Le sue parole erano un muro, un muro
fino a quando non mi accorsi che ero stato io a costruirlo
mattone per mattone...
Il significato del discorso di un parlatore end lies in what precedes its expression in what is already, and therefore is whether or not to be said.
The meaning of the speech of a speaker infinity lies in what comes from his speech: that in all that is when it is said.
language over there is already complete before being pronounced. First there is a language: then we learn to speak it. infinite exists only when a language is spoken ...
finished ... The speakers begin to speak with their voices already trained and experienced. They must know what you propose with the language before it can begin to speak. The endless talkers must wait to see what the listeners are in response to their words before they know what they said. The language is not endless waits for the response of the listener to see what is already known to the speaker, but to share a vision that the speaker could not see without the response of the listener.
speaker and listener, not because you want to have the same knowledge about something, and not because they have established a similar mind, but because they know \u0026lt;\u0026lt;How procedere>> with each other ...
... The speakers do not give a voice to countless others, but receive it from another. The speakers do not appeal so infinite in such a world audience, not to speak before the world, but present themselves as a result of the fact by speaking with others. The speech ended inform on another world, to be heard. The speech forms an infinite world around each other, to listen.
For this reason, the gods, because they speak as lords of this world, with authority, speaking before the world and are therefore unable to change it. These gods can not create a world but can only be the creations of a world, can only be idols. A god can not create a world and be influential within it. A god can create a world just by listening.
If the gods were to approach us, this does not reduce us to silence through the word, but it would take us to the word through their silence.
The speech ends with a final closing of silence.
The speech begins with an aperture of infinite silence.
From: finite and infinite games - James Carse
From: finite and infinite games - James Carse
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