Friday, December 31, 2010

Bleeding 8 Before Period


Father Christmas and Epiphany have not been kind with us in these years.
Rather than bring gifts, maybe a work without the worries of insecurity, the anger of convocazioni, con la sicurezza di potersi dedicare solo al proprio lavoro senza preoccuparsi ogni anno di punteggi e graduatorie,
più che portarci qualcosa, dicevo, ce ne hanno tolte.
Ed è inutile che vi elenchi quali.
Insegnanti e studenti le conoscono bene.

Visto che che quest'anno per i miei bambini mi sono travestito da Babbo Natale, vorrei portare io un dono ai nostri amici.

A Babbo Tremonti porterei una calcolatrice a manovella, di quelle che si usavano una volta nei negozi, le avrete viste senz'altro in qualche vecchio film.
La manovella dovrebbe però essere arrugginita, in modo che usandola il contabile dei ricchi provasse la fatica di chi non arriva  a fine mese.
The Epiphany of Reggio
would I give a flying broom that leads her to visit all the Italian families affected by its pseudo-reforms.

would be a long journey.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sausage Casings Where To Buy Las Vegas

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The symbolism of the ear

... As above so below

Hermes Trismegistus

... As it is in heaven land

Padre Nostro

Secondo gli indiani chi ha orecchie grandi è considerato una "vecchia anima", già reincarnato più volte; agli elefanti viene riconosciuta una grande memoria: possono infatti riconoscere una persona a distanza di anni.

Le prime percezioni che il bambino ha nella pancia della mamma sono acustiche, perchè sente il suo battito cardiaco. Forse è anche per questo motivo che il suono dei tamburi, usato per esempio nei riti sciamani (ma anche in grandi assoli di Tullio De Piscopo), ci ricollega alla madre Terra.

In riflessologia il padiglione auricolare rappresenta l'immagine di un bambino in posizione fetale, a testa in giù, dando una poetica visione del collegamento between different parts of the body.

The lobe is thus the head and the apex the basin, including the sexual organs.

also looking at the picture below is easy and also quite surprising to realize the similarities, overlapping the image of a fetus.

Considering the parallel ear with head and pelvis, we can prove to comply with a different key also faces some "famous"

The Buddha is often depicted with long earlobes, which is associated with the head, suggests a person of great spirituality.
There is a traditional parallel in Western culture: who's birthday it is custom to pull the ears: the ancient Greeks associated it long life and fortune to people with big ears.

Altra tradizione di alcune tribù, è quella di allargare "artificialmente" il lobo dell'orecchio.

Silvio Berlusconi: è difficilissimo osservarlo in maniera "neutrale", visti tutti i preconcetti positivi e negativi nei suoi confronti. Ha le orecchie molto grandi, con l'apice molto sviluppato. Nell'iconografia simbolica chi ha le orecchie più sviluppate in alto è portato ad utilizzare di sè il potenziale più materiale e fisico.

Anche il Signor Spock della Star Trek has this characteristic shape of the ears at the top which is also symbolically associated with a demonic figure (to be understood by that term nothing related to our common concept of good and evil, but only the predisposition to "materiality").

Satyr in Piazza Santo Stefano - Bologna
-portrait of Van Gogh with his ear cut off

continue to enjoy the alchemical associations under the motto of correspondence between macrocosm e microcosmo, possiamo associare l'orecchio anche ai piedi...

...e ai reni...

...e ai fagioli...

...ricordate la favola antica dei fagioli magici?...

...oppure quella più recente dei fagioli magici della saga di Dragon Ball, che avevano la capacità di ridare l'energia ai personaggi in fin di vita? (Secondo la medicina cinese i reni sono la nostra risera di energia primordiale, che non dobbiamo sprecare)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cognat Sample Questions

BOH 1.0 - What is reality? A chat

He realized that when a door is opened, it can take years to realize there passed through ...

This is not just a phrase put there to make good looking, but it is primarily the result of practical experience. One of the basic exercises ( rif.Salvatore Brizzi ) to realize how much we are sleeping during the day is to remember to itself when we pass through a door and then when we move physically from one environment to another.
Well all you have to do is: whenever you go through a door to be physically present at that step: to feel the temperature differences, observe your thoughts, observe the change in the visual environment, it seems a simple and trivial, yet at the beginning of the experiment I realized that was not not easy. I remembered long after I had crossed, as I was lost in thoughts and abstractions and reasoning.
So I think that happens for doors symbolic cross in our lives and not realize it until after many years that we have crossed.
As a corollary to this brief experience, here are the words of some teachers who have the function of an intercom For those who want to read hope you enjoy.

The problem, and I am convinced, is thus not to do new things, but often otherwise understand what one already does, and he sees evil, you see evil, and that seen in a distorted way. Apparently (and I say it seems ..) which is a process leading eventually to enlightenment. It seems that the enlightened laughs when he realizes what is ...

So it should be something very complicated. This is to peel the onions, remove the layers, which prevent me from understanding how the reality and the world.

So the simple things are particularly difficult, because the mind takes over adding so many things that have nothing to do.

Mario Vatrini - Words from a seminar Shiatsu

1 [514 a] - Then, I continued, comparing our nature, As regards education and lack of education, a picture like this. Inside a house-shaped underground cave, with entry open to light and as wide as the width of the cave, thinking to see that there are men inside from childhood, chained his legs and neck, by having to stay stopped and [b] can only see forward, unable, because of the chain to turn around his head. High and far behind them shines the light of a fire and between the fire and the prisoners raised a road race. Along this thought to see a low wall built, like the screen that the puppeteers put in front of people to show on top of them puppets. - I see, he said. - Imagine seeing men carrying objects along the low wall [c] hanging from the edge of every kind, and statues and other [515 a] figures of stone and wood, in whatever way you work, and, as is natural, some carriers talk , others are silent. - A strange image is yours, he said, and those are strange prisoners. - They look like us, I said, you believe that these people can see, first of himself and companions, nothing but the shadows cast by the fire on the wall of the cave that is in front of them? - And how can she replied, if they are forced to keep building on the [b] head for life? - And for the items carried is not the same? - Definitely. - If the prisoners could talk each other, do not you think they would think of calling their visions real objects? - Naturally. - And even if the prison had an echo from the opposite wall? Every time one of the loops did hear his voice, believe that the courts other than those passing shadow? - I do not, by Zeus!, [C] said. - For those people short, I said, the truth can not be anything but the shadows of artificial objects. - Of course, he admitted. - Examine now resumed, as they could melt the chains and heal from unconsciousness. Admit that happen to their naturally a case like this, that one was loose, suddenly forced to stand, turn around in his head, to walk and raise our eyes to the light, and that by so doing he felt pain and the glare made him incapable of [d ] see those objects of which first saw the shadows. What do you think would respond if that was said, that first saw emptiness devoid of meaning, but now, being closer to what and which is being directed toward objects that have to be more, can see better? and if, showing each of the objects that pass, you ask him and it forced him to answer what is? Do not you think that would be doubtful and judge more real the things he saw before those that were shown now? - Sure, he said.

2 [and] - What if you forced it to look the same light, hear no evil and do not run away, turning his eyes towards the objects that may support the view? and do not really judge them more clear than those that were shown? - You so, he said. - If you then went on, drag it out of there by force, up to the rough and steep ascent, and did not leave until I had taken in the light of the sun, not irritated and do not suffer [516 a] to be dragged? And, come to light, being dazzled his eyes, could not even see one of those things that are now true. - It could not, of course, said at least warning. - Should, I think, get used to if he wants to see the world better. And before observed, very easily, shadows, and then the images of humans and other objects in their reflections in the water, and then the objects themselves, and from these then, turning to look in the light of the stars and moon, [b] may contemplate the heavenly bodies at night and the sky itself more easily than during the day, the sun and the sunlight. - Why not? - In the end, I think, may observe and contemplate what is really the sun, not its image, or other surface waters, but the sun itself, in the region that is proper. - For strength, he said. - After that, speaking of the sun, it may already conclude that it is to produce the seasons and years and govern all things of the visible world, and to be [c] because, in a way, all that he and his mates saw. - It is clear, replied that end with similar experiences cosí. – E ricordandosi della sua prima dimora e della sapienza che aveva colà e di quei suoi compagni di prigionia, non credi che si sentirebbe felice del mutamento e proverebbe pietà per loro? – Certo. – Quanto agli onori ed elogi che eventualmente si scambiavano allora, e ai primi riservati a chi fosse piú acuto nell’osservare gli oggetti che passavano e piú [d] rammentasse quanti ne solevano sfilare prima e poi e insieme, indovinandone perciò il successivo, credi che li ambirebbe e che invidierebbe quelli che tra i prigionieri avessero onori e potenza? o che si troverebbe nella condizione detta da Omero e preferirebbe “altrui per salario servir da contadino, uomo sia pur senza sostanza”, e patire di tutto piuttosto che avere quelle opinioni e vivere in quel modo? – Cosí penso anch’io, rispose; [e] accetterebbe di patire di tutto piuttosto che vivere in quel modo. – Rifletti ora anche su quest’altro punto, feci io. Se il nostro uomo ridiscendesse e si rimettesse a sedere sul medesimo sedile, non avrebbe gli occhi pieni di tenebra, venendo all’improvviso dal sole? – Sí, certo, rispose. – E se dovesse discernere nuovamente quelle ombre e contendere con coloro che sono rimasti sempre prigionieri, nel periodo in cui ha la vista offuscata, prima [517 a] che gli occhi tornino allo stato normale? e se questo periodo in cui rifà l’abitudine fosse piuttosto lungo? Non sarebbe He then forms the subject of rice? and you would not think of him rising from his back with his eyes ruined and that is not even worth groped to go on? And who would take to dissolve and carry on those prisoners, maybe not the kill, if they could have it in your hands and kill him? - Of course, he said. [...]

Plato - The Republic

Below is a video clear where the myth of the cave art is interpreted during a train journey:

The first time that the myth of the cave knocked:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Are There Any Cheats For Dune Buggy


Here I am, hello to all, just in time for Christmas greetings Natale.Scusatemi but causes me so much stress: every year is the usual story: I tell myself that I begin on time and then goes ...... well, never mind. In any case I could not fail to wish you, the more 'sincere and affectionate to you and your families: I hope that under the' Christmas tree, you can find everything 'you want, but, above all, I hope that Jesus' child, can bring a lot of health and serenity' to everyone.
Last Saturday I attended the quilting day of Puglia, unfortunately I forgot my camera at home so I've photos to show, but if you're curious, you can go to the site of Marisa (magic Puglia) found that the list close by here and look un po' di foto.E' stata una giornata bellissima(anzi, per me è durata anche poco , perchè sarei rimasta volentieri ancora un po' di ore a chiacchierare con le mie amiche); ho potuto riincontrare  tante persone che ,ormai,fanno parte  della mia sfera personale di amicizie, ho potuto conoscere tante nuove persone ed ammirare tanti lavori.Purtroppo, come  ho detto, non  posso mostrarvi le foto tranne quelle che ho realizzato a casa mia  che ora  vi mostro:
questa è la mia Nativita'(copiata da cucito creativo),non so a voi ma a me piace tantissimo
this is out of town that I had prepared for the lottery of the day quilting

that's what won the lottery instead (made by Marisa)

this is the "godfather" who have packed the day quilting

anche questa stella di Natale
e poi ci sono stati  anche dei pensierini inaspettati,io, dal canto mio, avevo fatto degli angioletti ornamentali ,ma, anche quelli ho dimenticato di fotografarli(che frana che sono)ora pero'  vi mostro i regalini che ho avuto

questo da Marisa
questo da Anna,è un porta candela fatto col tessuto vetrificato(qui in foto non è venuto benissimo ma  vi posso assicurare che  è davvero carino) ah, mi ha anche  regalato un porta-monete fatto sempre in  tessuto che pero' ho  messo subito to work to hold the bag in small change (I'll show 'as soon as I remember to photograph)
candy given to me by this beautiful and beloved blogs of Marcela ; with Marcella we knew only online, but she was really lovely to me this gift.
and this is the only of my work done at this time, I can show that (a rug for the room of a girl who loves dogs), because, once I I remembered to photograph all the work (pillows, door
bags, pot holders and more,) without, however, 'putting them on PCs, but leaving room photo here that my husband had the genius to remove all convinced that they were of old photos! It 's true that God makes them and then pairing them with the camera because we did not own is something he is something myself.
I apologize to you for the bad photos came from the dark or in a different color reale.Boh and who understands us anything?
But now 'still leave you wishing you a Merry Christmas I recommend e. ..... do not eat too
Kisses spread to Italy

Monday, December 13, 2010

Vegeta Et Bulma Doujinshi

the southern question

...Ogni conversazione è qualcosa di magico...

Ha al proprio interno un'occasione per riflettere su se' stessi. Per capire anche il proprio livello di interazione con il mondo.
L'altro giorno mi sono trovato a chiacchierare sulla questione meridionale: non è la prima volta e sono sicuro che non sarà l'ultima, perchè è un argomento che ritorna ciclicamente alla mia attenzione.
Non mi interessa tanto condividere qui il contenuto della conversazione, perchè non è quello il punto importante, With one thing on which I have thought many times and I feel that the "new" compared to what I heard.

The reason of migration is often attributed in no particular order to: lack of infrastructure, inefficient policy, poverty, closures, and the like told and retold, chew and chew without solutions. If you honestly look
but the initial cause of my staff and I realize that migration is not for any of these reasons, but simply and literally only to be entered into a "migration".
Let me explain that there was no need to motivate him, in an age where I knew virtually nothing problems of politics and economics, was part of me (though I do not know how consciously) thinking that I wanted and had to experience anywhere else. Move. Move. And this was done at oppurtuno.
I do not mean it is right or wrong to leave, I just try to look at it from a different point of view.

I think basically that there are reasons a little deeper, mysterious and perhaps not trivially rationalized behind many migration flows, because it concerns a mysterious "way of thinking" that is established creating a reality, rather than individual choices and this inevitably makes it harder to succeed in expressing critical thinking. Why is come se ci fosse un filtro davanti ai nostri ragionamenti.

In realtà penso che spesso si entri a far parte e ci si metta più o meno inconsciamente, a disposizione di forze cinetiche "superiori" : è questo il punto nuovo che mi interessa mettere a fuoco con il tempo. 

Razionalmente il concetto è semplice: se tutti rimanessero lì dove sono nati, il luogo diventerebbe più ricco, più forte ecc.ecc. (?), tutto così semplice(istico), eppure non è così. Allora addossiamo la "colpa" a mille ragioni, senza mai guardarci davvero dentro per cercare qualche risposta...

Durante il dialogo I have often experienced a feeling of inconclusiveness and superficiality that is expressed in the words in my thoughts. On reflection, at first I thought it was my responsibility to my partner that "threw" out the words and the thoughts old, repetitive and not entirely mine. But then, reflecting more deeply I realized that all this conversation was not a reflection of me, and the feeling of inconclusiveness is simply told me that the issue is to be developed further, and that was my approach to be superficial one-way: I was not truly present and attentive, gave many (too many) things for granted, believing that she was expressing the truth when they were nothing more than a Another stupid veil.

were not in fact become two people talking, but two mentalities, two theories, and this could hardly enrich them.

is how you end with: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;l'argomento is too complex to be developed in 5 minutes>>.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Disc Golf Beer Cooler Bag

SCHOOL AND SUBSTANCE. The battle of the minister Gelmini.

Joseph Caliceti from The Manifesto of 09/12/2010

While the battle cry of "Responsible! Merit, "is also ripped apart the Italian university, some schools start trials of excellence. On 19 November the Minister for Education said: "It's a historic day. Finally we begin to evaluate teachers and schools on the basis of merit. So the best prizes. " What is this? A first draft intends to evaluate the best among all the schools in the province of Pisa and Syracuse, a second in Naples and Turin. How? Meanwhile, the yardsticks are inevitably based only on the pupils, not on their education and skills. No account is taken of the preconditions of the students before the readings. This will create a final ranking of the schools regardless of the social fabric in which they appear. There is a strong risk of self assessment: judging the school staff is in fact above all other school staff. Again: it is not clear what is the assessment of students and parents of students.
The award of merit is likely to go to teachers who ingratiates better president, given that the assessment committee is not independent. Then entrust the Chairman of the Council of the Institute, the figure also elected by the independent prosecutor? In doing so, however, the commission, which would guarantee of competence? In a primary school teachers have more or less the same studies, but in high school?
The variety of disciplines would not guarantee the expression of an evaluation committee to the task, since the teacher does not know letters to assess the curriculum of a collegadi Chemistry or English. But it is interesting to note that in this way, school competition, introduced the concept of autonomy, a cornerstone of the Democratic Party, which produce more quality in the sense of an optimal development of cognitive abilities of boys and miglioramentodel them feel good at school produces first competition best companies, hunting for sponsors rivalries, instead of collegiality among teachers. Finally, the premium for teachers that would be more deserving, let's face it, is ridiculous: one month per year, equivalent to about 4 € per day. So much so that many teachers invite colleagues to reject the tender Almería to 4 euro for respecting those who live in precarious employment school. For schools forced yet to buy toilet paper with the money of students' parents. And remembering that funds to reward the best are the ones alleged recovered cuts staff, including teachers of support for disabled children. In short, it is terrible to think that the funds for the premiums on an alleged human resources resulting from the cuts and the right to education of the disabled? But then, the real purpose of the drama, what is? The exclusion of collective bargaining when they go to determine salary increases for teachers . No coincidence that in recent years the Minister has proposed to abolish the trade unions from the school. This is why the minister does not give certainty about fits of seniority and move tactically attention to the trials on the merits where, however, has no ideas, no money. As to the criteria used perdefinire merit, we take the output, the number of promoted. It's a sign of better school? I promote the raising of more votes, or can I get more qualified students just because I have no problem, or whose family can afford foreign language courses and remedial courses for a fee. So what? The merit of the school or for families? Odell government in which the school and family are OK? Or all together? Whatever you think, by this criterion, the premio'produzione 'should be schools of the most wealthy and risk dispersion aminor scolastica.Certamente not to those schools most in need, as suggested reading dell'articolo3 of our Constitution. Here, the most striking result of the application and strumentaledi forced on an ideology of an institution as complex and delicate as the school, especially when it comes to school, this is violent and irresponsible attack on the principles of subsidiarity , solidarity and support: the cornerstone of our Constitution and our democratic coexistence .

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nauseated From Flu Shot

A playlist winter

With the potential of the network, and a few days of rest, I decided to share (with the hope of "conmoltiplicare") today , a playlist for me very significant.
winter and a little ... A little winter as it goes inward.
Winter and inside the other hand, you look very much like words, and perhaps not by chance.

Just like the winter that makes us like animals evolved to rest, "silence, isolation, understanding, reflection, a burrow, looking to accumulate energy and knowledge, in order that it fully express in the warmer months.

present what we meant in a nutshell I think the 14, beautiful, songs included. I hope with all my heart that you could transmit the same force and intensity that have sent me.

Physiognomy - Franco Battiato: you start with a piece of self-observation through the physical features of his face, thanks to the maestro Battiato. Physiognomy, not applied to the proceedings, but for the knowledge and understanding of what's around, it may be the key to many inner exploration.

One Man - Niccolò Fabi: Nicholas very well in this song describes the suffering that may result from the first steps of a search path, which can not be separated from the observation and the excess (which does not mean repression) of their negative emotions. After all we are "all under one heaven ".

The shadow line - Jovanotti: Jovanotti in this song can be summed up in the impeccably story by Conrad. All sooner or later we pass through this state of mind full of fear and indecision for the selection of a new road. Beautiful sound of didgeridoo introduction.

How are you - Brunori Sas: How do you feel is the phrase debut in the world, you never get enough attention is paid, and very often becomes merely a convention conformist, maybe we should learn to listen more to explore and understand is who we face, and then ourselves.

And you come to search - Franco Battiato: this song is often attributed to a hypothetical surface only love / o. In reality there is in everything that we need to explore the world from what is within us, in my opinion.

Inside or outside - Niccolò Fabi: same album "only a man, "Nicholas writes that other gem of self-listening. How do you build a permanent center of gravity. It will also be the game to change from within, but in the end game that will change the inside ...

The giraffe died - Brunori Sas: Brunori in a simple song can express very well that all we need is all we have here and we can see at this moment, nothing else. Observation.

Why not? - Lucio Battisti: zen a real song. The attention to small things of the present. This is a song that makes you feel good.

The man in me - Bob Dylan: The part cock and uncaring within us. That piece chain. Carefree nth degree.

who am I - Franco Battiato: a great piece. Who am I? A question that we should be constantly to understand what happens to us "out." \u0026lt;\u0026lt;All Illusione, is everything vacuità.>>

Redemption Song - Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros: one of the best cover I've heard. This famous song by Bob Marley comes alive with a great life thanks to the expressive and vocal chords of Joe Strummer. From tears.

The eagles do not fly in flocks - Franco Battiato: the way we have to do alone, we are bound all the aid we need, but we must walk the road. Only us.

Fango - Jovanotti: I know that non sono solo anche quando sono solo. A parte lo scioglilingua, che già cantarlo così in maniera naturale, per uno con la "s" moscia come Lorenzo deve essere stata un'impresa da applaudire, questa è una canzone che fa bene all'anima. Per chi non si arrende mai. <<Ma l'unico pericolo che sento veramente è quello di non riuscire più a sentire niente...>>

Ovunque proteggi - Vinicio Capossela: La fiducia di sapere un'energia "superiore" sempre affianco a noi...

L'ombra della luce - Franco Battiato: senza parole. Una preghiera in forma di canzone.

Ecco qui la playslist: buon ascolto a tutti!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pokemon Raptor For Vba

2. EVOLUTION. The evolution of communication media and the impermanence of things

In parallelo con il post sull'evoluzione dei supporti musicali, proverò ad osservare oggi alcuni aspetti dell'evoluzione negli ultimi anni dei supporti comunicativi,concentrandomi su quelli di uso "personale" (quindi escludendo tv e radio),e cercando di provare a capire cosa questo sta comportando a livello di consapevolezza e come sta tracciando implicitamente un'ipotetica impronta futura.

Senza andare troppo Parties in this short trip back in time from the old phone, that of a coin-operated car, and the one with the hard to dial numbers:

Some features are:

- Support for communication is in some ways "exclusive" to the statement: this type of phone serves only to make calls, then transmit words spoken (with consequent transmission of emotions related to voice over their content); The cabin also has a great physicality.

- The Moment of communication must be necessarily "live", that requires commitment and a contemporary presence of the two parties involved

- The point about which the communication takes place and is fixed for both subjects who are on the link: that they need to go physically to "search for" communication.

- The phone is a subject of "Community", quite impersonal, usable by everyone, or otherwise used by the whole family or office

- These last two points, assume that a person can not be traced at all times in every place, and this obviously creates anche tempi più lenti e un'incertezza maggiore per far "accadere" la comunicazione.

Arriva nel giro di qualche decennio il cellulare:

- Il supporto per effettuare la comunicazione diventa meno "esclusivo" alla comunicazione,  che si estende anche ad un invio di parole scritte, attraverso gli sms (con conseguente maggiore trasmissione di pensieri, quindi con la comunizazione che si sposta a livello più mentale piuttosto che emotivo); la sua dimensione e quindi fisicità diminuisce

- La comunicazione può avvenire sia in diretta, and deferred (due to the sms), that allows you to communicate even without attention contemporary of the two parties involved. Also greatly enhances the flow of words exchanged

- The point of the communication may be mobile communication following the practice in communicating, and in a certain sense communication the communicator seeks wherever you are, Now also greatly increases the flow of words that are exchanged distance

- The phone becomes a personal object and customizable, with an almost exclusive use of the person appartiene

- E'evidente che il tempo della comunicazione e per il suo accadere, accelera notevolmente

Poi ecco la rivoluzione telematica, internet, le email e soprattutto facebook e i social network:

- il supporto per effettuare la comunicazione è una vera e propria estensione delle azioni del pensiero umano: il computer, che permette di comunicare non solo parole, ma video, musica e coinvolge quindi molte più sfere comunicative, anche se sensorialmente è ancora limitato (tatto, odorato e gusto rimangono tuttora fuori da questo sitema). This last point is undoubtedly a notable aspect of which is not taken into account at the time of communication that can often make this very communicative system mental and sometimes forger. I am convinced that this last aspect, however, depend very much on the degree of awareness and

's consciousness - the notice may be live, delayed, but most of all, thanks to social networks, there is the possibility of create a fund resonance that can extend in a simple way, a communication or a personal reflection incredible amount of other people in a istantanea, e ciò crea uno scambio ed un flusso di dati anche fra punti estremi del mondo, che è immenso. Praticamente vi è potenzialmente la forza di comunicazione di una televisione e di una radio in ogni utilizzatore

- La comunicazione raggiunge il comunicante senza difficoltà in ogni luogo, e ne evidenzia anche le sue tendenze di pensiero e stili di vita in maniera incredibile

- Il tempo e il flusso di dati scambiati attraverso una comunicazione continuano indubbiamente ad accelerare

Sono chiari quindi, anche in questo secondo esempio (leggi primo) , alcuni aspetti dell'evoluzione communications that summarize here : exponential acceleration (or almost) the time and the spread of a data stream.

Where this is leading us?

In the next post devoted to this subject, I will put some references in the literature, and networking, I "caught" in this period randomly and I was fascinated, especially in key reading future.

To be continued ...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tk Maxx Cinderella Party Dress

Search for beauty, transforming ugliness

Many people are so imprisoned in their minds that the beauty of nature for them does not really exist. They can say \u0026lt;\u0026lt;What nice fiore!>>, but it is just a 'mental label automatically. Because they are not at rest, are not present, do not really see the flower, do not perceive the essence, the sacred, as they do not know themselves, do not perceive its essence, its holiness.
Because we live in such a culture dominated by the mind, art, architecture, music and modern literature are largely devoid of beauty, of inner essence, with very few exceptions. The reason is that those who create these things, non sa (nemmeno per un istante) liberarsi dalla mente. Per cui non è mai in contatto con quel luogo interiore in cui nascono la vera creatività e la bellezza. La mente lasciata a se stessa crea mostruosità, e non soltanto nelle gallerie d'arte. Osservate i paesaggi urbani e gli insediamenti industriali abbandonati. Nessuna cività ha mai prodotto tale bruttezza.

Tratto da: "il Potere di Adesso" - Tolle

Questo passo mi aveva colpito e avevo deciso così di sperimentare con l'osservazione (e quindi l'autosservazione) queste frasi di Tolle.
C'è lo scheletro di un palazzone enorme abbandonato, affianco al quale passo tutti i giorni mentre vado a lavoro. E' spoglio,  freddo, con i mattoni di un colore rosso sbiadito, al posto delle finestre buchi neri, come la dentatura di un vecchio vizioso.
E' di una bruttezza  oscura e vuota: quando si dice "vuoto di energia". Mi accorgo che non riesco a formulare pensieri chiari nei suoi confronti.
Quindi vado lì deciso a sperimentare le sensazioni da quella osservazione ma, sorpresa: cosa ci trovo? Ci trovo proprio davanti alla facciata un enorme telone di plastica tirantato, a mascherare quella bruttezza con quella finta copertura (fra l'altro anche piena di sponsor).

...Tutto a un tratto una feeling through the dark there, and then
you do? It turns on the TV, calling, getting away, you resist, you do not agree, does not change, no change ever really hidden, see,
just like putting plastic in front of the curtain falling ...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cruising Locations Nj

What stress stress stress during the day .........

nooooo ...... uh uh, sorry, I was humming;
blogghine prejudice people, you also already 'pre-Christmas stress? I will, now is a ritual: from August, I tell you that I have to start immediately with the chores of Christmas and then I find myself at the end of November that I have not done anything.
But if some 'field' so '? Everything in a rush and at the last minute, but how do you organize events? because I can not do that, I try but I can not ever, and so 'I find myself always with plenty to do and double the ideas realizzare.Uffa want, I'd love to be one of those prissy people, from those that things always see her going and always calm and smiling, and have homes that are a splendor and also organize dinners and dinners for friends and family and it seems that all the clocks in the world are amici.A me instead of them, the clocks must hate me because, though it is a very early morning, I find myself at 11 still wearing his pajamas, beds to be redone, to pass the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine to load, the zipper to attach to the nearby jeans, the pants 'friend to be shortened, laundry and ironing via dicendo.Ma what the hell! and is not that up to 11 did nothing, no, indeed, work started and spread around there is a lot ', and maybe my problem is just that, that as I begin a job, I'm already' thinking about starting another, and before you even start the second, I have already 'put his hands on the third and so, the only conclusion I start a lot and I finish very few.
Okay, so I made ', but, believe me, I'd love to change from what they are and learn to be more' orderly and disciplined (accept advice and suggestions in this regard).
For the moment I put two small little jobs I've done (no big deal, believe me)
I finished the pink sal-place marks held by Lella nel suo blog  creareperhobby , ed anche il dolcetto a cui ho fatto una modifica per poterlo appendere all'albero come ornamento

alcuni trova-chiavi in feltro che ho spudoratamente scopiazzato da quelli fatti da Pia nel suo blog FilosoPia

e questa pochette che ho realizzato usando il fondo di un jeans che ho accorciato, alcuni ritagli di stoffa e, per chiusura, quella che avevo  scucito a wool jacket that I had to delete (the series does not throw nothing but if not he can 'do without).
Sorry for the pictures that are bad, but I'm not at all good at it.
all for now (no, but other things are to be completed). I wish you a peaceful evening. Hello
; Gilda

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Help Electric Box Level 19

of cars with rails and insects masters

Or better said ... post open parenthesis

... I was alone in the car I was driving towards the usual direction.

I realized that often the car was for me a place of unconsciousness, place full of thoughts and uncontrolled loss of body awareness, as if entering it will automatically acquire a "body - car." And I think being aware of why this issue is very clear, so as to have the power to create situations of anxiety. It's like if I drive there was a "different".
E'da a while that we reflect and lately I'm trying to expose this issue to focus attention, to go a bit deeper.

I was in the car I was driving, and at one point, I buzz ... It was a bug resting on the driver's side window.
I open the window and unknowingly are chased out, then close the window immediately.

Dopo qualche secondo, inizio a riflettere sul destino di quell'insetto, e mi rendo conto che tutte  le azioni che ho fatto un attimo prima, sono state un riflesso completamente automatico (le cimici puzzano, intrusione in macchina, paura degli insetti) , senza nessun tipo di presenza.