strike ballots, Cobas: hymn to the CGIL blackleggery
(AGI News)
Dry replica of the Cobas national spokesperson, Piero Bernocchi, the letter general secretary of the FLC-CGIL, Domenico Pantaleo, sent to the local structures of his organization to to distance themselves from the strike of the ballots in June against the cuts implemented by the government in the school division: "in the letter - explains Bernocchi - is a frontal attack, almost a 'hymn to the strike-breaking' , a form of struggle, with considerable commitment and effort, we are organizing, in close collaboration with the movement of temporary workers this year has been the vanguard of the struggle in defense of the public school .
Cobas spokesman claims that the position of the CGIL leader of knowledge workers is not shared by all of its union "during the national congress Flc - Bernocchi points - despite many delegates call upon the participation in the strike of ballots, the mountain gave birth to the 'mouse' of 'the General Assembly of the school' for next autumn, in addition to not being able to be passed off as a serious form of struggle, would come 'father died in' , after cancellation other 41 000 jobs and the expulsion of the precarious .
About the affirmation of Pantaleo, which states that the strike would have little effect because it would at most lead to 'a mere shift of date', says Bernocchi that "five days of moving create a bureaucratic bottleneck no small feat, given that if we prevent school heads to hold illegal elections before the end of the school, such as the time available during final exams before the higher will be very limited, giving the strike even greater visibility. "
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