no longer enough to call themselves "liberal." Too many souls of Italian liberalism
Come nella famosa storiella ebraica, fate una domanda a tre "liberali" italiani a caso: è altamente probabile che su ogni argomento riceviate tre risposte diverse. Come mai?
Mentre è difficilissimo rimetterli insieme, riunificarli, ammesso e non concesso che nella Storia siano mai stati uniti (ripenso alle critiche nel Parlamento torinese del mio avo liberal-democratico Lorenzo Valerio contro un bravissimo Cavour sulla guerra di Crimea, vero motore primo dell'unità d'Italia, che Valerio non capì), non è difficile rispondere sul perché i liberali si ostinino ancora a dividere il capello in quattro ("tricotessarotomisti" li ho definiti nel greco dei neologismi) e si glorino narcisisticamente each have a heterodox position with respect to an alleged "liberal conventional wisdom" that does not exist in reality, as all think and behave well. It 's the funniest but also the cruel paradoxes of the Liberals.
Because, in addition to the mentioned psychological components of character that ultimately prevail in clubs, clubs and parties where there exists no "ideological line," nor, fortunately, no authoritarian control, is the same spontaneity of syncretistic synthesis of liberal sources to determine the sparse Liberals in a thousand streams.
If it passes, in other words, the notion that the true liberal must not make a synthesis of all the "holy shrine of their own", ie between major characters, cultural trends, philosophies and political choices of their own history, even in apparent conflict with one another, but can be transformed into an exclusive and fanatical love (which is just an illiberal attitude) of Hayek against Voltaire, Einaudi Popper or against the Cross, or Friedman, or Giolitti Gobetti, Cavour or Adam Smith against whomever, and so on, it is clear that for the countless shades of color you get on the palette, we will never find two liberals alike.
is exactly what is happening in Italy.
Many "liberals" - the quotes are required - meaning no liberal. If anything, given the further complication of the natural Italic bias was referring to the same father Dante, rather than liberals, call them propagandists of Friedman or Hayek, Popper or Gobetti, Keynes (of course: it was attached to the British Liberal Party) and Ernesto Rossi, Rawls and Amartya Sen, but almost no mature interpreter of the multi-faceted and complex idea in a nutshell as historically defined liberalism.
If anyone still have doubts about why so many Italian liberals have never been unified, and indeed invited to do so repeatedly argue that others are unworthy to call themselves "liberals" because they are too right, left or center, too little or too liberal, or antiberlusconiani Berlusconi, too much or not at all secularists, and so via, troverebbe una conferma imbarazzante nell’articolo precedente, che lamenta come sui principali temi del momento i circoli liberali italiani abbiano in realtà posizioni differenziate, dalla laicità dello Stato, all’economia, dal sistema elettorale alla politica estera (la questione d’Israele).
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