Liberals in congress. As always, words are right. But without the facts
We have received with surprise and even a touch of irony the umpteenth call of the most liberal Congress of different backgrounds, united by a common feeling about the state of politics today and the prospects for the future. In the theater of Italian politics, in which the word, even the rhetoric of lawyers, is the host (in Italy we talk too much, especially down towards the South, an area ideal for elected politicians of all), we were convinced that it would be for a conference, like all others in the series, elegantly analytical wisely proactive and not stimulating, but also void of concrete decisions and, indeed, always serious, unforgivable delay never fulfilled the duties of the cultural and political liberal in the last 60 years of public life officially "liberal-democratic".
Perhaps for these findings below, well known to journalists of any trend, including liberals, the Congress on 21 July, in Rome has been ignored by the press and therefore public opinion, often during the summer. None that we know it, he said. Thus, in terms of communication and rational is as if it never happened. Clandestino, "right" for a double reason: because the liberal (and therefore in the collective imagination of the journalists - having regard to past experiences - not facts, and useless) and then because summer. Where the second argument made by pitiful coverage of the first.
Also this site has been slow to publish, so that we consulted again with the author, who at the time we requested to follow the conference, whether or not to publish two months later. And the same author, in fact, it is uncertain or puzzled.
But the delay was not due to some lack of interest, if anything too interesting. Because I wanted to know more. But this is more from the participants and proponents could not be known. Also because of the defect typical liberals, especially the elderly, is the lack of effective communication, public relations, short of making others know with plenty of details, before, during and after the fact. Some, then, posing as the Cavour of the province, as if it were to weave some kind of plot, even prefer the secret.
And yet, we believe that comment also quell'effimero, illegal, Congress, not matter, given the current political turmoil in the world and also hear some predictions and trends announced at the conference (then promptly occurred), now known as the author in a note that we have appended to his commentary.
"Dar political voice to the Liberals, the real key to reform" was the theme of the Conference of Independent Liberals held July 21 in Rome, Hall of Columns in the House of Deputies. A nice bolt from the blue in summer.
In opening remarks speech for presentation Pietro Paganini, our Coordination for the unification of the liberals. A young-table image of the presidency, among many sixties and seventies, brings in a little room 'of hope.
The program included the session "A void to be filled", with works by Stefano de Luca (AnsMode PLI), Roberto Einaudi (Einaudi Foundation Pres) and Raffaello Morelli (pres. Fed Liberals and a member of our Board). In the session "For a change of leadership" were planned interventions Luca Bolognini, Nicoletta Casiraghi, Edoardo Croci, Olita Vincenzo, Gianfranco Passalacqua, Enrico Saporito, Massimo Teodori, Fabiana Tenerelli. Under the heading "stronger in the Constitution the principles of freedom," reads the names of Louis Company (Sen. PDL), Sandro Gozi (dep. PD), Paolo Guzzanti (dep. PLI), Andrea Marcucci (Sen. PD), Enrico Musso (Sen. PDL, Enzo Palumbo (Pres. of PLI CN), Carlo Scognamiglio (former pres. Senate), Giuseppe Vegas (Vice Minister of Economy), Gianni Vernetti (dep. API). On the "International Challenge" was the 'intervention Kirjas, Voicemail. Liberal International.
The ultimate goal mentioned in the program was "to trace possible pathways of shared liberal policies" by more liberal sectors. To "jointly develop a liberal policy to make the necessary changes, in short, the long-awaited reforms and never realized. Maybe that's why
abounded professional politicians, many of them little known.
But let me start from a small, innocent Conference as an excuse to raise the bar on the controversial issue in general. It is not always repeated that this political class is not liberal, that has very few liberal members, and that civil society is more liberal? It is not said all along that the House and Senate do not represent the Italian society, but only party politics, which is the regime with the privileges of caste? Politics is not a political meeting between politicians and "friends" who call or come together, maybe the "refreshment stands" or "liner" of the Chamber. So why, goes round and round, always draw the Parliament, which clearly can not too much to give?
It 's the usual trend, not least the Liberals (including republicans and radicals, especially the panel), leaving from above, by the usual experts, from "those already there" in any capacity in the rooms of buttons, short of the pseudo-elite of professionals and amateurs in politics, some of which have become hardened, slow and stubborn 70nni. And after all, are not their own i colpevoli di questo stato di cose, a cominciare dalla mancata diffusione del liberalismo in Italia?
Al contrario, i veri liberali, quelli d'un tempo, non si ritenevano tutti dei "piccoli Cavour", per i loro intrighi quasi sempre inutili, come fanno i nostri liberali di provincia. Ma partivano dal basso, cioè dalla gente, dal popolo, facevano paziente, quotidiana, opera di pedagogia sociale, di divulgazione di massa, di educazione civile e morale (e perfino scolastica) degli Italiani. E anziché Convegni o, peggio, riunioni riservate "a quattr'occhi" in salotti, bar e ristoranti privati o del Parlamento, convocavano i cittadini di interi quartieri o città in piazze, cortili o palestre. Oggi, poi, sarebbe anche easier with the Internet. But the liberals of today (and this is a sign that they are no longer as 800 progressive, but conservative and traditionalist) do not like the Internet and technologies. What is the difference between the ambiguous
PourParler by Machiavelli in the sixteenth and the brave States General to re-complete - starting from the citizens - a mentality, a liberal conscience that is still lacking in Italy. Other than going to the government! Others insinuate that suddenly, without ever having done anything for 20, 30 or 50 years, in a political crisis or an election, as any part of the steak! For then, even if you were elected - would be inevitable - the very same things ... NICO
Ma ora torniamo al Convegno. Ecco il commento di Guido Di Massimo che ha seguito per “Liberali Italiani” la giornata del Convegno. Va notato che è stato scritto il giorno dopo, 22 luglio. Segue un breve aggiornamento dello stesso autore (21 settembre):
"Organizzato da Pietro Paganini in un periodo poco ideale per le riunioni politiche, si è svolto a Roma, in via Poli 13, una delle tante (troppe?) sedi a disposizione del Parlamento, un convegno sul “dar voce politica ai liberali”.
Secondo un malvezzo che sarebbe opportuno estirpare la riunione è iniziata con mezz'ora di ritardo ma, contrariamente a un certo pessimismo sulla riuscita di un Meeting set in a period so unsuitable, the room was completely filled: 80-90 liberals who gather in such a period is a success.
The variety of voices and considerations made at the conference gave a positive richness of content. In addition to those strictly political, there were comments and detailed proposals (including the publication on the desirable every newspaper in the composition of its equity ownership).
was underlined the anomaly of Italy, the only country in Europe where the Liberals are absent, it also observed by Emil Kirjas, secretary general of the Liberal International, which called for a reunification of the Liberals has assured its support operation.
He advocated also the end of the Liberals made "for hire" by the mass parties to make decorative elements, but to keep on the sidelines in Parliament reduced to something much worse than "classroom dull and gray."
We talked about the need for electoral reform and the referendum being organized to return to even deprecated "mattarellum" that as regrettable, however, was better than the current electoral system.
There has been talk of liberalism no longer an option but as a "necessity", and some noted that the younger generation will "need" liberal. There was talk then of liberalism not as "revenge" of the old PLI but as a political entity that looks to the future.
There has been talk of a country in plaster, which does not move in any field, not only in the economy, a bipolar system in which both poles are not in politics - one influenced by the League and the other follows that Di Pietro turn chases Beppe Grillo - with the result that in Italy the policy is absent. We talked about the need to "deconstruct" the current political system to create a new one.
There has been talk of not understanding, in '92, what was happening and that now is the time instead to prepare for what will happen soon.
And two considerations resulted e riecheggiate da più parti pur con toni e registri diversi. La prima è che abbiamo di fronte una crisi politica grave e che siamo alla vigilia di un periodo di rottura; la seconda è che proprio per questo abbiamo bisogno di attrezzarci con un soggetto politico autonomo.
E si è accennato anche alla costituzione di un gruppo di lavoro che si occupi della riunificazione dei liberali. Queste considerazioni sono venute da persone di sfumature politiche diverse e forse opposte.
Chissà se – dopo tanti tentativi – è la volta buona che i liberali mettano da parte i loro eterni distinguo per riunirsi e realizzare finalmente una propria casa comune a tutti i liberali d'Itali.
"Perhaps it is worth noting two points seen at a distance of months have been of some significance:
- in Congress, the Liberal Party confirmed its decision, looking for allies, to organize a raccoltra signatures for the repeal of "porcellum" [the electoral system now in force, summary from "Mattarellum", the previous system, invented by Mr. Mattarella, and "crap" for admission of the League's Calderoli, Ed], and now many people are moving in the same line .
- always in the conference it was stated that it was the eve of a severe political crisis and on the eve of a period of rupture seems to me that the prediction has come true (or almost) (GDM).
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