brief introductory note
are Monterosso Antonino (Nino, for all), after 15 years of insecurity and sottoprecariato (precarious is the teacher who holds a post one year), I said if he took the risk to reform schools and universities (and the era called), a young newly graduated, because I can not try that myself, I am not sure of a great teacher, but in the end I got teaching qualifications through three contests and SISSIS, specialization for the support, various master and also the A / S 1995/96, I taught at all school levels.
If before I was just adequate to make the teacher, now titled and almost beginning to feel compelled to propose the "Epochal REAL REFORM OF THE ITALIAN SCHOOL. Abstract
Other that savings of 8 billion euro Reform Gelmini, with my reform will save at least 40 to 50 billion a year in salaries and the collection of the fee Italian entry at the New School will earn billions more euro.
200 000 Other than temporary workers are made redundant, more than a million teachers, ATA, school staff, but also managers and employees and executives and employees of the MIUR the USR and the USP, or workaholics slackers who are: all at home, license, do not serve in the New Italian School.
Other than one teacher per class: the teacher / prof will be a / or (n.1), for every type of school around the country, including the Italian schools abroad.
All dilapidated school buildings in good condition and no longer needed, will be sold: a starting price of EUR 1. The proceeds will be used to reward merit.
Four types of schools and universities, almost as before. Del'infanzia school, primary, secondary level and secondary level (one), universities (only). If the minister Calderoli would further simplify, I would have no objection: SCHOOL ONLY.
unique program
- supreme goal: to make the perfect Berlusconi.
- Teaching objective ever: being able to draw an X on the ballot above the name of President Berlusconi. (In Italy we always vote: Italy is a democratic and liberal)
Classes will be held by the teacher and passed on from one pay-TV 5 (enrollment / annual subscription) by 9.00 to 12.00 in direct from 16.00 to 19.00 in deferred.
A channel for nursery school, one for primary, for a sec. of I, for one sec. Grade II and one for the university.
progression in the various school levels will be based registry, the only condition to be current with payment of registration / subscription Annual.
checks, evaluations and assessments, examinations, meritocracy, will be delegated to agencies of surveys, data auditel, and above all the election results.
Great Teacher / Minister / Head of unique
(alternate: exhausted rankings)
Direttore unico dei servizi amministrativi:
Giulio Tremonti (suppl.: grad. Esaurite)
Professore universitario unico:
U. Bossi, (Alternate: Maroni, Bonaiuti)
Professor single school sec. 2 °:
S. Bondi, (alternate: Cicchitto, Cota)
Professor single school sec. 1 st:
M. Gasparri, (alternate: Verdini, Matteoli)
Maestra unica di scuola primaria:
M. Carfagna, (supplenti: Prestigiacomo, Bernini)
Maestra unica di scuola dell’infanzia:
M.S. Gelmini, (supplenti: Meloni, Aprea)
Collaboratore scolastico unico:
I. La Russa , (supplenti: Calderoli, Capezzone )
… e finally there will be more policemen that janitors!
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