...Ogni conversazione è qualcosa di magico...
Ha al proprio interno un'occasione per riflettere su se' stessi. Per capire anche il proprio livello di interazione con il mondo.
L'altro giorno mi sono trovato a chiacchierare sulla questione meridionale: non è la prima volta e sono sicuro che non sarà l'ultima, perchè è un argomento che ritorna ciclicamente alla mia attenzione.
Non mi interessa tanto condividere qui il contenuto della conversazione, perchè non è quello il punto importante, With one thing on which I have thought many times and I feel that the "new" compared to what I heard.
The reason of migration is often attributed in no particular order to: lack of infrastructure, inefficient policy, poverty, closures, and the like told and retold, chew and chew without solutions. If you honestly look
but the initial cause of my staff and I realize that migration is not for any of these reasons, but simply and literally only to be entered into a "migration".
Let me explain that there was no need to motivate him, in an age where I knew virtually nothing problems of politics and economics, was part of me (though I do not know how consciously) thinking that I wanted and had to experience anywhere else. Move. Move. And this was done at oppurtuno.
I do not mean it is right or wrong to leave, I just try to look at it from a different point of view.
I think basically that there are reasons a little deeper, mysterious and perhaps not trivially rationalized behind many migration flows, because it concerns a mysterious "way of thinking" that is established creating a reality, rather than individual choices and this inevitably makes it harder to succeed in expressing critical thinking. Why is come se ci fosse un filtro davanti ai nostri ragionamenti.
In realtà penso che spesso si entri a far parte e ci si metta più o meno inconsciamente, a disposizione di forze cinetiche "superiori" : è questo il punto nuovo che mi interessa mettere a fuoco con il tempo.
but the initial cause of my staff and I realize that migration is not for any of these reasons, but simply and literally only to be entered into a "migration".
Let me explain that there was no need to motivate him, in an age where I knew virtually nothing problems of politics and economics, was part of me (though I do not know how consciously) thinking that I wanted and had to experience anywhere else. Move. Move. And this was done at oppurtuno.
I do not mean it is right or wrong to leave, I just try to look at it from a different point of view.
I think basically that there are reasons a little deeper, mysterious and perhaps not trivially rationalized behind many migration flows, because it concerns a mysterious "way of thinking" that is established creating a reality, rather than individual choices and this inevitably makes it harder to succeed in expressing critical thinking. Why is come se ci fosse un filtro davanti ai nostri ragionamenti.
In realtà penso che spesso si entri a far parte e ci si metta più o meno inconsciamente, a disposizione di forze cinetiche "superiori" : è questo il punto nuovo che mi interessa mettere a fuoco con il tempo.
Razionalmente il concetto è semplice: se tutti rimanessero lì dove sono nati, il luogo diventerebbe più ricco, più forte ecc.ecc. (?), tutto così semplice(istico), eppure non è così. Allora addossiamo la "colpa" a mille ragioni, senza mai guardarci davvero dentro per cercare qualche risposta...
Durante il dialogo I have often experienced a feeling of inconclusiveness and superficiality that is expressed in the words in my thoughts. On reflection, at first I thought it was my responsibility to my partner that "threw" out the words and the thoughts old, repetitive and not entirely mine. But then, reflecting more deeply I realized that all this conversation was not a reflection of me, and the feeling of inconclusiveness is simply told me that the issue is to be developed further, and that was my approach to be superficial one-way: I was not truly present and attentive, gave many (too many) things for granted, believing that she was expressing the truth when they were nothing more than a Another stupid veil.
were not in fact become two people talking, but two mentalities, two theories, and this could hardly enrich them.
is how you end with: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;l'argomento is too complex to be developed in 5 minutes>>.
Durante il dialogo I have often experienced a feeling of inconclusiveness and superficiality that is expressed in the words in my thoughts. On reflection, at first I thought it was my responsibility to my partner that "threw" out the words and the thoughts old, repetitive and not entirely mine. But then, reflecting more deeply I realized that all this conversation was not a reflection of me, and the feeling of inconclusiveness is simply told me that the issue is to be developed further, and that was my approach to be superficial one-way: I was not truly present and attentive, gave many (too many) things for granted, believing that she was expressing the truth when they were nothing more than a Another stupid veil.
were not in fact become two people talking, but two mentalities, two theories, and this could hardly enrich them.
is how you end with: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;l'argomento is too complex to be developed in 5 minutes>>.
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