Friday, July 16, 2010

Whercan I Get Free Smoke Detector In Portland

° against Gelmini Tremonti. The scorching summer of temporary school

"No to the largest mass layoff: By the year 2010-2011 teachers -25,600, -15,000 used Ata. How to close eight companies ; Alitalia. " The sign placed in front of Palazzo Montecitorio is coupled with the banner unfurled by the temporary teachers who came to Rome from all over Italy to protest against the "cuts to the school: a scam for everyone."

can not afford to wait for autumn to take to the streets, under the windows of the room, their struggle. Thus, schools closed, the already hot summer gets hot for the teachers and teachers who, summoned by the Coordination precarious school, hundreds demonstrated yesterday against the government that "is gradually destroying the public school, from the law 133/2008 which took away eight billion euro, up to the current financial ", explains Massimo Gargiulo, teacher of Latin and greek Coordination. They came from Milan and from Syracuse , Bari, Benevento, Reggio Emilia, and from every corner of the country although mainly in the South that the cleaver on public education becomes a "social evil."

They joined many, the FLC-CGIL (which occurs simultaneously along with the precariousness of the Civil Service even in the Senate, where the movement has passed il primo scoglio col voto di fiducia) all’Unione dei sindacati di base, Unicobas, Gilda, l’associazione Autalia, e col supporto politico della Federazione della sinistra, Sel e Sinistra critica. A nulla è servito essere stati ricevuti in delegazione dalla presidente della commissione Cultura, la Pdl Valentina Aprea: «Ci ha spiegato che in tempo di crisi l’istruzione può anche andare in fumo» , raccontano delusi i delegati.

Precari insieme a insegnanti di ruolo, studenti e genitori, individuano nella pair Gelmini-Tremonti the virus that is destroying one of the most important institutions of the country, "just as to private schools we offer € 130 million," as reported by Mimmo Pantaleo, general secretary that FLC CGIL warns: "The insecurity is attacked holding together the struggles of all branches of knowledge, school, university and research." Yet in front of Deputies is especially the school to demand the withdrawal of laws 133 and 169 (ex Gelmini decree), funding private schools, the decree Brunetta, and of any proposed change with the bargaining legislation. "Hands down the rankings," shouting into the microphone passing from hand to hand, make it clear to the minister Gelmini that "there may be other forms of recruitment." Everyone is waiting

the TAR of Lazio on July 19 to rule on the appeal brought by more than 800 families from the reorganization of government measures that have reduced over time especially in technical education and industrial applications. Some people said that only in the province of Caltanissetta between staff Ata "in two years were cut 900 jobs," and those who, like Antonio Giuliano, Naples 51 years, from 23 with precarious the highest score in the ranking, this year has made quite a step back from an alternate "responsible" for all intents and purposes precarious . He could move to Livorno and Parma, where it was called, but preferred to remain in its città e adattarsi fin che si può. Caterina Altamore, invece, ha 37 anni e da 14 è maestra precaria a Palermo: «Da noi c’è stato un vero e proprio azzeramento del tempo pieno e, con l’accorpamento delle classi e il taglio alle compresenze, stanno perdendo il posto anche gli insegnanti di ruolo ». E allora che fare? «Malgrado un marito e tre figli piccoli, ha fatto al valigia e ho accettato il posto che mi è stato offerto in provincia di Brescia, dove la scuola pubblica e il tempo pieno resistono ancora and work well are not enabled. And I did not want the 12 points of the "salvaprecari" because in Sicily are not worth anything. not accept alms from a government that, after so many family day, disrupts families and penalizes women . A

event almost ended, a group of young Milanese, teachers and researchers, sees a doorway to enter into the Pdl Maurizio Lupi, and becomes a fury: "Thief, fool 'scream had not even seen the Berlusca ; in person. "He embodies Communion and liberazione che in Lombardia controlla e lottizza tutto: sanità, università – spiega Alessandro (6 anni di precariato e tanta ricerca in Filologia classica) che quasi non riesce a calmarsi – Vederlo mi fa una rabbia immensa perché  stanno distruggendo un bene collettivo a tutto profitto delle scuole private , soprattutto cattoliche».

Il Manifesto 16.07.2010 - Eleonora Martini

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Black Spot On A Lcd Television Screen

The battle for the school summer break does not know

Non ce ne sarebbe alcun bisogno, ma basterebbero le ultimissime due "Outputs" of the minister Gelmini Mariastella to go on a rampage and temporary teachers this morning at 10
find the strength to protest to the streets against the dismantling of Deputies public school - is organizing the coordination of temporary school and also participates in the FLC CGIL.

Yesterday, responding to a question in the House of Paola Binetti (ex Pd in \u200b\u200bsackcloth and now UDC), Gelmini has ensured that by 2010 "will be confirmed € 130 million for private schools in order to guarantee freedom of choice of education of families. " Then: while the reduction in the public schools of resources is equal to € 8 billion in three years, to private schools is not taken a penny .

And just today - are the details that reveal the abomination - Mariastella unveils new "mechanisms for objective assessment of learning for the improvement of school life ', the presence of Roger Abravanel, guru advice company and owner of the site ( stuff of those who blushing took refuge nell'esamificio Calabria to pass the state exam ).

Okay, quite another to deal with the substance of public school employees. And one wonders why source planned to cut 131,900 jobs in three years of teaching and Ata (as of 26 Fiat Pomigliano ...) have not yet seen the barricades in the streets perhaps thickened by the presence of millions of families affected by the measure. Already last school year (2009/10) of the cleaver Gelmini / Tremonti has made off 57,267 workers - 42,100 teachers and 15,167 Ata.
And it was just the beginning.
For the school year 2010/11, however, in a context of already detrimental to public servants who will pay dearly for financial maneuver (from the lowest wages in Europe The FLC CGIL has calculated to be , taken between 800 and 3,000 € per year), the cuts include the disappearance of 40,767 jobs other -
25,600 15,167 more teachers Ata. To calculate the damage, let's focus on the geography of the new cuts to teaching staff (25 600) thus undermining the teaching from September in schools all over Italy. 27% of the cuts will be concentrated in the North (-6,902 jobs), 24% in the middle (-6129) and much as 49% in the south
(-12,530 jobs). The region is the most penalized in the north Texas (-2,760 jobs, 10% of the total), the center is the Lazio (-1 830 people, 7.16% of total), while in the south particularly penalized sono Puglia (-2.535 posti), Sicilia (-3.325 posti)  e Campania (-3.687 posti).

Elementari, medie, superiori: non si salverà nessuno. Solo l’organico per la scuola dell’infanzia è stato
incrementato di 560 posti (+0,69). Il 33,34% dei tagli è concentrato alle elementari (-8.709 posti), il 14% alle medie (-3.662 posti) e il 52,64% alle superiori (-13.750 posti). Senza fare della facile demagogia - è vero però che a Milano i bambini delle elementari si puliscono il sedere con la carta rationed toilet - it's easy to imagine what sconquassi produce a similar reduction in manpower in public schools which are already in danger. Every school will try to put a piece, but in broad terms, let's see what happened and will happen in any elementary class in the country during the bloody three-year period. You will pass by an average of 18.69 students per class at 19.09, ie less 2900 classes, and about 55,000 pupils by 'replace' classes up to around 100,000 138,000 l’orario settimanale sarà ridotto mediamente di 3 ore , e il mantenimento del tempo pieno dipenderà dal numero di classi attivate a 24 ore settimanali (con il maestro unico, perché saranno eliminate le compresenze); l’insegnamento della lingua inglese verrà affidato solo alle insegnanti specializzate, con il conseguente taglio degli 11.200 posti delle insegnanti specialiste .

E la stessa «filosofia» impoverirà anche medie e superiori (innalzamento del numero di alunni per classe, eliminazione delle compresenze, taglio di posti di lavoro). Ecco perché, questa mattina,  mentre Gelmini gioca con il signor Meritocrazia , alcuni insegnanti fanno i compiti per le vacanze in una data insolita, «che lungi dall'essere un appuntamento rituale, vuole rappresentare un importante momento di coesione tra tutte le componenti della scuola, insegnanti precari e di ruolo, studenti, genitori e personale Ata». L’idea è quella di
non smobilitare in estate, in modo da arrivare in cattedra già carichi, senza dover
bother with the review to address the first task in the classroom this year. They say strike as early as September.

Il Manifesto - July 15, 2010 - Luca Fazio

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Difference Between Real And Fake Boobs

Left Ecology and Freedom joined the sit-in protest of the School Committee

Left Ecology and Liberty shares fully the reasons that led to the temporary school of Syracuse, Syracuse, represented by the School Committee, to promote a Sit- in protest at the visit to Syracuse of the Minister Gelmini. The ruin
represented by cuts to public school Italian butcher and implemented to the detriment of social workers in precarious employment school clearer and to those who had not yet well understood, the real goal of this government: to protect the privileged social groups by weighing the economic crisis on the most vulnerable.
Sel is from his birth on the side of workers, their struggles, and against job insecurity.
cuts to culture, research, the University completed a dismal picture in which we do not want nor can we accept this.
This Saturday we will be at the side of the Syracuse School Board and the school's precarious to say no to this project felon.

The Ecology and Management of Left Freedom Syracuse.

Phd After Executive Mba

Syracuse € 58 million a year of cuts to culture

We receive and gladly publish service on cuts to culture.

"€ 58 million less per year for the culture: the intent of the government for the next three years. We went to a press conference Federculture Nichi Vendola and we heard about the cuts. This is the service:

Click here to view the service

Press Office UNIROMA. TV "

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How To Program A Motorola Remote

Gelmini Syracuse prepariamole a warm welcome!

Put the eggs in the sun comes Gelmini!
who feel the smell of rot in which the school has reduced Italian public opinion.
who perceive the smell of the anger of those thousands of people which has taken the job.
What smell the pungent aroma of the hopelessness of which forced children, teens, adults
.... Whatever you think, if you hold the Italian school, come to welcome the Minister of the cuts.

And it's a warm welcome (without eggs).

Saturday, July 10, 2010 - 9:00 am and following - Castle Maniac - Syracuse

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mercury Greek Costume

public schools in the knee for cuts, but the Professor of Religion continue to grow! Languages \u200b\u200b


for Italian schools overwhelmed by the cuts, the only plus is for teachers of religion. The Ministry of Education has just published its annual dossier entitled "The state school - a summary of the data, school year 2009/2010": the dense volume of 342 pages containing all numbers of the past year. A publication of routine, but this year a surprise: in the midst of so many hyphens, as compared to 2008/2009 one of the few voices that is growing that of teachers of Religion . E 'in the same Ministry to certify it.

The comparison with a year ago over a picture of the Italian school with sacrifices for everyone, from casual to special needs, except for teachers of religion. This figure is in sharp contrast with the cutting of classes and the slow but gradual depopulation of the classroom when he climbed into the chair the teacher identified by the bishop . That of teachers who provide the only lesson option provided by the school Italian is a question that has aroused more controversy.

When in 2004 the then education minister, Letizia Moratti, thought to stabilize them through two separate competitions on political-union split in two. Also because of the qualifications for the competition, reserved for those who had served at least four years in the last ten (from 1993/1994 to 2002/2003), it was necessary to hold the suitability issued ordinary of the diocese. But the second Berlusconi government did not care too much about the controversy and also banned the contest, in September 2005 allowed for the first time in the history of the Italian role in the release of the first teachers of Religion 9167. Since then their number has been growing, until the record (26,326 units) of the school year just closed . The almost 14 000 teacher role, slightly less than 12 months ago, were far outweighed by their colleagues precarious: 12,446 in all.

Meanwhile, the Italian school has been subject to unprecedented cuts. In the period 2009/2012 will disappear 133 000 chairs for a total of 8 billion euro. But not limited to: the increase in disabled students (from 175,778 to 181,177 units) was faced with a cut of more than 300 chairs for support. Almost 37 000 students will have been crammed into less than 4 000 classrooms. It declined even school buildings: 92 less. It touched the school staff pay the highest price at fiscal consolidation. In just one year in-service teachers fell by 4%, with no recovery by the precarious that they had almost 14 000 healthy assignments with relative salary . Not to mention the secretarial staff, janitors and technicians of the laboratory: minus 6% in 12 months.

The past year also saw the launch of the reform Gelmini for the first cycle (elementary and middle school), with the decline in hours and the extended time in middle school. But it was also the year of protests by school leaders to cut school funds and freeze for three years (2011 to 2013) of teacher salaries.

Unless Intravaia