Saturday, February 6, 2010

Virtual Surgery Licence

for a liberal theory of government: Europe, secularism , mobility, market rules in the first

A beautiful poster-liberal program, which may cover all the Liberals, even those who have forgotten the ABC oblivious of liberalism, with the excuse that it would be "a moderate idea" and therefore do not require either ideas or programs, or memory, or critical, or intelligence, was in the days past drawn criticism from the Liberal and Liberal Democratic newborn Forum for Economy and Reform (Folder). We share and we present it below.
But who are the signatories? Criticism is well known, busy for years by Enzo in March, little is known Folder, a new think tank of young intellectuals, organized by Massimo and Sandro Trento Donadi intent, no one knows the extent possible, to corroborate with strong ideas, fair and presentable, the composite and ideologically confused party IDV (Italy of Values).
A poster suggests four strands of thought practical for a new liberal theory of government , is very suitable to those who are in opposition, and those who are in government. And it is addressed as "open letter" or appeal to IDV, is almost secondary. Of course, Di Pietro would do well to learn it by heart and put it into practice, it is capable, if he wants his opposition loses that character so erratic, that like so much blood e.populistico the cartoonists to take up the substance and tone of an organized and serious position indeed liberal. But the same "real liberals" long-standing irony about Di Pietro, are sure to having done their duty to be liberal and not the real culprits of the current state of affairs in Italy? Other than Berlusconi. Politics, like physics, teaches that every vacuum must be filled. And 'no doubt that if the Liberals had wanted the Italians, there would be fifteen Berlusconi, now the liberals would join, and indeed even constitute the majority of politicians and government, as they are - not by their own merit - the silent majority too quiet in the country.
For these reasons, we consider a very interesting novelty processing theory (but government) drawn from Folder-Criticism. Let's pretend that is not addressed as an open letter to Congress IDV. Take it as an appeal to all Liberals. A "ladder" of basic ideas that will - we believe - to many "liberals" to update or revise the ABC of liberalism, and shows that while the absolute practicality and modernity to the solution in liberal politics everyday . And then, even for the "communication", could apply to intellectual handbook of good "liberal organized, always short in clubs or parties in which dissemination of means of persuasion and" mass ". (NV).
For years there has been a real usurpation part of the liberal right-wing Italian government . The liberal and democratic culture must make its voice heard. Liberal democracy is the limitation of power, certainty, centrality of the conflict set, the rules of the game, the plurality of sources of information, competition and economic polyarchy, secularism. a modern liberal democracy but rejects any revaluation of the past disguised totalitarian and anti-European or pre-modern and the antirisorgimentale of our history. The great economic and financial crisis may represent an additional threat in the wake of the excesses and failures of financial regulators mercati si sta rimettendo in discussione la fiducia nel mercato come istituzione. La destra populista che è al governo in Italia è molto distante dai principi del liberalismo: si tratta infatti di forze che facendo leva sul regime di monopolio dell’informazione governano nel prevalente interesse personale del capo e dei suoi sodali, stanno stravolgendo il governo delle leggi e ogni regola del gioco democratico, deformando a proprio vantaggio le norme stesse del patto costituzionale, mettendo in causa i valori etico-politici fondamentali su cui la Repubblica venne rifondata dopo la catastrofe fascista, costruendo per le giovani generazioni un futuro di degrado civile, di dequalificazione e di precarietà. Il risultato è defeat the moral, social and economic decline in a country and discredited abroad.
But even in the center-left lacks a solid share some basic principles of liberal-democratic approach, essential to ensure that Italy is not taking an authoritarian or economic decline and moral. There seems, then, must start at the four priorities to build an alternative government.
1. Investing Europe. We ask first focusing once again on the political commitment for the construction of the "ever closer union" that the founding fathers wanted to include in the preamble to the Treaty of Rome. Italy si è rivelata sempre decisiva per far avanzare il processo di integrazione e per mantenere aperta la prospettiva federalista. Questa spinta è venuta meno proprio ora che la sopravvivenza politica dell’Europa nel mondo globalizzato è legata alla sua capacità di parlare sulla scena internazionale con una voce unitaria, forte di una legittimazione democratica diretta. Occorre rispondere colpo su colpo alla demagogia antieuropea e non arrendersi alla prospettiva di un’Europa senza ambizioni. Anche sul piano interno, è prioritario adeguare il paese agli standard europei soprattutto nel campo dell’istruzione, dei servizi, delle infrastrutture, ma anche su quello del degree of corruption (in fact the international rankings place us among the countries with the highest spread of corruption).
2. reaffirm the secular state. In recent years there has been a real backward the principle of secularism of the state. On issues fundamental to the freedom of citizens, think of the fertility clinic, decisions about how they stop treatment that artificially prolong an irreversible coma, or the issues of religious pluralism in schools, and so on, there was a real attack on the secular state, without levasse strongly the voice of the center-left. We call a solemn commitment and practical steps to establish freedom of opinion, religion, science and conscience . In the scheme of separation all public institutions must be neutral, to ensure equal dignity to each conviction in matters of faith, remove all privileges. Must protect against all obscurantist temptation, freedom of scientific research, the prime mover of development. We demand the abolition of all prohibitions and all legal discrimination against identity, behaviors or lifestyles based on rulings of a religious nature. In an increasingly secular and multi an integration policy based on secularism (and of course on proper social policy) is the only guarantee against the threat of turning the country into a blend of fundamentalist and sectarian communities, hostile to each other and only joined in the demand to limit freedom. The strengthening of public education and secular (and the introduction of real ' civic education in schools ) must have as its primary objective the education for democratic citizenship of the Italians today are dramatically absent.
3. Activate social mobility . Italy in recent years has become one of the EU countries more socially static and unable to express and use their energy potential. Increasingly large sector of youth, women, immigrants, elderly, and the population of entire areas of the South, are likely to be excluded or be expelled from the labor and then by the full rights of citizenship. A liberal policy of flexibility must be an instrument of social mobility, able to create opportunities and guarantee everyone equality of opportunity and starting points instead become the antechamber of insecurity in employment and marginalization in society. Should promote the recognition of the talents and merits, the free expansion of the potential and creativity of every individual, access to education and knowledge as the main instrument of economic, social, civil. A liberal policy of development must present itself as a priority the fight against organized crime to prevent large areas of the country in the free energies of unfolding economic, el ' breaking down barriers and neoprotezionistiche neocorporatist in business and the professions.
4. Economic freedom and competition. In vast areas of the country's dynamic social groups and related businesses and the self-employment have believed, in the years that choosing the right Berlusconi would open in Italy, a season of simplification and strengthening of economic freedom, greater attention to the needs of business and markets. In fact, the Italian right means economic freedom as the absence of customs rules: greater tolerance for tax evasion (tax shelter), less focus on the planning rules etc. Missing in the Italian right the idea that the market to function efficiently requires rules to protect competition and legal certainty . On the other hand, there is the Italian right is also a strong anti-core market, real nostalgia for public rain, gaining from the South Bank, or the idea of \u200b\u200bempire that the state can restore the place to be for all or rejection of globalization.
But even in the center there are unrealistic positions of government-owned press and the old idea of \u200b\u200b"tax and spend."
It 'then must reaffirm the need for rules to guide agents' behavior towards greater competition in the markets, to reduce wastage of public intervention. It should be rebuilt a program of liberalization and open markets, even in areas where traditionally has not used the competition as many public services.
We, however, we recognize that After half a century of arduous and at times uncertain democracy and an apprenticeship of fifteen years of barbarism, an effective policy reform requires not only a good government program, but it also puts a hand civil reconstruction of the country, the creation new ruling class, a new beginning that has as its starting point the discovery of the importance of freedom.
We think that the National Congress of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bis a key moment to embark on this process.
FOLDER (Liberal-Democratic Forum for Economy and Reform)
FCL (Foundation Liberal Critique)
* Letter open to delegates at the National Congress of Italy of Values. The emphases are ours.


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