Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Get The Walk Through Walls Cheat

The charge of 200 thousand beggars

È sufficiente ripetere più volte una affermazione in forma apodittica, affinché non si ingeneri alcun dubbio o incertezza o voglia di approfondire da parte di chi riceve il messaggio. Just use a syntactically simple phrasing for what the statement itself has become common sense acquired by most users of the 'average'. Thus, by dint of repeating that "the school is not an employment agency" that "the state can not afford to employ 200 thousand teachers precarious", that Italy has "the lowest ratio teachers / students in Europe That belief has become the bad sense also common among people with common senso.D 'Even so, "said the announcement of the new well Mentana 7."

How is it that a huge number of teachers to which for decades the state has entrusted the task of carrying out a school for poor instruments, reforms in all segments, working in places often become inadequate all of a sudden a group of uneducated beggars who pretend to work just because they have played
qualchemese or some Extra year! How is it that staff often used for decades, with recruitment and dismissal in September-October to June, he endured this situation (which could have been no private!) Pending a final self employment?
is possible because that number of teachers would serve to fill the posts and to achieve the turnover related to retirement if the 'big' and 'momentous' minister Gelmini reforms had not been demolished as a disastrous landslide on the school of the Republic, by reducing indiscriminate
hours of classes, increasing the number of pupils per class, combining classes and complexes, cutting almost all the hours spent on laboratories, by refusing to extend full-time despite the increase in demand for insufficient investment in local services by the deaf or too poor.

The projections are clear: the current teaching staff entered the Italian role in the boom years of birth and schooling dimassa (years 70) and starts to retire and will be completed within the first fifteen the new century. It's true: there is no longer the baby boom, but the current demographic situation sees the downward peak of births minus high in recent decades, thanks to the children of migrants. Then there is an increase in mandatory school for two years, the presence of disabled pupils in the school of all, the increase in enrollment of migrant pupils, the generalization of the kindergarten, the introduction in Italy, as throughout Europe, the paths of education and training for adults and you can see that the number of teachers necessary to maintain the current quality of education we offer aggiri proprio fra le 150.000 e le 200.000 unità di personale.

Ma, si dice, il rapporto numerico docenti/alunni in Italia è troppo alto. Come non considerare i circa 80.000 docenti di sostegno per quella condizione di assoluta qualità che solo l’Italia può vantare, che vede l’inserimento dei disabili nella scuola di tutti? E, viceversa, come non considerare quella anomalia tutta italiana per cui lo Stato assume e paga circa 30.000 docenti di religione cattolica scelti e indicati dai vescovi?
Ma, si dice, la scuola italiana funziona molto male e dà risultati insoddisfacenti. Non sarà, forse, proprio perché da anni, con governi di destra e di sinistra, vive uno stato di abbandono e di continui cuts in resources? Could it be because the permanent staff has been growing and are unable to guarantee continuity to the educational relationships? It will not be because our schools are still barely equipped with desks and chairs needed? Could it be because we continue to delegitimize the social culture, research, the pedagogical function of the school and, therefore, to point out the teachers as "frustrated" and "lazy"?

reconnect the needs that students and parents express the design of a school day on which the country is called upon to interpret and adjust it to reflect the times, the design of the school is art. 34 of the Constitution. Then will be easy to make everyone understand that the struggle of precarious is joined with that of those who want a quality school for their children, and is the same struggle of the workers or the Pomigliano Melfi: the struggle for basic rights to employment, education, health and the environment. It is the struggle that we must see this, because the model does not prevail ferociously classist society that neo-liberalism shows us how to unavoidable destiny.

Simonetta Salacone - Head teacher (now retired) of Iqbal Masih school - National Coordination
Left Ecology and Freedom

Il Manifesto - 08.09.2010


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