D'estate, si sa, c'è caldo, a volte ci si lascia andare al gozzovoglio e la mente non è lucida come nel resto dell'anno.
Mi piace pensare che Gian Antonio Stella, giornalista di punta del Corriere della Sera, che io stimo moltissimo, si sia lasciato andare a tavola (del resto la sua fisionomia lascia pensare che sia una buona forchetta) prima di scrivere l'articolo intitolato " La fabbrica delle cattedre al Sud con i «furbetti del sostegnino» " (già il titolo non mi sembra azzeccatissimo).
Tutto parte da un "dossier" di Tuttoscola nel quale si sottolinea un "anomalo" aumento degli studenti portatori di Handicap.
Secondo This dossier "In the school year 2009-10 students with disabilities included in state schools of all levels have exceeded 181 000 units (2.3% of the student population), an increase of more than 5000 compared to 'previous year.
shame that would be enough to engage in a search for those that also the nephew of eleven GA star (do not know if it has one) could do to find that within the European Union the percentage of disabled people is evaluated (source EDF, European Disability Forum) between 10 and 15%, then , as well as his grandson can understand, well above that 2.3% of the student population highlighted in the "dossier".
Then (the fault of the white ice?) A digression on the law 104 "in the interests of employees who have disability above a certain limit or have to take responsibility for a disabled relative, said to have precedence in ranking for a place closer to home, "according to Gian (I will call it that) cunningly used by too many: just, but that has to do with the manufacture of chairs?
heats our reading the "hot" dossier "in 1995-96, with a total school population higher than today, students with disabilities were 108 000. In fifteen years they have increased by almost 70%. Teachers support, which in that year were 35 000, have now become more than 90 000.
the percentage of disabled students on the school population have mentioned, this happens because "outrageous" increase support teachers? If
GA Stella had done his job better (which it normally does, but you know ... the summer ...) would have known that until a few years ago (before it was to cut the Gelmini like crazy ) principals were forced to give support to the chairs of the non-specialist teachers would suggest that even those who are not shiny, a lack qualified personnel.
"the law says that for every 100 teachers, 70 support should be stable but this percentage rises to 89% in Campania and Sardinia, and falls to 56% in Lombardy and Veneto, rears up to 91% in Basilicata and falls to 55% in Emilia Romagna. Why so abysmal differences? "
Come on, an effort before pennica will not be that many teachers in the south moved north and then not to die precarious want to go home?
"explains the issues which the post of teacher support is actually a shortcut, especially in these lean times and reduction of staff, to win the chair for life. Suffice it to say that "a teacher of 10 000 places for new entries role in 2010-11, over half (5022) are places of support." Places that after 5 years, once earned the assumption, we can give to "pass the traditional teaching '."
So, dear Gian (now we are in confidence and then I took a frozen whitebait I) the solution to this problem which would it be? Remove the support teacher for disabled children (perhaps only those in the south) or set of rules that prevent those who make the smart (but not for work) to achieve its purpose?
No, our friend reassures us, "Let me be clear: it is good che i ragazzi più sfortunati vengano aiutati."
No, non sono loro il vero obiettivo del Gian:
"Ma come si diventa insegnanti di sostegno? Penserete: chissà quanti studi! No: basta frequentare «un semestre aggiuntivo all'università, per 400 ore totali. E non sempre la preparazione è all'altezza: per gli alunni con disabilità visiva, ad esempio, non è raro imbattersi in docenti di sostegno che non conoscono l'uso del Braille, la scrittura per ciechi»"
Un'altra imbarazzante dimostrazione di ignoranza: Per diventare insegnante di sostegno bisogna essere laureato, abilitato all'insegnamento e fare un corso specifico di 800 ore, oppure essere laureato, abilitato through university (SISSIS) and a specialized course of 400 hours. A journalist takes all of these studies before dirty pages with his (let me) bullshit?
courses support, it is true, do not allow the teaching of braille, but this is not the problem. The real problem is the lack of dear Stella didactic continuity dictated by the precarious course.
Dr. Stella Believe me, I esteem and I still esteem, but this time it really wrong target and measure.
goals because when it is destroying the Italian school she aims to categories of greatest suffering the consequences: teachers precarious and disabled students, and measure because it is true that many things do not go in the Italian school is not "sawing" that are fixed. Some examples? We have the rule for who is to remain stable for at least 5 years in the province it's been a role.
prevented a role in who gets the support to pass the teaching curriculum.
I say from experience that support teachers in the schools of the South are few compared to the needs of disabled students. I know guys "suffering" from Down sidrome with 6 hours of approved support.
The priority must be to help these children to integrate into the Italian school, not save maybe a few million to spend on Gaddafi hostess!
Emanuele Clear
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