Populists and without rules. The fake "liberal" regime-eating and all of the "show"
With a clever technique uninformative, Government and People of Freedom party, the entire Right and the Left also tend to spread among people ignorant of political affairs, the concept that ideas, political culture, are now dead, and which serves now the policy of "doing". Doing what, no ideas? Mussolini also said the same words, criticizing the "old liberalism".
Convenient for those who want to make their own comfortable: the doctrines, ideologies force at a certain rationality to a minimum of coherence. And when you do not comply with the internal laws of logic and coherence, let alone the external ones, namely the typical rules of respect for the rule of law, in which even the leaders must follow the laws.
So instead, Berlusconi working only on the words, definitions, on the "show" the theater of politics on TV, can be said to do everything and its opposite, contradict himself within a few hours, defined as "liberal" (What a beautiful word, so people do not know that means ...) but saying things anti-liberal, populist, sometimes even fascist. Or just stupid, which is worse. The duplicity
desired and long study of this right, just one example: it fills the mouth of "liberal" and not adhering to the European Liberal Party, but his opposition conservative People's Party. That alone speaks volumes. But those students will understand the ultra-conservative and ignorant who read only articles and books that confirm their ideas supporters (just go on blogs aggregated by Tocqueville), the ragiunatt, artisans and small entrepreneurs for their admission "does not even have time to read the newspaper, and the millions of housewives, elderly and retired people, who see only the TV, and at most only read or Free Newspaper, and are the natural audience of the People of Freedom? No.
And on this widespread ignorance of the people that is based on right-wing government.
The term "liberal", then, was conquered by his own opponents, as has happened to "secular", now hostage to clerics who act in Parliament on behalf of the Church. Now the commentator Ostellino
Piero, a former editor of Corriere della Sera and secure intellectual liberal school, housed in its entirety in his column in the Corriere della Sera (April 11) point of Raphael Morelli (Fed Liberals and the Committee of Italian Liberals) on little or no compliance with the rules and the anti-liberal populism disguised as "liberal" to the masses ignorant of politics through the mass media, that characterizes this government and also the entire political class. Too bad the title ("Last Mohicans"), of a typical journalist semantically distanced himself and uses the excuse of protecting themselves from a thesis with a certain irony. We know our chickens, having attended editors from his youth.
Ostellino Piero, Corriere della Sera, April 11, 2009
This is the story of the 'Italian last Mohicans'. Liberal in politics. Minority, of course. But what became of everything and more, will disappear from view even.
"Dear Ostellino, when in his" Doubt "on Saturday criticized the creature Mr. Berlusconi, instead of the People of Liberty, you use the name of the Freedom Party, a name of the Federation of Liberals, daughter of the old PLI. By itself, the slip shows what brings the campaign, which began in mid-2007 Mr. Brambilla and force Italy to take possession of the mark by a method Freedom Far West media rather than by rule of law. on what is in progress at the Milan court a case brought against leaders of the FDL Forza Italy. But the question goes beyond the law. There are key cultural-political reasons for prevent the theft at the center right of the name that is cheating for 15 years. The same experienced by FDL Malagodi updating the tradition of John and Gary Martin in the wake of Liberal International.
The name Freedom Party highlights the freedom of the citizen inextricably linked to the individual diversity of trends and aspirations, while the people are overpowering and indistinct idea of \u200b\u200bwho loves the team. Join the People's ideas of freedom and is a suggestive image from the political content of all contradictory. It is contradictory acts of the Berlusconi clan. Enhances the adhesion to the European People's Party as if it were credible coupled to the liberal revolution (when the Liberals and Popular are natural adversaries). Organize a celebration of 7000 delegates without voting as if it were a practical implementation of liberal principles (when they are purple). Then, as it contradicts itself, then retry the theft which he had to give to our cause and, with the advertising investment, please try to credit the citizens and opinion leaders at the Freedom Party as his own stuff. So for two months, the Minister Bondi has repeatedly called the Freedom Party which is the coordinator of the organization, and every time you write us a contrite saying that he stumbled into a linguistic mistake. Hence our new case art. 700 cpc to inhibit oversight until European elections. The revival is not Berlusconi casuale. E’ funzionale al disegno di monopolizzare tutte le differenze e ad evitare che la FdL utilizzi Partito della Libertà alle europee. Le scorrerie sono servite ad ostacolare il nostro lavoro politico con altri, proprio sbertucciando e contaminando il nome. Ad ostacolare chi denuncia che il confronto democratico non è riducibile al dialogo di potere tra i due partiti più grossi per mutare regole a proprio comodo.
Questo è il nocciolo politico. Il vero tumore del nostro Paese è il buco di Liberalismo. Il metodo coerente dei Liberali scopre gli altarini, preoccupa e va nascosto. Fanno il lavoro sporco non solo il Popolo della Libertà con i teo-con e il Partito Democratico con il sinistrismo senza progetto, ma tutto l’establishment, publishing and finance at the bureaucracy, are interested in preserving those privileges that prevent the market to compete in the rules. Berlusconi decides that it is neither evil nor care, is a response to the problems wrong and inadequate. The Freedom Party is committed to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Liberals, not the corporation of the populist-conservatives. "
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