Saturday, January 9, 2010

What Doi Shag Band Colours Meen

The Liberals support Emma Bonino, a candidate for governor of the Lazio

In politics, it is true, the facts matter. And if the Italian liberals of all persuasions have the serious fault of being refractory to reunification, the tiny Liberal Party can do little. In these cases, it happens that even the words, in addition to the facts, are lacking. The statement
Petrassi, however, is exciting. Not only for the choice, after all natural for us liberals. But also for the overall analysis. Analyzed
semantically and stylistically, is a small but significant point in the course of contemporary Italian liberalism. I exaggerate? Not at all. E ' a break with the past mediocre the past 30 years. Takes us back almost to the time of the great insight of the divorce, when a former great cultural and political movement, regressed to the provincial party, with an unexpected blow to the kidneys returned to the forefront of custom and law. Even now, without the necessary differences in scale, with this release, the concepts for bold, wide-ranging and out of habitual patterns, sometimes even ruthless, the Liberal Party, despite its small testimony, out of the mediocrity and take a position of great European liberalism. Thanks De Luca, thanks Petrassi. (NV)
regional elections.
LAZIO: Bonini, A Opportunities', Polverini, CLOSE TO THE PAST
The national secretariat of the PLI welcomes the choice of Emma Bonino, and considers his job an opportunity for all citizens because of Lazio outside a bipolar power at sunset against the disintegration of this regime partitocratico. Emma
for your moral and political high profile, renowned at international level, is able to represent the vast majority of voters in the center and gather support among moderate voters disillusioned by too many center-right Berlusconi government's broken promises, in special taxes and deregulation. We
Liberal support Emma Bonino's candidacy for your unceasing commitment to civil rights battles and his liberal legality, respect for human beings, transparency in the PA and the dignity and authority of the policy.
hope to expand in other regions of this new alliance with the Radical Party, together with secular forces, democratic and reformist. The
Polverini represents the meeting between the conservatism of the PDL and that of union practices and wants to bring the center-back years of government experience that the UDC has branded a bankruptcy for the country and now, inexplicably, chases.
We Liberals are convinced that the citizens of rejecting Lazio This return to a past to be archived. We fear, however, that the primary ventilated by PD, as well as giving too much time alone in the campaign of the right, hide the attempt to circumvent the new Bonino.
(Roberto Petri, coordinator of the national secretariat PLI)


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