Thursday, July 8, 2010

Difference Between Real And Fake Boobs

Left Ecology and Freedom joined the sit-in protest of the School Committee

Left Ecology and Liberty shares fully the reasons that led to the temporary school of Syracuse, Syracuse, represented by the School Committee, to promote a Sit- in protest at the visit to Syracuse of the Minister Gelmini. The ruin
represented by cuts to public school Italian butcher and implemented to the detriment of social workers in precarious employment school clearer and to those who had not yet well understood, the real goal of this government: to protect the privileged social groups by weighing the economic crisis on the most vulnerable.
Sel is from his birth on the side of workers, their struggles, and against job insecurity.
cuts to culture, research, the University completed a dismal picture in which we do not want nor can we accept this.
This Saturday we will be at the side of the Syracuse School Board and the school's precarious to say no to this project felon.

The Ecology and Management of Left Freedom Syracuse.


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