Thursday, January 20, 2011

Keri Leigh Tucker That Metal Show

Playlist - The heart of a warrior

Our bodies tend automatically to the lower vibrations,
because it takes less energy to remain at that level of vibration.
If we do not remain constantly present , the mechanical vibration reduction,
low vibration and low-quality match thoughts (fears, anxieties, troubles) ...
Salvatore Brizzi - Awakening

I have tried with the second collection of music blogs. This time the thread that led me in search of music, songs and a few grains caught in the vast sea of \u200b\u200byoutube is: "the heart of the warrior" . I called this way because I tried that as well as uploading songs, they sound within the elements connected with the emotional center. I tried to move videos between various parts of the world and this is the end result.
Collection and 'Great, I think, to listen to during a workout, before an important test, examination, and we're going to a job interview, when we want to get us a bit about, or simply just wake up in the morning: coffee could have a whole different flavor and wash my face to become a 'epic undertaking ...

Haka - All Blacks : the dance of the Maori warriors, the players of the national rugby team, they follow before every game. Taken from Wikipedia: "The Haka is a composition played by many instruments. Hands, feet, legs, body, voice, tongue and eyes ... all play their part in bringing together to complete the challenge, welcome, the joy, or scorn, contained in words. It is disciplined, yet emotional. More than any other aspect of Maori culture, this complex dance is an expression of passion, vigor and the identity of the breed. It is, at its best, a message of the soul expressed through the words and attitudes. "

Yoshida Brothers - Fuyu No Sakura: The real harvest begins with the brothers Yoshida, who were the real discovery of this research. Shamizen They play it, which is a stringed instrument of the Eastern tradition. Only the sound of the instrument is epic. Then I think they are great because they are able to combine traditional Eastern influences with Western music. The first piece also called him the samurai who trains before the battle.

Yoshida Brothers - Storm: the second piece I call: the warrior ponders a moment before the battle and then enters into the action.

Hiromitsu Agatsuma - Kaze: another Japanese artist, for this piece that at times recalls the theme of Gladiator. I call it: the samurai climbing a mountain.

Yoshida Brothers - Storm: the speed of the warrior

Yeha Noa - Sacred Spirit: piece from the tradition of the Indians' America. And 'one of the most popular, and it is wonderful. This spoken with the introduction of Geronimo, the legendary Apache warrior: whenever I get the chills listening to the chest.

Spirit - Japanese Drums: percussion are the item most related to the Earth. We think also how to play the Drums: all the vibration and energy go to Earth and Earth returns as its powerful vibration.

The Ecstasy of Gold - Ennio Morricone: in a collection can not fail to load for me and the master of the epic western. This piece is a crescendo that transmits courage when he starts the vocals you can not sit on the chair ...

Yoshida Brothers - Saiun: mix of percussion, flute and shimizen

Yoshida Brothers - Kodo

Ecco gli 11 pezzi: buon ascolto...

«  Batti le mani contro le cosce Sbuffa col petto
Piega le ginocchia
Lascia che i fianchi li seguano
Sbatti i piedi più forte che puoi.

È la morte, È la morte! È la vita, è la vita!

È la morte, È la morte! È la vita, è la vita!
Questo è l'uomo dai lunghi capelli
è colui che ha fatto splendere il sole su di me!
Ancora uno scalino, ancora uno scalino, un altro

fino in alto, IL SOLE SPLENDE!  »
Testo dell'Haka

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Spondylosis Pillow Aids

produce great effect, with a very small case

Stamattina ho guardato questo video, che ripropongo qui.
E'molto interessante per gli argomenti che tratta: cosa è la fisica quantum and in which direction the new scientific discoveries are leading man, but it is especially interesting for a fun and very clear with them that way.

Professor Del Giudice is a physical, which describes the scientific point of view what is the principle of Minimal Stimulation : "I can produce a great effect with a very small case" , and describes how the world of scientists has taken this concept "Some therapists have long understood these things. In fact, the theoretical physicists are usually the last to know things that sensible people had understood long before them."

I liked it very soon for another reason, which made listening to the conference even more fun: the professor points out in his speech Balloon and associate the spoken and the "stupidity" proveribiali the character that follows the Great Rubbish, intelligence and openness of the professor was a wonderful experience.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Honey X Honey Drop Online

The Man from Earth with a side of turnip greens

I saw today as I ate un bel piatto di spaghetti con le cime di rapa, un film americano indipendente: Man from Earth che consiglio a tutti di guardare. Mi è piaciuto parecchio.
L'idea di base è davvero affascinante: si prendono le cime di rapa, si sciacquano bene, poi un peperoncino, un pò di aglio e si soffrigge il tutto. In una pentola a parte si cuociono gli spaghetti, si scolano al dente e si mescolano con le cime di rapa per un'ultima unione alchemica.

Si gustano a fondo, cercando di sentirne appieno il sapore, mentre un uomo di mezza età, professore universitario in procinto di partire, si ritrova a salutare tutti i suoi amici e colleghi più stretti. Il motivo per cui deve necessariamente partire però è molto strano: lui in realtà ha 14.000 anni. Lo sguardo misterioso e un pò oscuro del protagonista guidano i dialoghi del film in maniera magistrale ai confini fra il conosciuto e l'ignoto, fra ciò che sembra facilmente confutabile e l'azzeramento pian piano di tutte le "convinzioni" scientifiche, fra conoscenze di personaggi mitici e racconti biblici vissuti in prima persona. Gli altri personaggi non riescono mai a capire fino a che punto tutta la storia è fantascienza e fino a che punto è realtà...
Un' ultima forchettata, che rimane sospesa per un pò a bocca aperta.
Sarà il peperoncino, sarà che la pasta scotta yet, or who is this mysterious character sopravvissutto to millennia of history and religion?

Enjoy ...

Ps: I have only found in the original language with Italian subtitles, below a scene from the film:

This is a key to staff, and a starting point for research, will look at them. The film with lots of dialogue, I think that will help us understand some aspect resonates more with us, through a nuisance, or sympathy, etc..
In the film there are several characters who symbolically represent as many aspects of personality: there is a good man open, curious and confident even in the face of the impossible, there is a little bigoted fundamentalist religion and living life in a frightened, there is the eternal boy, who is accompanied by a curious little girl but superficial, and there is a psychologist, fully representative of the male principle, analyst and aggressive, but that basically perhaps is the weakest; c 'is the Joker, who takes life as a game, there's the girl, charming, which well represents the feminine principle, acceptance and openness to the dark parts, and finally there is the protagonista, personaggio misterioso, che rappresenta l'impossibile, il misticismo, pur essendo"non credente", immortale, che vive le situazioni umane della vita da millenni pur essendo diverso. 

Quale ti è più simpatico, quale ti infastidisce, quale ti attrae?

Green Polkadot Wedding Table

Thursday, January 20, 2011 ore 8:30 to 14:00

CESP Centro Studi per la Scuola Pubblica
COBAS Comitati di Base della Scuola
Gli effetti del decreto Brunetta nella scuola
* * *
Siracusa – ITI "Enrico Fermi"
Via Torino, 137
giovedì 20 gennaio 2011 ore 8.30 – 14.00
Esonero dal servizio per tutto il personale docente e Ata (art. 64 commi 4, 5 e 7 del Ccnl
2006/2009). Iscrizione gratuita – Attestato di partecipazione
8.30 Registrazione delle presenze
9.00 - 12.00 Relazioni
Gestione del personale, valutazione, merito e premi secondo Brunetta
prof.ssa Anna Grazia Stammati, President Cespa
Disciplinary and control dissent. The recipe Brunetta
prof. Ferdinand Alliata, assets Palermo
Evaluation of teachers and schools
prof. Caramel Lucchesi, assets
Palermo at 12.30 at 13.30
Debate Conclusions
The CESP Research Center Public School, Agency accredited / qualified for the training of school staff
(DM 25/7/2006 prot. 869), was born in 1999 initiative of workers
school, with the intention of backing in the political and trade union COBAS
a space specifically devoted to reflection on the cultural and educational school,
achieved through seminars, conferences, business update and training and publications. Key principles of the CESP are
the defense of the state public schools, opposition to various forms of privatization
, old and new forms of commodification of knowledge and process of corporatization
that are advancing at a fast pace for several years and previously unpublished concern.
CESP - Study Center for the public school
Sicilian Regional Chamber, Dei Legionari Italy, 11 - 90144 Palermo - 091 349 192 / 091 349 250

Monday, January 10, 2011

Physical Therapist Exam Underwear

First post of 2011 giveaway

hello girls, I enrolled in this giveaway (so if I win the year started well:))
I stumbled upon the blog of Marion and I have already inserted between my favorites because I'm going to cover it spesso.Ora sorry but I run because this morning I do one thing ...... well then you and good day to all racconto.Ciao

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wedding Favors Chap Stick

3. The impermanence of things - a story by Isaac Asimov, Oracle and Google

Non ci sono risposte definitive, solo domande provvisorie

Linko this short story by Asimov but psychedelic, entitled "The Last Question". Have a good trip. A randomized
pdf format: good read ...

asking the answer to life, the universe and all the Oracle of the modern era, Google:

The fundamental answer to life, ' universe and everything in an excerpt from that great movie (and book) is that Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy):

How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Lump From

Hello dear, today, finally, I decided to make a post, I know, are almost always absent, but I'm a bit 'to periods: period I have the wool, the fabrics of the period, the period of long phone calls, the period of post and chat , the cleaning period, the period of the outputs with her husband, the Christmas period, Easter and so on, and when they are in a period, everything else is as if I should leave mente.Per example, over the period Christmas, I was taken in "trap" the woolly period came to me because the mania of knitting thanks to Lella's blog
it through one of its sal I made this scarf shawl
the color looks different here but I assure you that is always the same scaldacollo.I flowers with beads were a my own, everything else is through Lulu. I'm sorry but 'that, as always, pictures do not do justice because they live is more' carino.Ora'm trying to do a cap (see which will be released 'out) cmnq this scarf in the end I decided to give it to my aunt who loved it.

this is a last-minute door-bags made for a friend
this one is a door-cake that I gave to another friend, came not well, I know, but, not having to hand a copy of, are andata un po  a tentoni per quel che ricordavo di aver visto al quilting day  svolto a Taranto prima di Natale, e che aveva  ricevuto in dono Aurelia.Tutto sommato la mia amica ha gradito(e questo è l'essenziale), l'unica cosa  che non capisco(ma ho letto in un blog che non sono l'unica a non aver capito) è perchè mai , essendo il panettone  generalmente quadrato, poi si fa un  porta-panettone a pentagono  che impedisce di chiuderlo bene?....boh!!

e questi sono  due  dei tre sottopiatti che ho fatto e che I gave to another friend (the one missing the other hand, I have bought for my hairdresser).
Well, now I salute you because every time I enter photos in the blog, we end up spending hours (but not my fault but the fault of my PC has become more 'slower than a snail)
I greet you all and wish you still have a good 2011