He realized that when a door is opened, it can take years to realize there passed through ...
This is not just a phrase put there to make good looking, but it is primarily the result of practical experience. One of the basic exercises ( rif.Salvatore Brizzi ) to realize how much we are sleeping during the day is to remember to itself when we pass through a door and then when we move physically from one environment to another.
Well all you have to do is: whenever you go through a door to be physically present at that step: to feel the temperature differences, observe your thoughts, observe the change in the visual environment, it seems a simple and trivial, yet at the beginning of the experiment I realized that was not not easy. I remembered long after I had crossed, as I was lost in thoughts and abstractions and reasoning.
So I think that happens for doors symbolic cross in our lives and not realize it until after many years that we have crossed.
As a corollary to this brief experience, here are the words of some teachers who have the function of an intercom For those who want to read hope you enjoy.
The problem, and I am convinced, is thus not to do new things, but often otherwise understand what one already does, and he sees evil, you see evil, and that seen in a distorted way. Apparently (and I say it seems ..) which is a process leading eventually to enlightenment. It seems that the enlightened laughs when he realizes what is ...
So it should be something very complicated. This is to peel the onions, remove the layers, which prevent me from understanding how the reality and the world.
So the simple things are particularly difficult, because the mind takes over adding so many things that have nothing to do.
Mario Vatrini - Words from a seminar Shiatsu
1 [514 a] - Then, I continued, comparing our nature, As regards education and lack of education, a picture like this. Inside a house-shaped underground cave, with entry open to light and as wide as the width of the cave, thinking to see that there are men inside from childhood, chained his legs and neck, by having to stay stopped and [b] can only see forward, unable, because of the chain to turn around his head. High and far behind them shines the light of a fire and between the fire and the prisoners raised a road race. Along this thought to see a low wall built, like the screen that the puppeteers put in front of people to show on top of them puppets. - I see, he said. - Imagine seeing men carrying objects along the low wall [c] hanging from the edge of every kind, and statues and other [515 a] figures of stone and wood, in whatever way you work, and, as is natural, some carriers talk , others are silent. - A strange image is yours, he said, and those are strange prisoners. - They look like us, I said, you believe that these people can see, first of himself and companions, nothing but the shadows cast by the fire on the wall of the cave that is in front of them? - And how can she replied, if they are forced to keep building on the [b] head for life? - And for the items carried is not the same? - Definitely. - If the prisoners could talk each other, do not you think they would think of calling their visions real objects? - Naturally. - And even if the prison had an echo from the opposite wall? Every time one of the loops did hear his voice, believe that the courts other than those passing shadow? - I do not, by Zeus!, [C] said. - For those people short, I said, the truth can not be anything but the shadows of artificial objects. - Of course, he admitted. - Examine now resumed, as they could melt the chains and heal from unconsciousness. Admit that happen to their naturally a case like this, that one was loose, suddenly forced to stand, turn around in his head, to walk and raise our eyes to the light, and that by so doing he felt pain and the glare made him incapable of [d ] see those objects of which first saw the shadows. What do you think would respond if that was said, that first saw emptiness devoid of meaning, but now, being closer to what and which is being directed toward objects that have to be more, can see better? and if, showing each of the objects that pass, you ask him and it forced him to answer what is? Do not you think that would be doubtful and judge more real the things he saw before those that were shown now? - Sure, he said.
2 [and] - What if you forced it to look the same light, hear no evil and do not run away, turning his eyes towards the objects that may support the view? and do not really judge them more clear than those that were shown? - You so, he said. - If you then went on, drag it out of there by force, up to the rough and steep ascent, and did not leave until I had taken in the light of the sun, not irritated and do not suffer [516 a] to be dragged? And, come to light, being dazzled his eyes, could not even see one of those things that are now true. - It could not, of course, said at least warning. - Should, I think, get used to if he wants to see the world better. And before observed, very easily, shadows, and then the images of humans and other objects in their reflections in the water, and then the objects themselves, and from these then, turning to look in the light of the stars and moon, [b] may contemplate the heavenly bodies at night and the sky itself more easily than during the day, the sun and the sunlight. - Why not? - In the end, I think, may observe and contemplate what is really the sun, not its image, or other surface waters, but the sun itself, in the region that is proper. - For strength, he said. - After that, speaking of the sun, it may already conclude that it is to produce the seasons and years and govern all things of the visible world, and to be [c] because, in a way, all that he and his mates saw. - It is clear, replied that end with similar experiences cosí. – E ricordandosi della sua prima dimora e della sapienza che aveva colà e di quei suoi compagni di prigionia, non credi che si sentirebbe felice del mutamento e proverebbe pietà per loro? – Certo. – Quanto agli onori ed elogi che eventualmente si scambiavano allora, e ai primi riservati a chi fosse piú acuto nell’osservare gli oggetti che passavano e piú [d] rammentasse quanti ne solevano sfilare prima e poi e insieme, indovinandone perciò il successivo, credi che li ambirebbe e che invidierebbe quelli che tra i prigionieri avessero onori e potenza? o che si troverebbe nella condizione detta da Omero e preferirebbe “altrui per salario servir da contadino, uomo sia pur senza sostanza”, e patire di tutto piuttosto che avere quelle opinioni e vivere in quel modo? – Cosí penso anch’io, rispose; [e] accetterebbe di patire di tutto piuttosto che vivere in quel modo. – Rifletti ora anche su quest’altro punto, feci io. Se il nostro uomo ridiscendesse e si rimettesse a sedere sul medesimo sedile, non avrebbe gli occhi pieni di tenebra, venendo all’improvviso dal sole? – Sí, certo, rispose. – E se dovesse discernere nuovamente quelle ombre e contendere con coloro che sono rimasti sempre prigionieri, nel periodo in cui ha la vista offuscata, prima [517 a] che gli occhi tornino allo stato normale? e se questo periodo in cui rifà l’abitudine fosse piuttosto lungo? Non sarebbe He then forms the subject of rice? and you would not think of him rising from his back with his eyes ruined and that is not even worth groped to go on? And who would take to dissolve and carry on those prisoners, maybe not the kill, if they could have it in your hands and kill him? - Of course, he said. [...]
Plato - The Republic
Below is a video clear where the myth of the cave art is interpreted during a train journey:
The first time that the myth of the cave knocked:
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