Although dogs and pigs, the right-hand scale fails. The PLI is free, and independent
Even radicals in Congress - no more, my lady, of that once - there is much debate, a lot of opposition, as there was in the Congress of the Liberal Party (Rome, 20-22 February). As the good old days. But yes, when there were still evviva, gli scontri forti di idee o di uomini alla luce del sole. Non come oggi, quando si fa tutto sottobanco e in segrete stanze. E però sono tornate anche le "truppe cammellate" visibili, i diversi per facce e vestiti. Oggi, invece nei Partiti dei leaders carismatici senza carisma, sono tutti truppe cammellate, basta vedere una convention di Forza Italia: solo che sono convocati per tempo, hanno i distintivi all'occhiello, hanno almeno letto la mozione, vestono tutti di grigio, e vengono addirittura eletti.
"Bei tempi", quando i partiti, nonostante che al momento del voto apparissero improvvisamente parenti, fidanzate, amici, e ceffi poco rassicuranti del tutto sconosciuti ai più, almeno erano veri, e le differenze Character and world views were not diminished and destroyed the necessary homogenisation hypocritical caesaropapism is prevalent today. So, yes, a bit reminiscent of the nostalgic 'masochists that the political passion was "beautiful."
And so it was in the large conference room of the Hotel-Aran Mantegna. Twists repeatedly, crowd the entrance to the credits, camel fights with the troops of the Right who had been ordered to infiltrate (berluscones? Maybe, those from face and dress seemed pretty Flame! "Exclaimed shocked a girl), a lady of accepting that you are feeling ill, and hardest fighting in the room who remembered the year 50 ("bully", "rascal") among fellow journalists and Diaconal Guzzanti, and one deacon and Brancati.
I mean, who would have thought, the Congress of the Liberal Party Congress was finally a true, some blood, with ups and downs in the pulse-pounding roller-coaster, with a double surprise ending (before the vote on Saturday night, and then on Sunday the decision of the minority in the National Council) that the Liberals did finally breathe a sigh of relief after the controversy the day before. With a first day devoted to political or visiting scholars who have been often true thickness of political relations (in the case of Massimo Teodori), with many surgeries, and with strong opposition uomini. Non di programmi, però, molto simili tra loro, segno d’un Liberalismo maturo e condiviso.
Fatto sta che la macchina da guerra che aveva lanciato una vera e propria OPA segreta e ostile ha fallito. Del resto alcune smagliature si erano già notate nella sua trama: per esempio i pacchi di richieste di iscrizione provenienti da un unico indirizzo, arrivate al PLI un giorno dopo il termine ultimo. Errori imperdonabili che ricordano piuttosto le velleità di Totò e Peppino, e che non possono che concludersi con qualche amaro risolino.
Quello che conta è che il partito di Croce e Einaudi non viene assorbito dalla Destra berlusconiana, ma continua ad essere più vivo e vitale di prima, col triplo degli iscritti (superai the radical cousins), strongly independent and outside of a Right and a Left increasingly sticky, little or no liberal, living with leaders lack ideas, subordination to the Church, reluctance to projects, the modernization of the country and reform, insensitivity to the real needs of the people. And in this, the Right does not seem to have swept the Liberals (unlike those who have lost strategic) way better than the Left. Indeed.
The current Secretary, Stefano De Luca, in two speeches transparencies, the first of which view the invasion was a beautiful essay "identity" and cultural life has been good game to show that creeping Bonapartism uses every means to condition the freedom of citizens, and that - Forza Italy or not - now the right end in the Berlusconi. There is no room for anyone else. Why, then - have asked the Congress - to lead the Liberals right? It was legitimate to ask: "Who had commanded, who would have liked?" But
Taradash and diaconal candidates accused of having launched the bid, have essentially confirmed most of the criticism of Berlusconi. Sign so that if there was OPA, it was not ordered by a secret staircase Berlusconi (let alone a small parties by 0.3 per cent), but rather a spontaneous gift, perhaps facilitated by self-initiative of donors obsequious as dowry to acquire any symbolic role, merits and power. Who? To the right. That, goes round and round, is none other than Berlusconi.
this absurd contradiction (to speak ill of the PDL and then bring in the gift PLI) appeared untenable to better disposed towards the Spaniards, and has done irreparable lose the game in the consortium.
The second mistake, realized on the fly from the audience, as always sensitive to the psychological nuances, was a caricature of arrogance to the captain smashed into one or two characters, and other sharp aggression, a dialectic ruling and spiteful, unbearable didactic tone, unusual among liberals, and among common opponents instead of "opposite sides".
People realized the flight from the tones used in the discussion that what he saw as the "intruders" because they wanted to go into mass with hundreds of new members accompanying him were not to compete with mutual respect and dialogue, but to destroy the adversary and replace it altogether with a coup during the Congress. A planned complete decapitation of the leadership of the PLI. Which will have some faults of inactivity and poor communication, which I always remember, but not certain cultural and ideological, but instead in Italy stands out as the faithful interpreter and complete all aspects of liberalism. That liberalism with which they are abused and beautiful just for propaganda especially Right now anti-liberal in the positions and the facts as or even more than the Left.
Also, further proof that all the clues of which prodest lead to the same political party, has intrigued the fury of an ex-member FI against Senator Guzzanti, who recently left the PDL and just launching serious accusations Berlusconi. On his blog he allowed himself a journalist and "impolitic" scheme out some unorthodox provocations - for example on the penis the major criminals - completely legitimate for a liberal (you know that the Right and Left do not accept personal contrarian positions), and however, has never been an exponent of the PLI.
against him there was an attack of an instrumental Right anguillesca, when you least expect it pretends Left. On the other hand, if you groom in a private correspondence in the Soviet (read all) of our blog, you can find anything. I myself have paradoxical provocations of all kinds. The friend Guzzanti, therefore, was right to complain and denounce "attacks Vishinsky." You have my and our solidarity.
After a long and secret ballot, and De Luca Guzzanti got 73 percent, while the deacon and Taradash 23. The next day, when the National Council and with the prospect of electing the Board, final twist: the losers Diaconal Taradash and refuse to take positions in management.
It is a pity, lawful conduct, but because this non-democratic takeover confirms the suspicions and because it prevents some of the young talented and prepared to work for the consortium of liberalism. The young liberals in good faith are the first to be damaged by deacon. In fact, the good researcher Paul Muccio, genuine liberal who wanted to work in the PLI, however, was ousted from power diaconalina.
The Congress then appointed a new leadership of the Party: Honorary President: Carla Martin, President: Carlo Scognamiglio Pasini, National Secretary: Stefano de Luca, Vice Secretary: Paolo Guzzanti. The Secretary pointed out - is an old and repeated my proposal, and are glad of the victory - un Ufficio di Segreteria. E’ stato costituito da Roberto Petrassi, Mario Caputi, Ivan Uncini e Stefano Maffei.
Tanto clamore per nulla? No, le polemiche e la scalata plateale (ottimo coup de theatre : non a caso con 3-giornalisti-3 come protagonisti, gli uomini della stampa di effetti speciali se ne intendono) hanno chiamato a raccolta i vecchi liberali disincantati, e hanno convinto ad accostarsi molti giovani, sempre attratti dove c’è uno "scontro di civiltà". E così siamo riusciti ad infilare almeno (sono pochi, ce ne vogliono di più e con posizioni ancora più indipendenti, da veri e propri co-segretari) due nomi nuovi, 30-40nni preparati, veloci e attivi, in Segreteria: Maffei e Caputi. Un altro, Tagliati, già lavora bene nel campo della modernizzazione informatica del PLI.
Buon segno: il rinnovamento è iniziato. Speriamo che l'amico segretario De Luca, che così bene rappresenta il pluralismo tipico del Liberalismo, e che abbiamo in modo convinto difeso al 100 per cento, si tolga di dosso un po’ della sua... coriacea sicilianità individualistica e deleghi sempre di più. Il Liberalismo ha bisogno del lavoro di gruppo tipico della politica moderna, della modernizzazione e delle competenze specifiche necessarie ai tempi veloci in cui viviamo. Auguri, Stefano!
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