Friday, September 3, 2010

Ftv Underwear Male Models

Starring: Wanted precarious with the requirement to meet the Gelmini.

After reading and hearing the statements of Minister Gelmini and his companions (ops!) party comrades about the impossibility of meeting politicized subject, all'IDV members, fake precarious, 4 cats and even communists (there are always good), we decided to hold a casting call for the search of a precarious that suited to the Minister and to his mates (and tiritinchete!) comrades party.

Thanks to our mole infiltrated the Ministry, we received a secret note, in stating the requirements that we now disclose in order to find the right person to represent our demands to the Minister Gelmini.

The precarious that the Gelmini should be sympathetic to meet with voters and (even better if affiliated) of the PDL, but must not be an admirer of the President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini.
must also be personable, with absolutely no beard or mustache (not even a hint, not shaved by more than 6 hours), fragrant (smells fresh, summer), dressed in a consonant (jacket and tie), of medium stature high (not less than 180 cm.) extraction bourgeois social (no children of workers, these days ...), geographical origin Po (no more down Piacenza).
must also be equipped with a Reproductive between these two measures from 15 to 20 cm.

On the latter figure we have some reservations and invite you to revise the figure upwards.
(pictured to the Minister setting out the specifications)

Anyone in possession of the above mentioned requirements please contact us as soon as possible to secure the match.
If we can not find a candidate to try a precarious for a meeting with the Prime Minister.
The requirements for this type of person are well known.


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