Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Egg White Mucus Everyday

The real journey has no destination

The only real voyage non sarebbe viaggiare attraverso cento paesi diversi con lo stesso paio di occhi, bensì vedere lo stesso paese attraverso cento paia diverse di occhi. Proust

...Le macchine esercitano inoltre un'azione di velo. Esse sono un modo per nascondere a noi stessi la nostra inazione sotto il velo di quelle che ci appaiono azioni di grande efficacia. Noi ci convinciamo che, seduti confortevolmente dietro il volante della nostra auto, protetti da ogni spiacevole cambiamento del tempo, e alzando o abbassando di qualche centimetro i nostri piedi, abbiamo realmente viaggiato.
Un tale viaggio non è attraverso uno spazio a noi estraneo, ma in uno spazio che ci appartiene. Noi non we move away from our starting point, but we move with our starting point. From our living room taking place on a car whose seats upholstered differ very little from the comfort of our home, to bring us in a waiting room at 'airport and then get on a plane where there are no other seats are very different, it means there taken behind our origin is to be left home without being removed from the home. It means being at home wherever he needs to neutralize the space.
Hence the importance of reducing the time spent in travel: getting to their destination as quickly as possible we are not forced to experience the feeling of being left at all ...
... We do not go anywhere by car, but we get somewhere in the car. The car can not make the trip, but gives us the opportunity to move from one place to another without traveling.
Hence the theatricality of the cars such a movement is nothing but a change of scene. In fact, the machines allow us to escape the bad weather, other travelers, people in the city or go through life. We can see without being seen, touching without being touched.
Communications technology, when it is most effective allows us to bring the story and the experiences of other people in our house, but without cambiare la nostra casa. La tecnologia dei trasporti, quando raggiunge la massima efficacia, ci consente di passare attraverso la storia di altre persone senza le <<comodità della casa>> ma senza cambiare quelle storie.

Tratto da Giochi finiti e infiniti di James Carse

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spare Wheels For Baby Walker

Talking to the walls or dialogue

Le sue parole erano un muro, un muro
fino a quando non mi accorsi che ero stato io a costruirlo
mattone per mattone...

Il significato del discorso di un parlatore end lies in what precedes its expression in what is already, and therefore is whether or not to be said.
The meaning of the speech of a speaker infinity lies in what comes from his speech: that in all that is when it is said.
language over there is already complete before being pronounced. First there is a language: then we learn to speak it. infinite exists only when a language is spoken ...

finished ... The speakers begin to speak with their voices already trained and experienced. They must know what you propose with the language before it can begin to speak. The endless talkers must wait to see what the listeners are in response to their words before they know what they said. The language is not endless waits for the response of the listener to see what is already known to the speaker, but to share a vision that the speaker could not see without the response of the listener.
speaker and listener, not because you want to have the same knowledge about something, and not because they have established a similar mind, but because they know \u0026lt;\u0026lt;How procedere>> with each other ...

... The speakers do not give a voice to countless others, but receive it from another. The speakers do not appeal so infinite in such a world audience, not to speak before the world, but present themselves as a result of the fact by speaking with others. The speech ended inform on another world, to be heard. The speech forms an infinite world around each other, to listen.
For this reason, the gods, because they speak as lords of this world, with authority, speaking before the world and are therefore unable to change it. These gods can not create a world but can only be the creations of a world, can only be idols. A god can not create a world and be influential within it. A god can create a world just by listening.
If the gods were to approach us, this does not reduce us to silence through the word, but it would take us to the word through their silence.

The speech ends with a final closing of silence.
The speech begins with an aperture of infinite silence.

From: finite and infinite games - James Carse

Baby Changing Table Plans

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Velveeta And Rotel Pasta From Commercial

2 - What is the power, what is the energy

"The breeze stirred the yellow leaves of the trees,
blurring his eyes seemed possible to observe the wind."

Discovering the meaning of energy (or ki, or prana, or etc..), I will analyze and consider in terms of language, "scientific", the value of the previous post (i Links are highlighted in red) who inspired me the initial reflection.

One of the basic classes of engineering efficiency, riguarda la definizione e la conseguente importante differenziazione fra potenza ed energia.

La potenza è una sorta di intensità (istantanea)  (ad esempio W, cavalli…)

L’energia è la sua somma nel tempo (ad esempio Wh, calorie…)

Pensate ad un getto d’acqua da un rubinetto (Potenza), e al bicchiere riempito (Energia).

Per approfondire leggermente il discorso, possiamo analizzare il modo in cui si misura una potenza, e ciò è possibile introducendo la definizione di lavoro. Il lavoro rappresenta una “fatica” (power presupposes a resistance) : push a car 10 meters is different than push it to 50 meters, that will do two jobs ("labors") for the two different situations.

Power is therefore a work (effort) done in the past: push a car 10 meters in 1 hour, which is different push a car 10 feet in a minute, clearly in the latter case I will have a power higher (greater fatigue: not win because he is powerful, but to be powerful ).

But here comes the concept of energy, it is said that for the same end, the effort is greater, this will clearly depend also on the starting point. energy (potential energy) physically, it is the ability of a system to do work, I stress the word capacity (the power is responsible for what happened, the energy of what is yet to happen ) .

both power and energy depend on time, but the time required to measure a power is a finite time, a time to reach a final goal (10 meters of the machine), a time to which algebraically split work (closed system), while the time required to measure an energy that emanates (kinetic energy) is a potentially infinite time (I could keep open indefinitely the tap water), a time to multiply an output (open system) .

What this means to increase "capacity"?
capacity in the definition of energy is something that does not require either a strength or a need to be translated into action, and in terms of human actions does not, in my opinion, even an 'evidence manifests in a superificiale.
How then can "feel" and "see"?
Perhaps paradoxically tool to increase our awareness is to understand, consider, accept, and then turn overcome the resistance that we have here and now (implicitly acquiring power, but without stopping power).


Do Lymphomas Look Like Spots

candy arrived

Hello dear, I wanted to show the gift that I sent My blog Sabina Manie

this is the package as well 'as the 'I received
this is what I found inside

so' is as it appeared at the opening
as you can see, it is embroidered by hand and a briefcase inside contains many tasty little things: tesuti Christmas, transparent container with built-in buttons and pins on the top cover, where there are some cute pins, and then spools of cotton and a mild soap, decorations, containers of glitter and leaflets to be applied, then there's the lace and pink heart to crochet and made a beautiful letter.
What to say? I was ecstatic in front of this beautiful gift. Thanks Sabina're a very generous person.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hebrew Phrases Romantic

1 - What is the power, what is the energy

... The exercise of power (or power) needs to carry out resistance. A power is never evident until two or more elements are not in opposition. Any element can move another is more powerful ...

.. The exercise of power also requires a closed camp and finite unit of time. My power (or strength) is determined by the amount of resistance that are able to overcome limitations in spatial and temporal data ...
As the power is determined by the outcome of a game, you do not win because he is powerful but you win to be powerful.
We need a term that is inconsistent with \u0026lt;\u0026lt;potenza>> in the sense that this word acquired in the way of playing over. Let's say that while the player in a finite game play to be powerful, the player plays a game with infinite energy.
A powerful person is a person who brings the past to an outcome, resolving all outstanding issues. The power is concerned with what has already happened, the energy of what is yet to happen. Power is a finite amount. Energy can not be measured because it is an act of opening and closing. power refers to the freedom that people have within limits, the energy that has yet to happen. Power refers to the freedom that people have within limits, the energy that people have the freedom to the limits.
power will always be restricted to a relatively small number of people chosen. Anyone can be powerful.
Energy is paradoxical. I do not have energy because I can force others to do what I want as a result of my play with them, but because I can let them do whatever they want during my play with them ...

From the book: finite and infinite games James Carse

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Singer Mary J Blige Hair Styles


Il mese scorso mia  cognata mi telefona e mi  dice" Sai, devo darti una brutta notizia, ho saputo che Eugenia è morta ".....in quel momento mille ricordi sono riaffiorati ....ricordi di un passato quasi dimenticato ma che era
sempre li, in qualke angolo del mio cuore e della mia mente.
Eugenia era l'unica figlia (gia' adulta all'epoca) di una famiglia di vicini di casa dei miei genitori.Praticamente  dal momento in cui sono nata e per i successivi sei-sette anni  io ho vissuto piu nella loro casa che in casa mia.La famiglia era composta dal padre anziano ,la madre e lei , ed io, che ero la piccolina, ero coccolata come se I had been loro.Il daughter father, the pope called 'I felt like saying to Eugenia, and it was like a grandfather to me, always patient and generous. It was he who taught me the time, patiently moving the hands of his watch taschino.Ed that he had always protected me by his dog (a huge German shepherd named Jack that I was afraid) and if you scold me for something Eugenia , he quiet because I was the baby of the casa.Poichè one day he asked me to not call the pope 'not to offend my real father, I, with the naivete' of a little girl of three years, affibbiai a nickname, looking back, it was really ridiculous, but he, to be satisfied, since that day I become 'Papaccio (was questo il nomignolo) per tutto il vicinato.Poi  un giorno io mi ammalai, sapevo che anche Papacchio non stava bene perchè ,alcuni giorni prima lo avevo visto a letto e Jack se ne stava accucciato sotto il letto impedendo a chiunque di avvicinarsi....., avevo forse sei anni allora, e Papacchio se ne ando' senza che io potessi vederlo ancora una volta.................
La casa di Eugenia, all'improvviso divento' triste e silenziosa, era morto anche Jack dopo poco tempo e non c'era piu nessuno a raccontarmi favole e storie di principesse e di elefanti  giganti.Dopo qualke  anno Eugenia si sposo' col figlio di un'altra vicina di casa , e ando' a vivere da un'altra parte insieme con la madre nella sua  nuova famiglia.Anche noi cambiammo abitazione e da allora non ne seppi piu niente.
Quando mia  cognata mi disse  che il 19 ci sarebbe stata la messa del trigesimo, non ho voluto mancare.Non sapevo chi avrei trovato,anche il marito di Eugenia è morto alcuni mesi fa ,poi sono passati piu di 40 anni sarei stata in grado di riconoscere qualcuno della famiglia  del marito anche loro ex vicini di casa? In ogni modo  volevo andarci ,anche solo nella speranza  di poter avere una foto  di Eugenia.
Mentre si svolgeva la funzione, ho riconosciuto le cognate  di Eugenia. Cosi alla fine della celebrazione mi sono avvicinata chiamandole nome.Ovviamente for not having recognized me, asked me who fossi.Io, I then said I was the girl who called the Pope 'Eugenia Papaccio and, before you even finish the sentence, the two of them I have literally thrown around his neck and kissed accarezzandomi.Poi called the daughters of Eugene and I did not know that I have presented them, saying, "This is Gilda." There was a moment of strong emotion, we embraced as if we had finally found They told me I was doing them a great gift with my presence and that their mother had always spoken to me, especially lately, when he was sick and that was like for them have found a sister Maggiore.ch joy and pain contemporaneamente.ho saw a picture of Eugene, recalled that he had black hair and long, the picture takes them short and clear, they told me it is a picture of a few years ago, but recently was very sick .... but 'till the end and I thought, I'm sure that today she was there to kiss her too happy to have me found. Eugenia
Hello dear, forgive me if I've never tried, but life sometimes lose sight of the real suffering, but 'the good Lord is always in such a way that as a puzzle, eventually all the pieces to find the right location, and even though you're gone ', I'm sure I was pleased to see me from there where now sei.Resterai forever in my heart. Rest in peace
Ti voglio bene

Does Neutrogena Acne System Work

A weekend in Cervia

Buon giorno a tutte belle signore ;allora, siete andate sul sito della Quilt Italia a vedere l'elenco dei corsi che ci aspettano?E poi anche la novita' dei salotti per chiacchierare di trapunto?Beh, onestamente, quando tempo fa  ,sul forum  della Quilt Italia  ho chiesto se qualke  signora fosse disposta a farmi vedere il trapunto fatto col telaio, non  avrei mai immaginato di avere a disposizione un intero"salotto" e che cosi' tante persone volessero  vedere il suddetto trapunto:ho letteralmente acceso una miccia (ed io che pensavo  che non avrei  avuto neanche una response), but you know, the world of quilters is a world of generous people, always willing (or because there is almost always the exception to the rule) to help and share things they know fare.Certo is, we never, ever imagined I would be tanto.Ma well, also because, in my opinion, many women who do not know, feel a sense of shame to ask "how?" as if they felt belittled to show their "ignorance" for that particular technique or whatever, always leaving to understand that they do not know but who you prefer to altro.Ma does it do to pretend? is not better ask, and what you can 'never think of one that can not do something? that simply has not yet discovered that cosa.Non is, as a child, when you are ashamed, we are now all adults, and there's nothing wrong with asking "how?". Oh well, 'nuff said (as I like to say is cosaaaaa :-)) and went back to the weekend: there are the beauty of 24 laboratories ...... but not that I'm a bit' too much? For someone like me , that would make them all, but even if I'm up all night I can do it, how do you decide which to attend? already 'last year to turn the various courses I ran a bit' the head and this year will be like '? in any case I do not want to arrive unprepared: so prepare' you need for each course (at least what I can 'put the rest in case maybe you bought it locally so we will be the sellers) and then, it will be 'a little' because an unknown, I think, if more 'people will want to do the same course, one must' but we'll see how rinunciare.Vabbè .... andra ', of course I'll be back' overcrowded of desire to do, why, dear sir, you took a time are formidable, but taken together are a wonder of nature e date un'energia tale ed una voglia di "costruire" che va avanti per mesi.
Non vedo l'ora di incontrarvi
Vi abbraccio

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Baroque And Contemporary

Good Sunday

Ciao a tutte , eccomi qua  con un altro candy(che  ci volete fare? non so resistere) il link del blog è
mi raccomando, andateci a fare un salto.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Difference Between Styrofoam And Thermocol

maybe I did not say ....

....che ho partecipato ad un baratto, il primo della mia vita  a dire il vero.Vi spiego tutto: mi sono iscritta ,quasi per caso  e piu' per curiosita', al blog IL CLUB DEL BARATTO.Dopo un post di presentazione, ne ho messo another with the intention to trade some old journals (2003 to be precise but kept in good condition). I was sure that no one would answer, it is time they post a response and an exchange proposal which I accepted on the fly . A lady, she Apulia, which I described certain things in exchange for the photos I put my riviste.Vi
these magazines that I sent

and this is what I received : stoffine, buttons, a scent to closets and two small panels natalizi.Bello true? I think I made a deal, partly because those magazines take up space and were not utilizzate.L 'single cosa  è che, per essere certa che arrivassero(con le poste italiane non si sa mai) ho speso un bel po di spedizione , ma ne è valsa cmnq la pena.Perchè non ci provate anche voi? se avete  cose in piu' o che non usate, ma che sono in buono stato, barattatele.é semplice basta iscriversi  al blog e seguire le indicazioni. basta cliccare sul logo qui a sinistra del club del baratto e ci siete.
Ciao a tutte e buona giornata

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Face Gets Red After Eating

Where did it go energy?

During a trip to explore the medieval towns of Tuscany, run into the Cathedral of Siena is an experience that inspired me to try different ideas that I want to share here.

After walking for hours between medieval buildings of brick reddish hue that communicate warmth and character of blood, you suddenly find a nice shot in front of the white facade, impressive and luxurious of the Cathedral.

observed in its shape and color, both externally and internally, to transmit the first impatto una fierezza consapevole.
Tutta la camminata al suo interno poi, è ricca di elementi che richiamano al mistero: sul pavimento figure e scene leggendarie ed affascinanti (fra cui Ermete Trismegisto e le Sibille); incredibili statue scolpite da Michelangelo sulla facciata sinistra; nella libreria Piccolomini, enormi ed imponenti libri antichi scritti a mano che sembrano contenere formule magiche; un rosone ricco di colori e scene psichedelici.
Uscito fuori è rimasta in me la sensazione che quelle pietre, quelle figure, tutto quel simbolismo non sia stato messo a caso, ma abbia avuto uno scopo consapevole, che è un concetto oltre la semplice "bellezza estetica".

Ed is the point. This applies perhaps the biggest difference between the construction of hundreds of years ago and many modern buildings (not to mention the architectural difference between the ancient churches and modern churches).
While in the old buildings are clearly denotes a search and a study of harmony between the elements of the universe, in these modern unfortunately there is often only after a cold statistical calculation of loads and cast iron and cement.
While the old buildings seem to be imbued with consciousness, linked to the symbolism of magical, imbued with modern ones seem incosapevolezza being rooted solely on the logic of profit and reason, that sweeps away in un sol colpo e in maniera molto arrogante a volte,tutto quello che non è dimostrabile esattamente in maniera induttiva. Ma tutto ciò è strettamente correlato con l'energia dei luoghi che pur non essendo razionalizzabile,volenti o nolenti, si sente (a volte si subisce) e circola bene o male, sia che ci sia consapevolezza, sia che ci sia inconsapevolezza. Credo che solo spostando l'attenzione su questa differenza sia possibile effettuare un cambiamento verso l'armonia.

All'interno della chiesa anche due botole trasparenti, camminarci sopra o fermarsi per qualche secondo mi ha dato questo effetto qui, tratto da un grande film: 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jac Vanek Bracelets Customized

Here ......

...un altro candy a cui mi iscrivo(c'è tempo sino al 15 quindi se vi interessa avete ancora un paio di giorni) in palio c'è un set di timbri x lo scrapbooking (beh, anche se  I've never done I'd like to learn and if you win those stamps, maybe then I decided to do qualke course) I leave you the link to the blog
in each If I recommend you take a look
hello to all Guild

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lelani Vecina De Dreamdolls

If I tell you ...... Candy arrived Tuesday

.... do not believe it, partly because it is difficult to believe even open your me.Allora Okki and read: a few minutes ago I learned I won another candy, that's MY blog mania.
is really incredible .... I am very happy, the gift is really beautiful .... My Lucky buttons yesterday and today .... questo.....non vedo l'ora di averlo....lo so , lo so ,  è tutta questione di k..uore (:-) ) che ci volete fare? quando c'è c'è no?
Un abbraccio a voi tutte  e buona notte

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Wedding Dance Mod Mount

é gia' arrivato il candy speditomi da My Lucky ,èstata velocissima ed è una bustona gialla.....
(gli indirizzi sono coperti for privacy)
and its huge content

but have you seen those? really a lot. My Lucky Thanks again, you were very generous
Hello Gilda

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Skimmer Or Overflow Pool

good 'good Sunday

Hello all, how are you? Today is a day to me that most of those wet 'wet you can not', but 'we want to do'? I regret that I myself have suffered from the sultry heat all summer? no no never, indeed, that is fine this time and then, let us remember also that we, in Taranto, we are super lucky compared to those who already 'wearing sweaters and cappotti.Vi qualke want to watch my old job?
this little bag I made a swap x qualke time ago ... nice no?

this to my sister in law got a centrino

rag over these hearts to be filled, containing the pot-pourri, it was a chore Marisa Russo, who looked at a pre-Christmas meeting last Christmas

damina this is done then I wanted to crochet that capture in a framework (sooner or later I would wish 'to make even the rider)

lei è la fatina...pillolina, chiamata cosi' perchè lo scatolo  attorno a cui l'ho attaccata  contiene le mie pillole

copertina per carrozzino regalo fatto alla figlia di una mia vicina di casa

e per oggi  direi che puo' bastare anche perchè non voglio annoiarvi.Ciao a tutte e buon proseguimento di giornata .Bye Bye

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Plasma Donation Centers In Los Angeles County

Good Sunday to all, how are you? Today for me was to be a day of "normal business" and since we were at Mass last night, I woke up this morning at leisure and after breakfast I came to write a quick peek at the various blog candy that I enrolled and .... guess what? won the candy of MY LUCKY . You have no idea how happy I would have hoped .... there never ever was .... True, a bit 'you there hoping to win something (and I even wrote in a post) but when you win .... then x is really small like when you find the gift you want under the tree Christmas morning, one thing is quiet and still too bella.Grazie I continue 'to come to your blog because it's really beautiful.

this is the heart that I sent to the blog MY Manie-exchange for candy, because I know that the site has received it, even go to look at all the hearts that received up now listed on the right find the icon that takes you straight to his blog

and now I put a picture of a work I've done at the beginning of September, but I gave its owner a few days ago: this is a runner for the table here he made filet
you say? Here I have photographed on my table and not see everything, but I assure you that my friend put on the table is really a measure of bello.Ha 1.80 x 60 cm, it took me a while to finish, but the hook, though I like a lot, take it in hand only about an hour in the morning (while waiting for the coffee and almost immediately after taking it, but 'do not know unless
hours I put the photo also a nice center to another friend of mine last summer
this is entirely hand-stitched and is the result of a quilting-day did last year
then this is a bag-shopper that I made in early summer: the central panel was made weaving between them and scrap of colored ribbons of various widths e.. selvage cut from various tessuti.Ho then stitched it all on the panel, padded and quilted Frre motion

this Skin , I made two years ago when my mother was still alive, and I'm glad that she has views over, because every day I saw a sewing hearts hand and asked me: "what are you doing" and I replied that he would understand what were all those quadrati.Ricordo her smile then when one day I showed the cover over, never stop 'to say that was nice.
I think that is enough for today, I will post more photos' in the coming days I, meanwhile, begin to count the remaining days of departure for Cervia and I look forward to receiving the NL to know that classes will be held. I wish you a good Sunday and still be serene
hello hello
; Gilda

Friday, October 1, 2010

What To Write In Wedding Card To Best Friend

but it is not cute?

Mi riferisco  al candy di Fili di follia, appena ho visto questa  scatola me ne sono  innamorata , troppo bella per non  tentare la fortuna e sperare di vincerla.Perchè non ci provate anche voi? andate sul suo blog che si trova qui
ma non ci provate a vincerla perchè piace a me.