Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Stearns And Foster Ardmore Review

Economics. But the Government does not understand that radical and bold reforms are needed

Italians do not know how to handle the crisis of their depth in standard of living, like the present. They seem not to react. The Anglo-Saxon observers have always portrayed as soft and enervated a nation, not affected by state largesse, weighed down by an inefficient Soviet-style bureaucracy, stupid luxury, fallen from above (that "someone else", no one knows who should pay) asleep by the privileges, blocked by the resistance of Corporations, accustomed to the comforts of daily life. Stereotypes? No, likely to be, alas, accurate and realistic analysis.
The impression is that no one - not government or citizens - should accept the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to tighten the belt. We are continuing to behave as if we were still in the roaring seventies. Yeah but in those early "happy years," says Antonio Martino hours on the site of Istituto Bruno Leoni ratio of debt to gross domestic product was only 36.9% (today it is over 104%). And if the Berlusconi government that we currently enjoy, for lack of competitors for their skill, of a high popular support, does not put his hand to the reforms, even unpopular, who could do so in the future? Reforms are needed severe, dramatic, bold, radical. And the PDL could spend a bit 'to the liking of its assets to achieve them. But evidently no sense of the state, besides a very liberal person. What the press is really as long as possible to keep the percentages of Bulgarian popular support in preparation for the European elections. Other than liberalism and reformism.
, courageous and radical
Antonio Martino
Opening Available (Call for Berlusconi. Delete the provinces, "Saturday, November 29) has the great merit of bringing the world the terms of the lunar political debate of our time, leading all'ineludibile point of departure for any serious analysis of our situation: Italy as it is not saved. The existing can not be managed as if nothing fudesse, must be radically changed if we start to hope in the future. It 's a theory that I will continue to emphasize in every possible way: the operations, the pannicelli hot, the offering and giving of small patches produce no effects whatsoever, not to die, Italy has to change.
The existing in place for decades, is the result of gradual accumulation of decisions inspired by the senseless and childish form of populist statism catto-comunista. Non è pensabile che l’economia italiana possa crescere, che si possa scongiurare l’eventualità che la crisi attuale si trasformi in autentica catastrofe, quando si continua a sottoporre il nostro Paese ad un salasso pari al 50% di tutto ciò che viene prodotto. Né è sensato difendere quel salasso quando è evidente a tutti che quel gigantesco ben di Dio viene sistematicamente dilapidato in spese futili, superflue o dannose. Come si può credere che si possano avere miglioramenti mantenendo un sistema di governo locale pletorico, dispendioso e farraginoso? Quando il sistema pensionistico continua ad essere insostenibile e si avvia al fallimento, quando il sistema sanitario, a fronte di costi astronomici ed ingiustificabili, continua a restare invariato, quando la ridondante macchina amministrativa serve solo ad ostacolare, quando non ad impedire, le attività produttive? Potrei continuare a lungo ma il lettore sa benissimo di cosa parlo.
Questa Italia, così ridotta, può solo continuare a fare debiti: nel 1970 il rapporto del debito pubblico sul reddito nazionale era pari al 36,9%, nel 1980 54,9%, nel 1990 97,2%, nel 2000 104%, e continua a crescere. Cambiano le maggioranze parlamentari, cambiano i governi, ma la marcia verso la catastrofe finanziaria continua inarrestabile.
Al crescere della spesa pubblica si è ridotto fino ad azzerarsi il tasso di sviluppo del reddito: dal 1951 al 1980 siamo cresciuti ad un tasso medio annuo superiore 6%, from 1981 to 2000 our growth has dropped to just over 2%, since 2001 the growth rate was lower than the margin of statistical error. Italy, having stunned the world with a growth that was about a miracle, has become a country "in the process of underdevelopment."
The trends in the world suggest that we face difficult times, who could in good faith believe that Italy can do in these conditions? Who is willing to defend the level of our public expenditures, their destination, their use? Who can believe that a country ill-treated, poorly managed, overburdened by a huge debt and a cast by a mountain of unnecessary constraints can successfully face the challenges ahead? We do not need
maneuvers - ours is not a temporary condition of an otherwise healthy but the physiological outcome of a wrong system - we need reform, bold and radical restore order in a country devastated by a half century of reckless government. For the first time in our recent history, we have the political conditions necessary to meet the challenge of change. The majority is large and cohesive, most of the opposition more reasonable than it has been in the past, the moment is serious and will not tolerate delays and hesitations. So let the bold statements and decisions timid to cautionary statements and courageous choices. Typically, the story has the right man at the right time: Berlusconi prove to be.


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