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Pannella è non solo un grande uomo dalla forte personalità, ma ormai – per la sua continuativa presenza vigile e critica a partire dal dopoguerra – quasi un nuovo "Padre della Patria" dell’Italia contemporanea, un continuatore eccentrico ma onesto della cultura dei Cavour, dei Pannunzio, degli Ernesto Rossi e dei Salvemini, and therefore Italy, who got even less than they have ever loved, is with him still in debt of gratitude.
That little 'liberal reforms in countries with liberal democracy that was already safely in place for decades, Pannella and the handful of radicals we have the dates in a dramatic way, at the price of struggle and great sacrifices, stimulating the coachmen as annoying fly parties and institutions, exposing himself, or stop making process. Only for pathological research of vision? Not only that, even if it is true that in Via di Torre Argentina's residence a real "party newspaper, who lives with his eyes constantly on TV and newspapers, and even the actions e i programmi adatta scientificamente su misura dei vari media. Allora per eroismo o masochismo? Neanche.
Il fatto è che nel nostro Paese le forze reazionarie o conservatrici, la Chiesa in testa, hanno sempre opposto – a differenza che altrove – resistenze durissime alle riforme democratiche e liberali, alla trasparenza, al controllo dei cittadini sugli atti degli eletti, al rispetto delle regole, alla concorrenza, al merito senza raccomandazioni, al riconoscimento dei diritti civili, alla separazione tra Stato e Chiesa. Noi non abbiamo avuto una vera "rivoluzione liberale": ecco perché perfino un Partito Liberale, se ci fosse, dovrebbe essere in Italia più duro e aggressivo che nei Paesi anglosassoni. Ma non c'è.
another matter, however, is the opinion on the options on the ideological and political tactics radicals. Pannella, who went away, too soon, the Liberal Party, in which a young man was part of the liberal left, has long believed that there might be the famous "ircocervo" liberal socialist on which he had rightly joked Benedetto Croce. So much so radical that even today is remembered at home with sympathy and compassion "the reform project," lib-lab Craxi, who had a century of delay on any partitucolo liberal.
fact is that the baby Radical Party in 1955 would be the successor of the unfortunate Action Party, a sua volta la realizzazione politica del movimento antifascista Giustizia e Libertà fondato sul binomio Pensiero e Azione. Ma sfuggì ai primi radicali, un po’ per colpa loro e un po’ per il pessimo esempio offerto in quegli anni e nei decenni futuri – con l’unica eccezione della battaglia per il divorzio – da un Partito Liberale Italiano, in realtà ultra-moderato o conservatore, che il Liberalismo non ha certo bisogno del Socialismo per ritrovare in sé il coraggio del Risorgimento, il laicismo, le riforme più avanzate, la solidarietà per i più deboli, la flessibilità in economia. Neanche Keynes, che fu un personaggio-limite, era un socialista. E d’altra parte fu il liberale Zanardelli to create the State Railways. Cavour was to charge more taxes for the wealthy, and even himself. It was Cavour and Siccardi to remove the privileges of the ecclesiastical entities, and to stop even the archbishop of Turin, which instigated the people to disregard the law of the State. Would have sufficed for the self-styled "liberals" really did Italian liberals, modern liberals better.
Today, socialism has now irrevocably lost, and liberalism has swept the competition's history. And, fortunately, thanks to the current global economic crisis, almost not enough texts of liberal writers, he also saw that liberalism does not coincide with some capital, of which the bottom (as well as for state institutions) is limited to being a sponsor, an arbitrator.
Yet, Marco Pannella, is still convinced that the ultimate role of radicals in the "alternative Left", not nell'egemonizzare many liberals. Not by accident, after the bleeding and the defections of radical promoters, Pannunzio to Rossi, the small fraction that remained to manage the historic symbol of the Radicals in the early 60 pannelliana was that of "radical left". Just read the eloquent voice of the long history Radical Party, which few people know.
Then, at least, there was still a small but active and inadequate Liberal Party. Can not understand that Pannella Missing in Italy, the only western country formally "liberal", a strong political entity liberal majority, as befits the ideology that has won with his name and holding the whole shebang the West and even some Eastern European countries? There is a shortage not only of liberalism in Italy, but even liberal political representation. Deficit that certainly the tiny part of the Radicals can not compensate. Also because many liberals deny that radical friends are true liberals.
And then, you need to speak to large majorities of citizens, ordinary people, not just to traditional minorities marginalized (but "privileged" by the Radicals), such as prisoners, drug addicts, the sick, the pro-abortion, homosexuals and so on.
Yet, the "union of minorities" - which even then are electorally gratings, that is not going to vote, because voting is radical then the normal "bourgeois" of the big city with their vote of conscience - and the heroic collecting signatures table at the district, and the constant appeal to the people coll'inflazionato referendum, did not prevent the Radicals to aspire to the Great Institutional Policy. And this is a first contradiction. Not
loved in return (the famous incident of the slap in front of the seat because of the Dark Shops), Pannella claimed to involve not the Liberal Party and the Republican Party, actually insignificant because they represent the spread liberalism in the country, but the Communist Party. Similarly, after the court has provocatively to Craxi's Socialists and now the Democratic Party. This is the target of radical alliances, not the secular-liberal, despite the clichés common in the base of liberal historians.
Therefore, it is long-standing historical mistake of the main panels, the lack of aggregation, through the power of crystallization of his charismatic personality, of all the Italian liberals in a single symbol. Subject that we know a winner, as all opinion polls give the liberal position - with the most appropriate questions on various topics, from secularity of the state economy - 30 to 50 percent approval rating and more than Italians. Are we or are not, after all, or 7.a 8.a industrial power of the West? If the United States or Britain, for example, the questionnaire would give respectively 90 and 70 percent, it would be strange, therefore, that in Italy the "liberal" into a pure ideological meaning they had less than a third.
And if this is true, "Peter", the "collegiate", the 'exhibitionist', the 'narcissistic', the "histrionic" Pannella, all got up a little bit of movement, an elite agitator, The tiger mosquito-isolated and therefore highly visible, but also very easy (for him) from control as opposed to a major party, would have given up a great subject Liberal unit for at least 30 percent of the vote, in short, a great party leader of government?
course panel is not temperamentally a prime minister, but a brilliant spoiler, one that produces health "crisis", not the one consists, a scandal that raises not one that soothes them.
With the aggravating circumstance that the current radical party, "Italian Radicals", although a small group of activists joined together exemplary "for the life and death" and that policy is 24 hours over 24 at the time of the elections lost look busy and take vows of generic ideals and sympathy as any liberal movement, that is becomes a "party of opinion." So I might as well ...
Nah, who thought this show did not know the psychology in general and in particular the character of Pannella. In any large party that respects, namely that he had confronted every day with the dialectic and the system of alliances with other major parties in the government or even an irrepressible extrovert as a panel could no longer make "Peter", or invent in five minutes of its famous, brilliant Mattan, unpredictable even for militants loyal. The playmaker improviser, the provocateur, the first lady, should have put in check, to deal with other leading ladies - and many characters trivial, obscure and mediocre - possibly from the ruling classes of other secular parties, just like that in a liberal who is generally rational and serious, very willing to politics as spectacle, much less noble to "blackmail" of non-violent violence to Gandhi .
is why, from the beginning, Pannella has never been occupied, but Liberals of the Left, even the most extreme, despite its origins and even its overt ideological sympathy for the Great Right Cavour. We say that the multifaceted and complicated Marco ideology has had to bend to politics, and his very special character to this histrionic. An actor of his caliber, instead of Malagodi and La Malfa, would have been unthinkable ridiculous besides.
But today? History is not made with the "if", but the 90's, just to coincide with the crisis of the PRI and PLI, Pannella could and should have found the General Assembly of liberalism, despite his dislike for the ideologies of all time, including the 'ism liberal. His habit of ideological anti-personalistic politics without inhibitions, which biographers kinder call "pragmatism", "syncretism" and "cross" was to sell at least in front of the convenience to use. Those were good times: the end of the Christian Democrats, the Berlin Wall crisis of communist and socialist parties, liberal triumph, economic development, the beginning of globalization, and Berlusconi has not yet descended into politics. Now, then, after the forced migration Capezzone brilliant communicator, he could also be a Young Liberal leader unit is the same panel that condemns the false and without bipolar view, from right to left, with the rise of a cynical politicians and business that is by far the worst in the history of united Italy. And the blatant examples that come from the UK, with Clegg that he can pierce the television screen with liberal ideas and strengthening the UK starting from pole third of the votes, they should convince anyone, but the stubborn Marco.
The Radicals, In short, although they also fill the mouth of the magic word "liberal", are still convinced of the futility of the fatuity of the volatile political weight of the Liberals, especially Italians. Pannella, it is clear, was the black-white photograph of his youth, when the Liberals were really typical gentlemen, distinguished gentlemen and honest intellectuals, sometimes even aristocrats (for letting us today!), But theoretical and somewhat lazy, lost in the its thousand interests of people or very smart or very rich, unable to speak to people or really understand it, denied the psychology of communications for policy change, for propaganda. All "Political secretary" in pectore, but no militant.
And if that was the psycho-sociological imprint received by the young panel and wonder if "his" radical, post-calogeriani are now - in opposition - all action and no thought, short single copy frenetic activism, Copy for the same radical members, for the political class and Italy? An excess of provocative actions, in the noblest sense of the term that has come to create cohesion "heroism," the fanatical sect atmosphere reminiscent of early Christians. And the thirst for "truth", a term very liberal, as well as ahimsha and sathyagraha , comes from the great Capitini, Catholics and non-violent vegetarian inventor of the "peace march", which was one of his teachers, the head of the Protestant Christian from his impatience.
Hurrah, then, Pannella, the sacred monster of Italian politics, the politician par excellence, non-political (but lives and breathes politics 24 hours out of 24), the "different" of chastity, which makes her very vibrant 80 years. Thank you very much for everything you did, stimulated, invented or thought. Italy must be grateful. And a seat in the Senate for life they deserve, certainly, but only if it were not still so active, so provocative, so "young", so intellectually biased.
may seem paradoxical that Marco Pannella, now beginning to be painted almost as a "noble father" even by his eternal enemy, just being accused by the Liberals. Not to have done but "not doing" something. He, too, indeed he who had aroused among the most liberal reformists high expectations, has made mistakes, and serious. Pass them in review:
1. Against ideologies, EVEN AGAINST THE ONE THAT WON. The first mistake is to believe that liberalism is not sufficient in itself, and that we should meet with the social (but would be a "ircocervo" Cross was right), or at least with some sort of Christian pietism mold reformer. Pannella is actually the anti-ideologue par excellence: this - is convinced - should allow him to wander at ease and unlimited access to Right and Left as a prima donna, cross everything and everyone. Too easy.
2. THE CHARACTER INSTEAD OF PROGRAMS. The second is that it gave too much space to the character of the character, his improvisations to the media, to obscure his speeches for decades, Sibylline, twisted baroque and incomprehensible, and not to alternative programs and concrete, with a few clear words and simple as it is in Anglo-Saxon tradition and liberal, and especially the long-term goals.
3. THE REVIEW OF marginalized minorities. Instead of ideologies or programs there are a few themes and protected categories: prisoners, drug addicts, abortion, divorziandi, gay, etc.. And the common people, the vast majority of citizens?
4. FORMER MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. The third error, to operate in civil society and then seek alliances only in Parliament, where - of course, with the system of "appointed" not elected - the liberals are not, there can be. So why groped to talk to the right and left, and team up with "dogs and pigs"? Machiavellian behavior and newspeak ..
5. NEVER THOUGHT IN THE LIBERAL PARTY. The fourth error, the main one, not understanding now that liberalism is now widespread among the people in Italy is not a great liberal subject, which is unique in the world, and therefore had to hold - but without any control, dominated by the first peer (something very difficult for the Panel) - real its not the States-General of small parties or abbreviations exist, but the nascent liberalism, ubiquitous in the country. Initiative that only Pannella, with the tenacity, the ability to charm and charisma that he could promote.
6. TO BE A STAR Sting. Finally, the error of failing to grasp, while imitating the Anglo-Saxons, in those countries that the action of "liberal" or radical worked on detail or further specialist In short, to "mother-in-law" of liberal governments. But in Italy, where missing, has always lacked, a Great Liberal Party, this action of rival and critical stimulus or can not work with a right and left both illiberal, businessmen, patronage, clerical and anti-democratic, and therefore to our own Radicals would be given (as it always has been entrusted, in fact) a role too ambitious, even surrogate, which is untenable for an elite few hundred activists.
IMAGE. Marco Pannella caricature of a successful referendum in Franco Bruna
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