From the "liberal" liberal subject to the new PD. "But if all are liberal, you do not need"
Italy is still, despite the crisis, the sixth or seventh largest economy in the West. But even if it was the tenth or twentieth, so it is now included in the Western Hemisphere based on liberalism as to render futile any discussion of "rebirth" and "reorganization party "of a liberal subject. short, if all or most are liberal, if the differences are only on the degree of liberalism to achieve, that will never be a liberal New Topic?
If you ask a quick note too sharp not to be provocative appeared on the site Free Society, a think tank founded by academic and cultural entrepreneurs who spread the values \u200b\u200bof a free society without the constraints of party. In this sense, dedication to the website close the page "about us" is an eloquent words of Ralf Dahrendorf, "The liberal society is not the prerogative of any political party. It 's a goal of wider significance, and more global. It 's more important reflect on what a liberal society requires more than building a new liberalism. "quote that seems carefully chosen among a thousand, almost as an alibi.
course, but it is obvious to imagine that the English-German thinker to think advanced societies in which he lived, daughters of the Reformation and already fully liberals for generations, not the Western countries on the border , like Italy, that the prevailing tendency toward over the last 90 years of fascist and communist clerics could not strengthen that liberalism elites Risorgimento had managed to achieve. So much so that, despite being bound by an international consortium, still struggles to introduce liberal reforms, the lack of a subject authoritative and credible take on full responsibility. The Free Society
by numerous men of culture from different experiences, from left to right, from the PD PDL. The following article mentions a friend Morelli socialist past, rather than liberal, author of the editorial and then tangled reasons internal to the PD. We do not know or we are interested in these facts. We limit ourselves to note that a naive liberal the Governing Council of Free Society, which was part of the just disappeared Ralf Dahrendorf and which still belongs to Giovanni Sartori, is chaired by Salvatore Carrubba. The Scientific Committee among others Augusto Barbera, Luigi Partner, Dario Antiseri, Raimondo Cubeddu, Giulio Giorello Ostellino Piero, Angelo Panebianco.
If anything, the question that comes naturally is: how do these big names on the conduct of policy Free Society? But at least they read the editorials, like this brisk and trenchant of Morgan? And if so, how can approve? I no chance hypothesis, nor do I conspiracy. But the view suggested by Morelli in response (see) is disturbing. It would be in place, inside and outside the PD, an attempt at normalization between real and fake liberals, with obvious prevalence of the latter? In this case, Certainly, the creation of a large, right, liberal subject, as the third power of critical reasoning, could seriously disturb the operation whether it is the Right of the Left. But maybe it's just a nightmare. Even on this point because little or nothing has come to light in the debate outside. Even Radical Radio, apart from the duty to support Ignazio Marino, it does not mention.
Otherwise, we would not know what to think of so many beautiful and minds of the Directors and the Scientific Committee of Free Society, which disperses at every 'driven by liberalism, and we are sure, sincerely love him, even the claim, but then curiously not want a party that happen. Indeed the exclusive in words nella stessa presentazione del Gruppo.
Immaginate una assise di intellettuali socialisti o conservatori, repubblicani o cattolici, riunita per riaffermare i propri valori con forza, che commettesse l’errore di escludere pubblicamente fin dall’inizio qualsiasi possibilità di dare vita ad un soggetto politico pratico che agisca nell’agone mondano. Impossibile a immaginarsi. Una tattica che farebbe inorridire perfino la più mite signora anziana giocatrice di poker.
E allora è il solito paradosso liberale? Solo i liberali italiani, gli unici, veri illuminati, credono che le idee liberali possano discendere da sole per grazia del Logos sulle teste dei politici, ed ispirarli?
Suvvia, il mondo delle favole dovrebbe be away for these older intellectuals. They may have forgotten the examples of history, namely, that ideas do not march alone, without political support to represent the social life every day? E 'for such errors that the Italian liberalism, one in the West, is sickly, loser, constantly forced on the defensive, more pronounced, which performed at random.
short, the new paradox of Zeno (Zeno, proto, Zanone not ...) is that "If everyone is liberal, no one is." Corollary: "Indeed, no one should be or seem." To resume
abused Benda, if "trahison des clercs" is, well, look at some think tanks and committees scientific "liberals", decreased the number of Italian lay clerics guilty trahison is solid as always well fed and representative.
But let the word about the editorial Free Society, signed by Franco Morganti, spread by the Newsletter Fortnight 135, July 1, 2009, and also available on the site :
"Sure enough - he writes Free Society - after the European elections, there is the problem of the location of the Italians in the democratic European parliament. The latest compromise would be to to see that flow into the PSE in order to change its name to ASDE. This does not satisfy the Liberal PD, ie the liberal Democratic Party and even other liberals loose, as we read the email we receive. But we have not even met the survivors of the PDL liberals, forced to meet in PPE.Crediamo that the problem lies upstream, as was said once, and that the claim of the Liberals to form or be recognized as such in a political party , at least in Italy.
Liberalism has won his historic battle against the doctrine antithetical, it was communism and permeates the legal and institutional framework of all the democratic countries. To what end stand out and be characterized as liberal, when the clash, in the liberal framework, is one lower or higher doses to command or liberalization? It 's like the mathematicians, because their discipline has largely conquered the world, demanding political representation in the math.
What do liberal culture, of which there is always a great need, rather than spending their energies in organizing party! "
Franco Morganti
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