaper" Risorgimento Liberale "which he directed from 1944 to 1947. On that he wrote many newspaper editorials that help us understand his liberalism. In very difficult year Pannunzio did not hesitate to demand an end to government expression of CLN , restoration of law in the North after April 25, 1945, denouncing with equal courage and drama of sinkholes, Julian-Dalmatian exodus, prisoners italiani in Russia. Il suo anticomunismo fu pari al suo antifascismo .
"Il Mondo" fu il suo capolavoro giornalistico . Le migliori firme della cultura liberaldemocratica e socialista-liberale si raccolsero attorno a quel settimanale, aperto alla collaborazione di molti, ma capace di essere intransigente su alcuni principi e valori irrinunciabili . Ha osservato Nicola Matteucci che "Il Mondo ha rappresentato la coscienza liberale dei problemi del nostro tempo". Anche se i risultati delle battaglie del "Mondo" non apparvero subito, essi si videro molti anni dopo quando i temi impostati dal settimanale riemersero, anticipatory revealing of a culture without dogmatic certainties. That culture - wrote Norberto Bobbio the late '80s - is more at home in Italy today trent 'years ago. The culture that seemed to rock hard, like Marxism, is full of cracks. "


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