Thursday, August 26, 2010

Honey Beige By-glidden

reaffirmed the right of exceptions for the support and co-workers PROTESTS school

from the 08/24/2010

Speak a ministerial circular in late July, and waivers of hours of support, both on those employees necessary school pupils with disabilities. But it will be very necessary, as every year, ensuring that the concrete that is produced on paper

In Circular No. 37/10, which had sent the tables on the staff of law, the Ministry of Education had announced further details about the return of the allocation of hours to "additional" support, restored by 80/10 Judgement of the Constitutional Court.
Well, details are coming in Circular No. 59/10 of 23 July on the adaptation of law to the plan of circumstances. This document initially
reaffirms the obligation of the school administration to respect expenditure ceilings and the cuts imposed by Article 64 of Law 133/08, but also safety standards in the classrooms .
It continues to provide clarifications about the exceptions to the posts per il sostegno, ripristinate dalla Corte Costituzionale con la citata Sentenza 80/10, chiarendo in tal modo la logica della Sentenza stessa: «La ratio della norma - si scrive -, che prevede la possibilità di stabilire ore aggiuntive o posti di sostegno , è, infatti, quella di assicurare una specifica forma di tutela ai disabili in condizione di particolare gravità ; si tratta dunque di un intervento mirato, che trova applicazione una volta esperite tutte le possibilità previste dalla normativa vigente e che, giova precisare, non si estende a tutti i disabili a prescindere dal grado di disabilità, bensì tiene in debita considerazione la specifica tipologia di handicap da cui è affetta [Sic] the person concerned. "

Circular No 59/10 continues pointing out that in proven cases (under Article 35, paragraph 7 of Law 289/02, the Finance Bill for 2003) and reported (in accordance with Articles 9, paragraph 15 and 10, paragraph 5 of the Decree Law 78/10) by the Working Groups composed of the class teachers, family and social workers and health that follow individual students, the Regional School Directors must authorize exceptions.
Then we read: "The SS.LL., in agreement with the Regions, local authorities and other relevant institutional levels, identify how balanced and prudent deployment of professional resources and useful materials per l’integrazione degli alunni disabili, anche attraverso la costituzione di reti di scuole. Le classi delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, comprese le sezioni di scuola dell’infanzia, che accolgono alunni con disabilità, sono costituite secondo i criteri e i parametri di cui all’art. 5 del Regolamento sul dimensionamento. Si raccomanda la massima attenzione nella costituzione delle classi con alunni disabili, nel senso di limitare, per quanto possibile, in presenza di grave disabilità, la formazione delle stesse con più di 20 alunni ».

E ancora, la Circolare parla poi degli organici dei collaboratori scolastici e prevede la possibilità di deroghe eccezionali , as follows: "The SS.LL., however, may permit contained, motivated, exceptions should the resources allocated to educational institutions do not make possible the orderly operation of school services, in compliance with contractual working time specifically articulated in the presence of multiple complexes schools , or where a situation of particular administrative complexity and to ensure adequate security in the use of laboratories . A similar mode of operation can be adopted in situations of constant difficulties caused by the high presence in some schools, staff inappropriate to the task of the profile for health reasons . In the latter situation the SS.LL. in order to compensate for the reduced supply of the service may consider assign a resource in more than school collaboration in institutions where there are two or three units of personal unsuitability o. [...] All variations of the posts made by SS.LL. must be the subject of specific, reasoned decision, to be issued by August 31 about [our bold, ed] to be transmitted and courteous urgency to the Directorate General for school staff. "

Circular finally ends with the provision of monitoring, "In order to verify the consistenza delle classi autorizzate in ogni singola istituzione scolastica è necessario organizzare negli Uffici scolastici regionali un Osservatorio diretto a monitorare gli esiti delle operazioni disciplinate dalla presente circolare. I predetti Osservatori regionali faranno confluire i dati e riferiranno all’Osservatorio nazionale».

La Circolare n. 59/10 è assai importante e fornisce alcune garanzie agli alunni con disabilità. Alcune precisazioni appaiono tuttavie opportune, onde evitare conflitti e contenzioso giurisdizionale.

1. A proposito delle "deroghe per il sostegno", la Circolare ripete i termini «particolare gravità», già introdotti dall’articolo 35, paragraph 7 of the Law 289/02 (Budget 2003). In this regard it should be noted that current legislation does not provide an authentic interpretation of the particular period, while article 3, paragraph 3 of Law 104/92 provides a definition of gravity. Therefore, in the absence of a legal definition, no headmaster or Regional can arbitrarily decide if and when a case is particularly serious .
Much more interesting is the invitation to the Directors of Regional School - when approving exemptions to support - to take "the due attention to the specificity of the impairment of individual pupils . The expression is shown from the grounds of Judgement 80/10 of the Constitutional Court, but must be understood properly, ie not in the sense that the Directors Regional School can get to decide whether or not disability specific purposes of the exemption, but sense of Article 10, paragraph 5 of Law Decree 78/10 and that is that - in the presence of learning disabilities and / or sensory - should always be granted the exemption and that only in the case of physical disabilities, rather than of an intervention of educational support, assistance should be autonomy or communication that is the responsibility of local authorities under Article 139 of Legislative Decree 112/98.

2. About number of hours of support notwithstanding , has made clear that it is not necessarily considered to be fulfilled with more than half an hour in the chair support, nor with the longest duration of the entire school day, but - As stated by the State Council Decision No 2231/10 - it must meet "real needs" of the pupil, according to the functional diagnosis and the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) prepared for him dall'apposito Working Group on the basis of agreements between schools, local health authorities and agencies premises as set out in Article 1, paragraph 605, letter "b" of the Law 296/06 (Budget 2007), explicitly stated under Circular No. 59/10.

3. Compared with exceptions for school employees, complete the provisions of the Circular Note Ministerial on 9 June (AOODGPER/5706 Protocol) on the number of such personnel of law, namely that the exceptions for compensation may take place only between institutions.
Of course, if schools are forming a network, this operation is automatic, but if they are not, click the note said. Finally, if these compensations are not possible, take the Circular No. 59/10. About
of students with disabilities, their presence is specified in the Circular, but such qualora in una scuola vi sia un solo collaboratore scolastico inidoneo per motivi di salute, dovrà scattare l'assegnazione di un'unità in più che la Circolare prevede solo nel caso di due o tre di tali situazioni.
Ci permettiamo di far presente che l a deroga dovrebbe scattare pure - specie nelle scuole secondarie - laddove esistessero solo collaboratori maschi o femmine, per il doveroso rispetto al genere degli alunni a salvaguardia del diritto alla riservatezza nell’assistenza igienica , diritto certamente rientrante nell’articolo 2 della Costituzione.

4. Infine, a proposito del monitoraggio, sarebbe opportuno che dell’Osservatorio Regionale facesse parte anche il referente regionale per inclusive education in order to verify or report instances of non compliance in terms of training classes attended by pupils with disabilities (under Article 5, paragraph 2 of Presidential Decree 81/09, which is called the Circular) and of non-compliance with the Guidelines on Inclusive Education, the Ministry issued August 4, 2009. If this is done it will be important that the associations of persons with disabilities and their families keep in touch with these contacts in order to request information or provide - if they are held - in the event of any claims to be promoted at the Administrative Courts region (TAR).

by Salvatore Nocera, Vice-President National FISH (Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicaps) and Head of the Legal Centre School dell'AIPD (Italian Association of People Down).


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