Long live America and Obama, a new actor come tanti, sul palcoscenico del Mondo
the newly elected President of the United States, Barak Obama, the Italian liberals send best wishes and fraternal more pleased. Why
the oldest liberal democracy in the world it is working well even in times of severe economic crisis occurred because someone among politicians and financial controllers had forgotten to enforce market rules.
Because the United States now not only know how to integrate the black American, but even the children of recent immigrants from Africa. Other than Europe.
Why Obama has expressed in the his career as a level of excellence and merit from the university, far from what is normally required in corrupt Italy, where the left and right to govern for the most mediocre and good for nothing, and where the entire society is based the "spoiled children" and on the recommendations, friends or political. Other than merit. Why Obama has assimilated well and now the liberal-democratic freedoms and equality of starting points, intelligence and competition. Thanks to him, but also about the society in which they live. Other than Italy.
But also because the democracy of the United States knows how to be flexible, not rigid, slow, conservative and gerontocratic as that of the countries of Europe (With Italy in the first row), and thus eligible for the first time a black 49-year-old son of the mixture of ethnic groups that underpin American society is more accepting the promise of a "change" - we must then see what - to keep America shows the courage and love for novelty and Progress of the typical liberal, whatever school they are.
Why, then, Obama, who claims to be inspired by the Liberal Lincoln, rather than representing the Democratic Party, is the expression of an America cross new, unconventional dreamer, perhaps naive, representing many minorities, young people, from
women and any citizen who opposed alle aride burocrazie conservatrici.
Com'è giovane l'America, disposta sempre a ricominciare, a rischiare, a scommettere sul nuovo, a mettersi in gioco. Com'è vecchia l'Europa, com'è decrepita l'Italia.
In realtà della politica e della psicologia di Obama, tranne il suo curriculum brillante e la sua intelligenza, che gli ha suggerito di trasmettere entusiasmo e passione ai congressisti del Partito Democratico e agli elettori, noi non sappiamo niente. Come ignoravamo tutto della vera natura di McCain o di Bush. Certo, non gli sarà difficile apparire dieci volte più intelligente di Bush.
D'accordo, il sistema è più importante dei singoli in America. Strano, no? Perché il luogo comune sui "valori dell'America" che sopravvive in Europa dice semmai il contrario.
Ma l’animo di un uomo è imperscrutabile perfino ai suoi familiari, amici e colleghi più assidui. Non è facile capire quali sentimenti nobili, banali o abietti, quali finalità segrete egli nasconda. Solo gli atti esterni potrebbero darci una traccia.
Eppure questa teoria del "political behaviorism", del comportamentismo politico, è smentita dai commentatori più tecnici, che spiegano col consueto cinismo come e qualmente nelle moderne democrazie perfino i presidenti oggi rischiano di essere irrilevanti, controllati come sono da anonimi staff, lobbies industriali e commissioni consultive.
The presidents, even they are therefore only of stunt doubles, men's "image" necessarily mediocre? But if so, to direct all parties are the bureaucratic apparatus that reign the half-figures, politicians more squalid. And what we know about them? None.
imagine how little we can rejoice or sorrow, in particular, for the election of Obama, with measured words, consummate actor also skilled in the about-face, shadowy, computer, in short, capable of anything, as all politicians come to success even in "liberal" America. Everything about him, when we see the work, we will surprise and disappointment. And everything will be possible, as even the opposite, until you see the work. And even later.
We say this not to redo the verse in Seneca and Shakespeare, but because we saw that the policy not only attracts the best, but it is corrupting even those considered the best. The success of unrestrained ambition, love for the command end in itself, the desire to excel in power over others rather than create their individual works, is a drug that binds and attracts many who do not have other virtues, which often have no capacity or to cultivate their own values, and therefore choose to live in exclusive relationships with others. But they're among the people, among other politicians, in order to snatch pure benevolence, the vote, then they can dominate. And through them dominate the people and the world.
today that American Democrat Obama is elected U.S. president, the Republican McCain by a large margin, we see that both were and are icons. Of them do not know anything more than what they themselves and their press offices have wanted it to be known. Actors, great, good, but more often mediocre, the great scene of the World. And the audience, viewers, just to count numbers. We'll see who are the directors.
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