Friday, July 16, 2010

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° against Gelmini Tremonti. The scorching summer of temporary school

"No to the largest mass layoff: By the year 2010-2011 teachers -25,600, -15,000 used Ata. How to close eight companies ; Alitalia. " The sign placed in front of Palazzo Montecitorio is coupled with the banner unfurled by the temporary teachers who came to Rome from all over Italy to protest against the "cuts to the school: a scam for everyone."

can not afford to wait for autumn to take to the streets, under the windows of the room, their struggle. Thus, schools closed, the already hot summer gets hot for the teachers and teachers who, summoned by the Coordination precarious school, hundreds demonstrated yesterday against the government that "is gradually destroying the public school, from the law 133/2008 which took away eight billion euro, up to the current financial ", explains Massimo Gargiulo, teacher of Latin and greek Coordination. They came from Milan and from Syracuse , Bari, Benevento, Reggio Emilia, and from every corner of the country although mainly in the South that the cleaver on public education becomes a "social evil."

They joined many, the FLC-CGIL (which occurs simultaneously along with the precariousness of the Civil Service even in the Senate, where the movement has passed il primo scoglio col voto di fiducia) all’Unione dei sindacati di base, Unicobas, Gilda, l’associazione Autalia, e col supporto politico della Federazione della sinistra, Sel e Sinistra critica. A nulla è servito essere stati ricevuti in delegazione dalla presidente della commissione Cultura, la Pdl Valentina Aprea: «Ci ha spiegato che in tempo di crisi l’istruzione può anche andare in fumo» , raccontano delusi i delegati.

Precari insieme a insegnanti di ruolo, studenti e genitori, individuano nella pair Gelmini-Tremonti the virus that is destroying one of the most important institutions of the country, "just as to private schools we offer € 130 million," as reported by Mimmo Pantaleo, general secretary that FLC CGIL warns: "The insecurity is attacked holding together the struggles of all branches of knowledge, school, university and research." Yet in front of Deputies is especially the school to demand the withdrawal of laws 133 and 169 (ex Gelmini decree), funding private schools, the decree Brunetta, and of any proposed change with the bargaining legislation. "Hands down the rankings," shouting into the microphone passing from hand to hand, make it clear to the minister Gelmini that "there may be other forms of recruitment." Everyone is waiting

the TAR of Lazio on July 19 to rule on the appeal brought by more than 800 families from the reorganization of government measures that have reduced over time especially in technical education and industrial applications. Some people said that only in the province of Caltanissetta between staff Ata "in two years were cut 900 jobs," and those who, like Antonio Giuliano, Naples 51 years, from 23 with precarious the highest score in the ranking, this year has made quite a step back from an alternate "responsible" for all intents and purposes precarious . He could move to Livorno and Parma, where it was called, but preferred to remain in its città e adattarsi fin che si può. Caterina Altamore, invece, ha 37 anni e da 14 è maestra precaria a Palermo: «Da noi c’è stato un vero e proprio azzeramento del tempo pieno e, con l’accorpamento delle classi e il taglio alle compresenze, stanno perdendo il posto anche gli insegnanti di ruolo ». E allora che fare? «Malgrado un marito e tre figli piccoli, ha fatto al valigia e ho accettato il posto che mi è stato offerto in provincia di Brescia, dove la scuola pubblica e il tempo pieno resistono ancora and work well are not enabled. And I did not want the 12 points of the "salvaprecari" because in Sicily are not worth anything. not accept alms from a government that, after so many family day, disrupts families and penalizes women . A

event almost ended, a group of young Milanese, teachers and researchers, sees a doorway to enter into the Pdl Maurizio Lupi, and becomes a fury: "Thief, fool 'scream had not even seen the Berlusca ; in person. "He embodies Communion and liberazione che in Lombardia controlla e lottizza tutto: sanità, università – spiega Alessandro (6 anni di precariato e tanta ricerca in Filologia classica) che quasi non riesce a calmarsi – Vederlo mi fa una rabbia immensa perché  stanno distruggendo un bene collettivo a tutto profitto delle scuole private , soprattutto cattoliche».

Il Manifesto 16.07.2010 - Eleonora Martini


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