Economics. But the Government does not understand that radical and bold reforms are needed
Italians do not know how to handle the crisis of their depth in standard of living, like the present. They seem not to react. The Anglo-Saxon observers have always portrayed as soft and enervated a nation, not affected by state largesse, weighed down by an inefficient Soviet-style bureaucracy, stupid luxury, fallen from above (that "someone else", no one knows who should pay) asleep by the privileges, blocked by the resistance of Corporations, accustomed to the comforts of daily life. Stereotypes? No, likely to be, alas, accurate and realistic analysis.
The impression is that no one - not government or citizens - should accept the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to tighten the belt. We are continuing to behave as if we were still in the roaring seventies. Yeah but in those early "happy years," says Antonio Martino hours on the site of Istituto Bruno Leoni ratio of debt to gross domestic product was only 36.9% (today it is over 104%). And if the Berlusconi government that we currently enjoy, for lack of competitors for their skill, of a high popular support, does not put his hand to the reforms, even unpopular, who could do so in the future? Reforms are needed severe, dramatic, bold, radical. And the PDL could spend a bit 'to the liking of its assets to achieve them. But evidently no sense of the state, besides a very liberal person. What the press is really as long as possible to keep the percentages of Bulgarian popular support in preparation for the European elections. Other than liberalism and reformism.
, courageous and radical
Antonio Martino
Opening Available (Call for Berlusconi. Delete the provinces, "Saturday, November 29) has the great merit of bringing the world the terms of the lunar political debate of our time, leading all'ineludibile point of departure for any serious analysis of our situation: Italy as it is not saved. The existing can not be managed as if nothing fudesse, must be radically changed if we start to hope in the future. It 's a theory that I will continue to emphasize in every possible way: the operations, the pannicelli hot, the offering and giving of small patches produce no effects whatsoever, not to die, Italy has to change.
The existing in place for decades, is the result of gradual accumulation of decisions inspired by the senseless and childish form of populist statism catto-comunista. Non è pensabile che l’economia italiana possa crescere, che si possa scongiurare l’eventualità che la crisi attuale si trasformi in autentica catastrofe, quando si continua a sottoporre il nostro Paese ad un salasso pari al 50% di tutto ciò che viene prodotto. Né è sensato difendere quel salasso quando è evidente a tutti che quel gigantesco ben di Dio viene sistematicamente dilapidato in spese futili, superflue o dannose. Come si può credere che si possano avere miglioramenti mantenendo un sistema di governo locale pletorico, dispendioso e farraginoso? Quando il sistema pensionistico continua ad essere insostenibile e si avvia al fallimento, quando il sistema sanitario, a fronte di costi astronomici ed ingiustificabili, continua a restare invariato, quando la ridondante macchina amministrativa serve solo ad ostacolare, quando non ad impedire, le attività produttive? Potrei continuare a lungo ma il lettore sa benissimo di cosa parlo.
Questa Italia, così ridotta, può solo continuare a fare debiti: nel 1970 il rapporto del debito pubblico sul reddito nazionale era pari al 36,9%, nel 1980 54,9%, nel 1990 97,2%, nel 2000 104%, e continua a crescere. Cambiano le maggioranze parlamentari, cambiano i governi, ma la marcia verso la catastrofe finanziaria continua inarrestabile.
Al crescere della spesa pubblica si è ridotto fino ad azzerarsi il tasso di sviluppo del reddito: dal 1951 al 1980 siamo cresciuti ad un tasso medio annuo superiore 6%, from 1981 to 2000 our growth has dropped to just over 2%, since 2001 the growth rate was lower than the margin of statistical error. Italy, having stunned the world with a growth that was about a miracle, has become a country "in the process of underdevelopment."
The trends in the world suggest that we face difficult times, who could in good faith believe that Italy can do in these conditions? Who is willing to defend the level of our public expenditures, their destination, their use? Who can believe that a country ill-treated, poorly managed, overburdened by a huge debt and a cast by a mountain of unnecessary constraints can successfully face the challenges ahead? We do not need
maneuvers - ours is not a temporary condition of an otherwise healthy but the physiological outcome of a wrong system - we need reform, bold and radical restore order in a country devastated by a half century of reckless government. For the first time in our recent history, we have the political conditions necessary to meet the challenge of change. The majority is large and cohesive, most of the opposition more reasonable than it has been in the past, the moment is serious and will not tolerate delays and hesitations. So let the bold statements and decisions timid to cautionary statements and courageous choices. Typically, the story has the right man at the right time: Berlusconi prove to be.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Virtual World Games That Are Safe Like Poptropica
Long live America and Obama, a new actor come tanti, sul palcoscenico del Mondo
the newly elected President of the United States, Barak Obama, the Italian liberals send best wishes and fraternal more pleased. Why
the oldest liberal democracy in the world it is working well even in times of severe economic crisis occurred because someone among politicians and financial controllers had forgotten to enforce market rules.
Because the United States now not only know how to integrate the black American, but even the children of recent immigrants from Africa. Other than Europe.
Why Obama has expressed in the his career as a level of excellence and merit from the university, far from what is normally required in corrupt Italy, where the left and right to govern for the most mediocre and good for nothing, and where the entire society is based the "spoiled children" and on the recommendations, friends or political. Other than merit. Why Obama has assimilated well and now the liberal-democratic freedoms and equality of starting points, intelligence and competition. Thanks to him, but also about the society in which they live. Other than Italy.
But also because the democracy of the United States knows how to be flexible, not rigid, slow, conservative and gerontocratic as that of the countries of Europe (With Italy in the first row), and thus eligible for the first time a black 49-year-old son of the mixture of ethnic groups that underpin American society is more accepting the promise of a "change" - we must then see what - to keep America shows the courage and love for novelty and Progress of the typical liberal, whatever school they are.
Why, then, Obama, who claims to be inspired by the Liberal Lincoln, rather than representing the Democratic Party, is the expression of an America cross new, unconventional dreamer, perhaps naive, representing many minorities, young people, from
women and any citizen who opposed alle aride burocrazie conservatrici.
Com'è giovane l'America, disposta sempre a ricominciare, a rischiare, a scommettere sul nuovo, a mettersi in gioco. Com'è vecchia l'Europa, com'è decrepita l'Italia.
In realtà della politica e della psicologia di Obama, tranne il suo curriculum brillante e la sua intelligenza, che gli ha suggerito di trasmettere entusiasmo e passione ai congressisti del Partito Democratico e agli elettori, noi non sappiamo niente. Come ignoravamo tutto della vera natura di McCain o di Bush. Certo, non gli sarà difficile apparire dieci volte più intelligente di Bush.
D'accordo, il sistema è più importante dei singoli in America. Strano, no? Perché il luogo comune sui "valori dell'America" che sopravvive in Europa dice semmai il contrario.
Ma l’animo di un uomo è imperscrutabile perfino ai suoi familiari, amici e colleghi più assidui. Non è facile capire quali sentimenti nobili, banali o abietti, quali finalità segrete egli nasconda. Solo gli atti esterni potrebbero darci una traccia.
Eppure questa teoria del "political behaviorism", del comportamentismo politico, è smentita dai commentatori più tecnici, che spiegano col consueto cinismo come e qualmente nelle moderne democrazie perfino i presidenti oggi rischiano di essere irrilevanti, controllati come sono da anonimi staff, lobbies industriali e commissioni consultive.
The presidents, even they are therefore only of stunt doubles, men's "image" necessarily mediocre? But if so, to direct all parties are the bureaucratic apparatus that reign the half-figures, politicians more squalid. And what we know about them? None.
imagine how little we can rejoice or sorrow, in particular, for the election of Obama, with measured words, consummate actor also skilled in the about-face, shadowy, computer, in short, capable of anything, as all politicians come to success even in "liberal" America. Everything about him, when we see the work, we will surprise and disappointment. And everything will be possible, as even the opposite, until you see the work. And even later.
We say this not to redo the verse in Seneca and Shakespeare, but because we saw that the policy not only attracts the best, but it is corrupting even those considered the best. The success of unrestrained ambition, love for the command end in itself, the desire to excel in power over others rather than create their individual works, is a drug that binds and attracts many who do not have other virtues, which often have no capacity or to cultivate their own values, and therefore choose to live in exclusive relationships with others. But they're among the people, among other politicians, in order to snatch pure benevolence, the vote, then they can dominate. And through them dominate the people and the world.
today that American Democrat Obama is elected U.S. president, the Republican McCain by a large margin, we see that both were and are icons. Of them do not know anything more than what they themselves and their press offices have wanted it to be known. Actors, great, good, but more often mediocre, the great scene of the World. And the audience, viewers, just to count numbers. We'll see who are the directors.
the newly elected President of the United States, Barak Obama, the Italian liberals send best wishes and fraternal more pleased. Why
the oldest liberal democracy in the world it is working well even in times of severe economic crisis occurred because someone among politicians and financial controllers had forgotten to enforce market rules.
Because the United States now not only know how to integrate the black American, but even the children of recent immigrants from Africa. Other than Europe.
Why Obama has expressed in the his career as a level of excellence and merit from the university, far from what is normally required in corrupt Italy, where the left and right to govern for the most mediocre and good for nothing, and where the entire society is based the "spoiled children" and on the recommendations, friends or political. Other than merit. Why Obama has assimilated well and now the liberal-democratic freedoms and equality of starting points, intelligence and competition. Thanks to him, but also about the society in which they live. Other than Italy.
But also because the democracy of the United States knows how to be flexible, not rigid, slow, conservative and gerontocratic as that of the countries of Europe (With Italy in the first row), and thus eligible for the first time a black 49-year-old son of the mixture of ethnic groups that underpin American society is more accepting the promise of a "change" - we must then see what - to keep America shows the courage and love for novelty and Progress of the typical liberal, whatever school they are.
Why, then, Obama, who claims to be inspired by the Liberal Lincoln, rather than representing the Democratic Party, is the expression of an America cross new, unconventional dreamer, perhaps naive, representing many minorities, young people, from
women and any citizen who opposed alle aride burocrazie conservatrici.
Com'è giovane l'America, disposta sempre a ricominciare, a rischiare, a scommettere sul nuovo, a mettersi in gioco. Com'è vecchia l'Europa, com'è decrepita l'Italia.
In realtà della politica e della psicologia di Obama, tranne il suo curriculum brillante e la sua intelligenza, che gli ha suggerito di trasmettere entusiasmo e passione ai congressisti del Partito Democratico e agli elettori, noi non sappiamo niente. Come ignoravamo tutto della vera natura di McCain o di Bush. Certo, non gli sarà difficile apparire dieci volte più intelligente di Bush.
D'accordo, il sistema è più importante dei singoli in America. Strano, no? Perché il luogo comune sui "valori dell'America" che sopravvive in Europa dice semmai il contrario.
Ma l’animo di un uomo è imperscrutabile perfino ai suoi familiari, amici e colleghi più assidui. Non è facile capire quali sentimenti nobili, banali o abietti, quali finalità segrete egli nasconda. Solo gli atti esterni potrebbero darci una traccia.
Eppure questa teoria del "political behaviorism", del comportamentismo politico, è smentita dai commentatori più tecnici, che spiegano col consueto cinismo come e qualmente nelle moderne democrazie perfino i presidenti oggi rischiano di essere irrilevanti, controllati come sono da anonimi staff, lobbies industriali e commissioni consultive.
The presidents, even they are therefore only of stunt doubles, men's "image" necessarily mediocre? But if so, to direct all parties are the bureaucratic apparatus that reign the half-figures, politicians more squalid. And what we know about them? None.
imagine how little we can rejoice or sorrow, in particular, for the election of Obama, with measured words, consummate actor also skilled in the about-face, shadowy, computer, in short, capable of anything, as all politicians come to success even in "liberal" America. Everything about him, when we see the work, we will surprise and disappointment. And everything will be possible, as even the opposite, until you see the work. And even later.
We say this not to redo the verse in Seneca and Shakespeare, but because we saw that the policy not only attracts the best, but it is corrupting even those considered the best. The success of unrestrained ambition, love for the command end in itself, the desire to excel in power over others rather than create their individual works, is a drug that binds and attracts many who do not have other virtues, which often have no capacity or to cultivate their own values, and therefore choose to live in exclusive relationships with others. But they're among the people, among other politicians, in order to snatch pure benevolence, the vote, then they can dominate. And through them dominate the people and the world.
today that American Democrat Obama is elected U.S. president, the Republican McCain by a large margin, we see that both were and are icons. Of them do not know anything more than what they themselves and their press offices have wanted it to be known. Actors, great, good, but more often mediocre, the great scene of the World. And the audience, viewers, just to count numbers. We'll see who are the directors.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
How To Play Soul Silver Online
Scandalo Catania. E meno male che il Governo Berlusconi doveva essere "liberale"
Perhaps he feels in his small, the Bush Italian, the fact is that after squandering taxpayers' money leaving Alitalia rot the issue to the benefit of the usual suspects of finance, Prime Minister Berlusconi is going to cover the losses of the City of Catania. A bad example and a previous serious negative educational impact, as a protest against the Liberals.
Once again the failure and mismanagement, are rewarded rather than punished, and his center-right government which had promised meritocracy and efficiency "liberal." So it was not, of course: To get the votes, this government is proving to be one of the least liberal in recent decades. The case
Catania ruled Arsena Paul, spokesperson of the Forum for the unity of the Republicans, calling for - hooray - the introduction of civil and criminal liability of directors and officers who make mistakes. "As the region Lazio, Catania is a shame-case example of this right at the local and national government, and yet another slap to the taxpayer," said Arsena back to the Republic-News. "Do not just see a city on the pavement, with debts of up to 500 million with sanitation workers who tip rubbish because not paid for months, not enough to know that in the face of this public managers are 'fat' salary with lavish 'performance bonuses '. Besides all this, we learn that the premier will procure 170 million of public money to cover the flaws of his personal physician in Catania, in addition to hundreds of millions to restore the health of the instability of Lazio. E 'unacceptable - concludes the statement - that it is always the city to pay for the mismanagement. As Republicans we ask that finally introduced the principle of political responsibility, moral, civil and criminal law as necessary for administrators incompetent. This applies to public functions, but also for the large SOEs and subsidiaries, which are going to be in crisis.
We fully agree with arsenic and Republican friends, this time too.
Perhaps he feels in his small, the Bush Italian, the fact is that after squandering taxpayers' money leaving Alitalia rot the issue to the benefit of the usual suspects of finance, Prime Minister Berlusconi is going to cover the losses of the City of Catania. A bad example and a previous serious negative educational impact, as a protest against the Liberals.
Once again the failure and mismanagement, are rewarded rather than punished, and his center-right government which had promised meritocracy and efficiency "liberal." So it was not, of course: To get the votes, this government is proving to be one of the least liberal in recent decades. The case
Catania ruled Arsena Paul, spokesperson of the Forum for the unity of the Republicans, calling for - hooray - the introduction of civil and criminal liability of directors and officers who make mistakes. "As the region Lazio, Catania is a shame-case example of this right at the local and national government, and yet another slap to the taxpayer," said Arsena back to the Republic-News. "Do not just see a city on the pavement, with debts of up to 500 million with sanitation workers who tip rubbish because not paid for months, not enough to know that in the face of this public managers are 'fat' salary with lavish 'performance bonuses '. Besides all this, we learn that the premier will procure 170 million of public money to cover the flaws of his personal physician in Catania, in addition to hundreds of millions to restore the health of the instability of Lazio. E 'unacceptable - concludes the statement - that it is always the city to pay for the mismanagement. As Republicans we ask that finally introduced the principle of political responsibility, moral, civil and criminal law as necessary for administrators incompetent. This applies to public functions, but also for the large SOEs and subsidiaries, which are going to be in crisis.
We fully agree with arsenic and Republican friends, this time too.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Running Shoes That Prevent Shin Splints
"Laici" e terza forza? Sì, in Italia sono stati influenti. Ma i liberali non sono solo laici
In the search scientific terminology should be pointed out the choice and scope of the working hypotheses. So, quite correctly, was the same author Massimo Teodori during the presentation of the essay History of the laity and clergy in the Italian Communist (Marsilio 2008) point out that more than opposition to clericalism, the term "secular" wanted to understand a meaning much wider (or narrower according to the point of view), or those parties, movements, intellectuals and foreign newspapers and to the Christian Democrats and the Catholic culture, both the PCI and the common culture.
seems obvious? But, no, this methodological premise we have ice cream. Because on one hand, it is true, on balance it turns out now that have had enormous influence, far superior to what we should expect from the mere sum their election results, the so-called "secular" as residually understood. (By the way, the more correct term "secular", let's face it, is so bad that is used more by the Church and the Vatican in order that the secularists themselves controversial).
Author and co-presenters in the presentation, in fact, agreed that almost one third of the electoral votes was "secular", at least until the end of the First Republic. So much so that in a fit of pessimism Teodori has admitted that it is clear at this point, after those repeated missed opportunities, the union of all "secular" does not do more.
But on closer inspection, what it apparently meant to slice off the cake and political power? That had formed even before the ideological and philosophical disputes is over the meeting place, a real Third Force. A policy area, that is, able to mediate between the duopolists DC and PCI, large enough and strong enough to threaten or to ally with one or the other duopolies behave so as to "tip the balance."
But it was a third force of pure power, because in terms of cultural and ideological differences, even between the two main components, the Liberals (PLI and PRI) and the Socialists (PSI er PSDI), were not so great as to make operational in the daily political, economic and trade union that does not alleged or virtual, but real, though inefficient, the Third Force. Also because of the usual radical, then more fully liberal-socialists now, leaned on the first hour, now on the second side of the scale, and therefore could not be fully utilized by any of the two components.
no accident, the exception that proves the rule was contrary to the Department and individual moral issues such as divorce, abortion ol'obiezione of conscience, who saw perfectly together, like in the big final rally before the referendum on divorce, Piazza del Popolo in Rome, where there was everything from a Malagodi Parri. But unlike Teodori, it should be considering the visual symbol, theatrical, even mass, Terza Forza laica, confinato com'era alle pure questioni di coscienza, diciamo meta-partitiche, era anche la definitiva decretazione dell'inutilità politica di quella artificiosa categoria.
L’errore fondamentale dei "terzaforzisti" fu infatti – lo ha ripetuto nella presentazione lo stesso Teodori, che è stato a lungo dirigente e deputato radicale – quello di litigare e antipatizzare cordialmente tra di loro: Pannella non sopportava Saragat, questi aveva in antipatia Malagodi, il quale non amava La Malfa, e così via. E tutti erano concordi nel disprezzare Pannella, del resto abbondantemente ricambiati.
Non parliamo, poi, dei socialisti Psi: l’arrivo di Craxi allontanò anziché avvicinare la prospettiva di una terza forza laica davvero operativa. Basti pensare al Concordato con la Chiesa, segretamente preparato e presentato come un fulmine a ciel sereno. Noi laici liberali ne fummo colpiti: avemmo la conferma che il velleitario PSI craxiano perseguiva solo una politica di puro potere. Altro che ideologia. Non si sentiva né laicista, né terza forza, ma semplicemente mirava a scalzare e sostituire il PCI o la DC, nientemeno, nella più comoda posizione di "seconda forza".
Ulteriore complicazione, l’appartenenza dei socialisti e di alcuni socialdemocratici alla CGIL che allora era collegata con una "cinghia di trasmissione" al PCI. E quindi qualsiasi ipotesi di effettiva terza forza si sarebbe scontrata anche con questa ambigua infiltration.
This is intended to be a mere exercise in rhetoric paradoxical statement that the journalism Salvemini (in a 1953 paper in the weekly World , properly distributed by his Liberal Lamedica of Veneto) feels at once liberal, democratic, republican and socialist indeed none of the four, having regard to their quarrels, envy, strife and figures. It was part of the stylistic "good" of a newspaper that was - and is in the ideology of Salvemini Pannunzio - prove to be completely independent, but also sensitive and attentive to the vast post-shareholder lib lab and the readers of middle-class Croce's intellectual or democratic.
Therefore, it is the working hypothesis "secular" = residual third force between DC and PCI, which does not hold up historically or at the ideological level. A too wide, muddy swamp. Both options were divergent economic, political, methodological, including liberal Republicans, on the one hand, and socialist, albeit democratic, on the other. Do not forget that even today the only two options are still possible democratic and reformist liberal and socialist. Merge them, it would be illogical and ambiguous.
But today times have changed radically. Communism collapsed and liberalism has emerged, more to the demerits of his opponents for their own merits, as the only political doctrine, effectively and with fewer side effects. And socialism is dead or dying.
Therefore, if a third force in the Republic botched and had contested for more than 25 percent today according to the pure ideological views of the respondents only the liberals would have well over 30 or 40 percent. Although voters have been traditionally marry in almost all parties, and therefore difficult due to the coherence unit shewn ideological party.
But the point is that we liberals do not want any more, today, an ambiguous unity of the so-called "secular" meant to Teodori. We do not need. It riproporrebbero in all the contradictions and dialectics which divided the parties of penta. At the point where we, as today for a quirk of history, we found the knife from the ideological part of the handle, we want the unity of the liberals. Other than "secular".
That would have been the case in several movements, parties or personalities liberals to be connected. The more correct lesson of "lay" just as liberal, individualistic, anti-clerical, defenders of competition and liberalization, friends of the West and advocates of NATO, would have given the conduct of research a more linear and less ambiguous, at least to pay attention the presentation of this interesting volume. Volume
that we have not read, and now, with that, we will read avidly.
In the search scientific terminology should be pointed out the choice and scope of the working hypotheses. So, quite correctly, was the same author Massimo Teodori during the presentation of the essay History of the laity and clergy in the Italian Communist (Marsilio 2008) point out that more than opposition to clericalism, the term "secular" wanted to understand a meaning much wider (or narrower according to the point of view), or those parties, movements, intellectuals and foreign newspapers and to the Christian Democrats and the Catholic culture, both the PCI and the common culture.
seems obvious? But, no, this methodological premise we have ice cream. Because on one hand, it is true, on balance it turns out now that have had enormous influence, far superior to what we should expect from the mere sum their election results, the so-called "secular" as residually understood. (By the way, the more correct term "secular", let's face it, is so bad that is used more by the Church and the Vatican in order that the secularists themselves controversial).
Author and co-presenters in the presentation, in fact, agreed that almost one third of the electoral votes was "secular", at least until the end of the First Republic. So much so that in a fit of pessimism Teodori has admitted that it is clear at this point, after those repeated missed opportunities, the union of all "secular" does not do more.
But on closer inspection, what it apparently meant to slice off the cake and political power? That had formed even before the ideological and philosophical disputes is over the meeting place, a real Third Force. A policy area, that is, able to mediate between the duopolists DC and PCI, large enough and strong enough to threaten or to ally with one or the other duopolies behave so as to "tip the balance."
But it was a third force of pure power, because in terms of cultural and ideological differences, even between the two main components, the Liberals (PLI and PRI) and the Socialists (PSI er PSDI), were not so great as to make operational in the daily political, economic and trade union that does not alleged or virtual, but real, though inefficient, the Third Force. Also because of the usual radical, then more fully liberal-socialists now, leaned on the first hour, now on the second side of the scale, and therefore could not be fully utilized by any of the two components.
no accident, the exception that proves the rule was contrary to the Department and individual moral issues such as divorce, abortion ol'obiezione of conscience, who saw perfectly together, like in the big final rally before the referendum on divorce, Piazza del Popolo in Rome, where there was everything from a Malagodi Parri. But unlike Teodori, it should be considering the visual symbol, theatrical, even mass, Terza Forza laica, confinato com'era alle pure questioni di coscienza, diciamo meta-partitiche, era anche la definitiva decretazione dell'inutilità politica di quella artificiosa categoria.
L’errore fondamentale dei "terzaforzisti" fu infatti – lo ha ripetuto nella presentazione lo stesso Teodori, che è stato a lungo dirigente e deputato radicale – quello di litigare e antipatizzare cordialmente tra di loro: Pannella non sopportava Saragat, questi aveva in antipatia Malagodi, il quale non amava La Malfa, e così via. E tutti erano concordi nel disprezzare Pannella, del resto abbondantemente ricambiati.
Non parliamo, poi, dei socialisti Psi: l’arrivo di Craxi allontanò anziché avvicinare la prospettiva di una terza forza laica davvero operativa. Basti pensare al Concordato con la Chiesa, segretamente preparato e presentato come un fulmine a ciel sereno. Noi laici liberali ne fummo colpiti: avemmo la conferma che il velleitario PSI craxiano perseguiva solo una politica di puro potere. Altro che ideologia. Non si sentiva né laicista, né terza forza, ma semplicemente mirava a scalzare e sostituire il PCI o la DC, nientemeno, nella più comoda posizione di "seconda forza".
Ulteriore complicazione, l’appartenenza dei socialisti e di alcuni socialdemocratici alla CGIL che allora era collegata con una "cinghia di trasmissione" al PCI. E quindi qualsiasi ipotesi di effettiva terza forza si sarebbe scontrata anche con questa ambigua infiltration.
This is intended to be a mere exercise in rhetoric paradoxical statement that the journalism Salvemini (in a 1953 paper in the weekly World , properly distributed by his Liberal Lamedica of Veneto) feels at once liberal, democratic, republican and socialist indeed none of the four, having regard to their quarrels, envy, strife and figures. It was part of the stylistic "good" of a newspaper that was - and is in the ideology of Salvemini Pannunzio - prove to be completely independent, but also sensitive and attentive to the vast post-shareholder lib lab and the readers of middle-class Croce's intellectual or democratic.
Therefore, it is the working hypothesis "secular" = residual third force between DC and PCI, which does not hold up historically or at the ideological level. A too wide, muddy swamp. Both options were divergent economic, political, methodological, including liberal Republicans, on the one hand, and socialist, albeit democratic, on the other. Do not forget that even today the only two options are still possible democratic and reformist liberal and socialist. Merge them, it would be illogical and ambiguous.
But today times have changed radically. Communism collapsed and liberalism has emerged, more to the demerits of his opponents for their own merits, as the only political doctrine, effectively and with fewer side effects. And socialism is dead or dying.
Therefore, if a third force in the Republic botched and had contested for more than 25 percent today according to the pure ideological views of the respondents only the liberals would have well over 30 or 40 percent. Although voters have been traditionally marry in almost all parties, and therefore difficult due to the coherence unit shewn ideological party.
But the point is that we liberals do not want any more, today, an ambiguous unity of the so-called "secular" meant to Teodori. We do not need. It riproporrebbero in all the contradictions and dialectics which divided the parties of penta. At the point where we, as today for a quirk of history, we found the knife from the ideological part of the handle, we want the unity of the liberals. Other than "secular".
That would have been the case in several movements, parties or personalities liberals to be connected. The more correct lesson of "lay" just as liberal, individualistic, anti-clerical, defenders of competition and liberalization, friends of the West and advocates of NATO, would have given the conduct of research a more linear and less ambiguous, at least to pay attention the presentation of this interesting volume. Volume
that we have not read, and now, with that, we will read avidly.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pokemondeluge Teach Me Hack
Liberali e repubblicani: guardare al P.L. Europeo e all’Internazionale Liberale
While the anti-liberalism, ethical, legal, institutional, economic, raging in the political class of the left and right, one half against "modern" and that even among Italy's European slipping due to age-old cultural deficit, now appears much changed in the liberal sense, that consoles a few heroic volunteers - "civil society" to name a few, as if to make clear that their "civil" are not - they are committed to giving substance to the utopia of reunification and revitalization of the layman. And by "lay", a word incorrectly in Italy but traditional, we mean the real ones: Liberals and Republicans.
Substantial areas of these two glorious historical components of the Risorgimento that time, the impetus came from this blog two years ago, which gave rise to the first poster and the first coordination among liberals that the history of Italian flavors (June 2006), they are led back to unity after decades of diaspora , not only to praise the past, which is to be commended, but rather for the relaunch of Italy today and tomorrow. Why only them, to us, it is this task? Simple: because all ideologies have collapsed, it is true, except the one that has seen the Cavour, the Mazzini, the Cross, Nathan, the Einaudi, La Malfa, Ernesto Rossi's, create a new Italy, that their intentions had be less similar as possible to the reign of the Bourbons or the Pope, and more similar to Britain.
The path of our Committee, who works in an environment - the secular - fraught with idiosyncrasies, personalities and old ways to the subdivision, has thus far been slow but positive. Against expectations, it is still active in two years after its foundation, and indeed has had great success, which goes far beyond 10 or 12 symbols and has already gathered a reversal of historical trends, to stimulate the process of rapprochement for the first time in 15 years of virtually all branches of liberalism represented until 1993 the old Liberal Party, and even after 150 years of liberal Republicans, at least in part.
The process is evolving slowly and the politics of small steps. Now the focus has been on the forthcoming elections (local and European).
I've always been personally opposed to forge ahead and present to the voters without first clearly explained the major new teacher, with events that must necessarily be "great" to impress in the memory and erase old stereotypes established over 60 years of political loser. Because - I have repeatedly said since the Act of the founding of the Committee, in 2006 - the science of psychology of communication is clear: we are so late, because of liberal politicians on the stage so far (after all Malagodi and La Malfa), which should be given the people, through the diffident political journalists used to see us lose the sense of real break in the trend, that is a drastic solution of continuity with the past, with entirely new methods of communication, with a gritty political personnel and the Anglo-Saxon.
But my intuition is never shared by his friends, because true States-General to re-foundation of the world organization presuppose liberal throughout the territory that the republican-liberal world has not and apparently do not even want to have, because now with the internet would not impossible, and even economically. Not to mention, funding needed for small, poor or no connections with the Italian industrial lighting, the few who in a crowd of entrepreneurs accustomed to protectionism, the hoped-for policy of state support, more or less hidden, I would definitely prefer the meritocracy of the market's true.
However, if we must re-election in unifying process has just begun, at least let's do it with dignity and providing the best hand (which for us, unlike women, not the "side B" ...) and not going to meet ' yet another unjust defeat, at least so that the first digit of the percentage is zero, we, in theory, we would have our half of the Italians.
Indeed, the difference between 40 or more per cent and 1 per cent or more, would provide the numerical measure tangible, scientific, of our inability to represent the new Italians, the New Liberals born in 1990 and 2000. Today - comfortable enough with the excuses for our laziness or incompetence - are many, many. The old general knew better. It is worth exposing the army into battle and be counted by enemies, even without first having made propaganda campaigns in cities and villages, and called the national lever? No need to Caesar or Napoleon to say no.
part of the preparation unit of all the Italian liberals, even in anticipation of elections, however, initiatives in full swing in the liberal camp. By his friend Claudio Pietroni, Liberal Forum and the Committee of the Marches of Italian Liberals, who held Aug. 30 at the IV National Congress of Loreto "Coordination of Italian liberal for a liberal policy", I get the following statement:
"This was another occasion meeting place for those political and cultural formations that are recognized in the great historical tradition of liberalism, which in the dialogue are a method of aggregation, even at the local level, to offer people an alternative to the two major camps of left and right, both impervious to liberalism.
"It 'was a new positive stage - continues the release of Pietroni - improving on the path della tradizionale diaspora liberale che ha raggiunto l’acme nel 1992, in occasione dello scioglimento del PLI e della cosiddetta Prima Repubblica, ma si è anche evidenziato un vuoto politico di presenza del pensiero liberale.
"Il convegno ha confermato e rafforzato la necessità di prestare ascolto alle aspettative dei cittadini sul territorio in previsione delle prossime amministrative di primavera e delle elezioni europee della primavera del 2009. Si è, inoltre, sottolineata la necessità di curare meglio e con più frequenza la comunicazione via Internet.
"Inoltre, non potendo intervenire sulla modifica della legge elettorale per le prossime elezioni europee, modifiche concernenti lo sbarramento, l’eventuale aumento the number of divisions over the introduction of the blocked list, it was decided to continue with the project's initial signature collection "as if" the means, human energy, cultural and financial were sufficient to overcome any obstacle.
"has been very positive meeting with Mr. Lorenzo Furlan, coordinator of non-partisan" To reduce the cost of politics ", which aims to present a draft law of popular initiative (see We agreed to solve the common problem of collecting signatures, and possibly also a help for the elections.
"In conclusion, the main objective of the path taken is quello di dare vita ad un’ampia costituente che faccia riferimento al Partito Liberale Europeo (ELDR) e all’Internazionale Liberale (IL) al fine di avviare la riorganizzazione dell’area in vista delle Europee 2009 e delle prossime amministrative. Questa ambizione per un soggetto politico nuovo, è suffragata dalla partecipazione di chi si dichiara repubblicano, riformatore o laico e si riconosce parte della famiglia culturale che fa riferimento al Partito Liberale Europeo e all’Internazionale liberale.
"Il Convegno si è concluso – così si chiude il Comunicato – con l’annuncio di un nuovo appuntamento per martedì 16 settembre a Roma, assieme al Partito Liberale (De Luca), alla Federazione Liberal (Morelli), the Forum for the unity of the Republicans (arsenic) and other groups that are promoting the project constituent (see "
While the anti-liberalism, ethical, legal, institutional, economic, raging in the political class of the left and right, one half against "modern" and that even among Italy's European slipping due to age-old cultural deficit, now appears much changed in the liberal sense, that consoles a few heroic volunteers - "civil society" to name a few, as if to make clear that their "civil" are not - they are committed to giving substance to the utopia of reunification and revitalization of the layman. And by "lay", a word incorrectly in Italy but traditional, we mean the real ones: Liberals and Republicans.
Substantial areas of these two glorious historical components of the Risorgimento that time, the impetus came from this blog two years ago, which gave rise to the first poster and the first coordination among liberals that the history of Italian flavors (June 2006), they are led back to unity after decades of diaspora , not only to praise the past, which is to be commended, but rather for the relaunch of Italy today and tomorrow. Why only them, to us, it is this task? Simple: because all ideologies have collapsed, it is true, except the one that has seen the Cavour, the Mazzini, the Cross, Nathan, the Einaudi, La Malfa, Ernesto Rossi's, create a new Italy, that their intentions had be less similar as possible to the reign of the Bourbons or the Pope, and more similar to Britain.
The path of our Committee, who works in an environment - the secular - fraught with idiosyncrasies, personalities and old ways to the subdivision, has thus far been slow but positive. Against expectations, it is still active in two years after its foundation, and indeed has had great success, which goes far beyond 10 or 12 symbols and has already gathered a reversal of historical trends, to stimulate the process of rapprochement for the first time in 15 years of virtually all branches of liberalism represented until 1993 the old Liberal Party, and even after 150 years of liberal Republicans, at least in part.
The process is evolving slowly and the politics of small steps. Now the focus has been on the forthcoming elections (local and European).
I've always been personally opposed to forge ahead and present to the voters without first clearly explained the major new teacher, with events that must necessarily be "great" to impress in the memory and erase old stereotypes established over 60 years of political loser. Because - I have repeatedly said since the Act of the founding of the Committee, in 2006 - the science of psychology of communication is clear: we are so late, because of liberal politicians on the stage so far (after all Malagodi and La Malfa), which should be given the people, through the diffident political journalists used to see us lose the sense of real break in the trend, that is a drastic solution of continuity with the past, with entirely new methods of communication, with a gritty political personnel and the Anglo-Saxon.
But my intuition is never shared by his friends, because true States-General to re-foundation of the world organization presuppose liberal throughout the territory that the republican-liberal world has not and apparently do not even want to have, because now with the internet would not impossible, and even economically. Not to mention, funding needed for small, poor or no connections with the Italian industrial lighting, the few who in a crowd of entrepreneurs accustomed to protectionism, the hoped-for policy of state support, more or less hidden, I would definitely prefer the meritocracy of the market's true.
However, if we must re-election in unifying process has just begun, at least let's do it with dignity and providing the best hand (which for us, unlike women, not the "side B" ...) and not going to meet ' yet another unjust defeat, at least so that the first digit of the percentage is zero, we, in theory, we would have our half of the Italians.
Indeed, the difference between 40 or more per cent and 1 per cent or more, would provide the numerical measure tangible, scientific, of our inability to represent the new Italians, the New Liberals born in 1990 and 2000. Today - comfortable enough with the excuses for our laziness or incompetence - are many, many. The old general knew better. It is worth exposing the army into battle and be counted by enemies, even without first having made propaganda campaigns in cities and villages, and called the national lever? No need to Caesar or Napoleon to say no.
part of the preparation unit of all the Italian liberals, even in anticipation of elections, however, initiatives in full swing in the liberal camp. By his friend Claudio Pietroni, Liberal Forum and the Committee of the Marches of Italian Liberals, who held Aug. 30 at the IV National Congress of Loreto "Coordination of Italian liberal for a liberal policy", I get the following statement:
"This was another occasion meeting place for those political and cultural formations that are recognized in the great historical tradition of liberalism, which in the dialogue are a method of aggregation, even at the local level, to offer people an alternative to the two major camps of left and right, both impervious to liberalism.
"It 'was a new positive stage - continues the release of Pietroni - improving on the path della tradizionale diaspora liberale che ha raggiunto l’acme nel 1992, in occasione dello scioglimento del PLI e della cosiddetta Prima Repubblica, ma si è anche evidenziato un vuoto politico di presenza del pensiero liberale.
"Il convegno ha confermato e rafforzato la necessità di prestare ascolto alle aspettative dei cittadini sul territorio in previsione delle prossime amministrative di primavera e delle elezioni europee della primavera del 2009. Si è, inoltre, sottolineata la necessità di curare meglio e con più frequenza la comunicazione via Internet.
"Inoltre, non potendo intervenire sulla modifica della legge elettorale per le prossime elezioni europee, modifiche concernenti lo sbarramento, l’eventuale aumento the number of divisions over the introduction of the blocked list, it was decided to continue with the project's initial signature collection "as if" the means, human energy, cultural and financial were sufficient to overcome any obstacle.
"has been very positive meeting with Mr. Lorenzo Furlan, coordinator of non-partisan" To reduce the cost of politics ", which aims to present a draft law of popular initiative (see We agreed to solve the common problem of collecting signatures, and possibly also a help for the elections.
"In conclusion, the main objective of the path taken is quello di dare vita ad un’ampia costituente che faccia riferimento al Partito Liberale Europeo (ELDR) e all’Internazionale Liberale (IL) al fine di avviare la riorganizzazione dell’area in vista delle Europee 2009 e delle prossime amministrative. Questa ambizione per un soggetto politico nuovo, è suffragata dalla partecipazione di chi si dichiara repubblicano, riformatore o laico e si riconosce parte della famiglia culturale che fa riferimento al Partito Liberale Europeo e all’Internazionale liberale.
"Il Convegno si è concluso – così si chiude il Comunicato – con l’annuncio di un nuovo appuntamento per martedì 16 settembre a Roma, assieme al Partito Liberale (De Luca), alla Federazione Liberal (Morelli), the Forum for the unity of the Republicans (arsenic) and other groups that are promoting the project constituent (see "
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Candida Fatigue Last Symptom Months
Giri di valzer liberali. L’insostenibile leggerezza di quei Tafazzi confusionari
Recently it has begun a process of federation the Liberals and moderates who have a member of Piedmont (James Portas, who was elected the Democratic Party), at least one regional council (Giuliano Manolin) and several councilors.
What does Giorgio Tonini, Head of Research Training and PD, this at the press conference? Anyway, why start the process of association with the Piedmont and the PLI group was working to promote along with other groups (Co-ordination of Italian liberals - For a liberal policy and the Forum for the unity of the Republicans) a list for the European Liberal that he could be the opportunity to begin a process different associations? The PLI
wants to form a federation with other groups, as well as moderates, or just wants to annex it, presenting at the negotiating table with the PD, to collect the prize of strengthening the coalition veltroniana?
Other liberals, who have marry in Berlusconi's coalition, will meet in Cuneo, later this month. Mr. Costa, former secretary of the Liberal Party, on the one hand recognizes that "the affirmation of the center-right will finally allow Italy to start the recovery of which has an absolute need. " On the other side considers it appropriate, by a liberal, "suggest, monitor, seeking to ensure the emergence and spread our values: We will continue also in the fight against waste, privileges, bureaucracy, government unnecessary, blue car, absenteeism, 'marquisates'. .. "
But the Liberals are considered useful because the center would be considered unable to start the recovery that Italy needs? Hence the opportunity to "propose, monitor, ETCC .."? And what role liberals could play if they are surrounded by incapable? Strengthening component would take only "liberal" to curry favor with the monarch Berlusconi?
Two examples of liberal confusion resulting from failure to give courage to the strategy of hospitality and not wanting to be a result of the liberal theory antagonist and distinct from any conservative ideology is socialist.
BEPPE Lamedica
Veneto Liberale
's good friend Lamedica to highlight the behavior too mobile ("feather in the wind"), standoffish, inconsistent and contradictory nature of some liberals who want to be clever without having the necessary resources. I'm just self-defeating, as the legendary TV personality Tafazzi. And so they end up unhappy and isolated all the more. (NV)
Recently it has begun a process of federation the Liberals and moderates who have a member of Piedmont (James Portas, who was elected the Democratic Party), at least one regional council (Giuliano Manolin) and several councilors.
What does Giorgio Tonini, Head of Research Training and PD, this at the press conference? Anyway, why start the process of association with the Piedmont and the PLI group was working to promote along with other groups (Co-ordination of Italian liberals - For a liberal policy and the Forum for the unity of the Republicans) a list for the European Liberal that he could be the opportunity to begin a process different associations? The PLI
wants to form a federation with other groups, as well as moderates, or just wants to annex it, presenting at the negotiating table with the PD, to collect the prize of strengthening the coalition veltroniana?
Other liberals, who have marry in Berlusconi's coalition, will meet in Cuneo, later this month. Mr. Costa, former secretary of the Liberal Party, on the one hand recognizes that "the affirmation of the center-right will finally allow Italy to start the recovery of which has an absolute need. " On the other side considers it appropriate, by a liberal, "suggest, monitor, seeking to ensure the emergence and spread our values: We will continue also in the fight against waste, privileges, bureaucracy, government unnecessary, blue car, absenteeism, 'marquisates'. .. "
But the Liberals are considered useful because the center would be considered unable to start the recovery that Italy needs? Hence the opportunity to "propose, monitor, ETCC .."? And what role liberals could play if they are surrounded by incapable? Strengthening component would take only "liberal" to curry favor with the monarch Berlusconi?
Two examples of liberal confusion resulting from failure to give courage to the strategy of hospitality and not wanting to be a result of the liberal theory antagonist and distinct from any conservative ideology is socialist.
BEPPE Lamedica
Veneto Liberale
's good friend Lamedica to highlight the behavior too mobile ("feather in the wind"), standoffish, inconsistent and contradictory nature of some liberals who want to be clever without having the necessary resources. I'm just self-defeating, as the legendary TV personality Tafazzi. And so they end up unhappy and isolated all the more. (NV)
London Broil Bs Briskett
Liberali europei. Siamo pronti noi liberali e repubblicani ELDR per il 2009?
right, are still far the famous "States General of Italian liberalism - admit it a little of irony - that the total new foundation, starting from the bottom and without abbreviations, which the road map I hypothesized in Salon Voltaire in 2004, and then confirmed at the time of the founding of the Committee for the reunification of the Italian Liberals in 2006, should have been after a super-assembly of telematics Guinness Book of Records to lay the groundwork for a single subject of great Italian liberals, potentially 30 percent.
She made a lot of irony on this " ricottelle of fairy tale, "about this utopia. But, absolutely, if anything, we were only" realistic "data opinion polling on the Italians there confirm this. Certainly, the gentleman agreement - call it so to say the least - between Berlusconi and Veltroni, including a fake populist Right and not a fake liberal and populist and less liberal Left, in addition to our repeated and egregious self-goals, the improvisations, the personalities, the usual nonsense, envy and stupidity for which the "political" (quotation marks d ' obligation, because they often these self-proclaimed) liberal and Republicans are famous, have made it more difficult for us task unificatorio and refounding . Us, who? We who were at the bottom, we're just citizens willing lovers of liberalism in all its shades, from Cavour to Nathan, from Mazzini to Einaudi, by Cattaneo at the Cross. But paradoxically, have made this task even more necessary and urgent.
right, are still far the famous "States General of Italian liberalism - admit it a little of irony - that the total new foundation, starting from the bottom and without abbreviations, which the road map I hypothesized in Salon Voltaire in 2004, and then confirmed at the time of the founding of the Committee for the reunification of the Italian Liberals in 2006, should have been after a super-assembly of telematics Guinness Book of Records to lay the groundwork for a single subject of great Italian liberals, potentially 30 percent.
She made a lot of irony on this " ricottelle of fairy tale, "about this utopia. But, absolutely, if anything, we were only" realistic "data opinion polling on the Italians there confirm this. Certainly, the gentleman agreement - call it so to say the least - between Berlusconi and Veltroni, including a fake populist Right and not a fake liberal and populist and less liberal Left, in addition to our repeated and egregious self-goals, the improvisations, the personalities, the usual nonsense, envy and stupidity for which the "political" (quotation marks d ' obligation, because they often these self-proclaimed) liberal and Republicans are famous, have made it more difficult for us task unificatorio and refounding . Us, who? We who were at the bottom, we're just citizens willing lovers of liberalism in all its shades, from Cavour to Nathan, from Mazzini to Einaudi, by Cattaneo at the Cross. But paradoxically, have made this task even more necessary and urgent.
Ah, if our friends knew the heirs of the Risorgimento 'abc of political psychology and communication! We would be well underway. Instead, liberalism in all its currents, is penalized in Italy by a provincial political staff, inadequate , narrow-minded, politically unwise and very low organization. Only they can having a potential to reach 30-40 percent, adding up all the streams, at 0.3 to 0.6.
Now the proximity of the European Elections requires us to decide and give the alarm - we hope - even the dullest of us and sleepers, as even the "smart ones" who naively believe that politics is at the bar looking into the eyes of real or politicians autoelettisi such, and believing Napoleon or Bismarck, or more modestly barons of the South at the time of Giolitti, who can sign agreements with a handshake between "gentlemen" connoisseurs of the world and then with some reservations mental, Union Club of Agrigento.
No, politics is not ago, you should not do so, nor liberal, who was born in Northern Europe and he wants so crystal clear, true debate of ideas among citizens, and many, many propaganda, city to city, club to club, house home. But here, on the contrary, and in his house liberal, it seems, the spread of liberalism is something taboo, everyone is ashamed to proselytize through ideas, hate propaganda and mass as vulgar, even discussing politics, less than ever confront theory and methods. Snob in the province. Rather than play to "make leaders, attempting agreements between people. Often amateur broken all the defeats, self-appointed generals. Who have no army behind.
This is not liberal is exactly the opposite. Friends get offended if I say that is just ridiculous, and that everything looks like some of pochades Feydeau, where the characters enter and leave continuously from six or seven gates in the scene, tell a joke, combine mess, gossiping about each other, but miraculously regain the door without ever meeting? Here, I would not want to be protagonists of the cultural and political liberalism as the only ideology was on the winning field scadessimo for a specks our nonsense.
IMAGE. The logo designed and proposed by Nico Valerio as a unifying symbol of all Italian liberal trends that you see represented by the ELDR European Liberal Party. But maybe he made the mistake of being too clear, too simple, too understandable and too uniform, for our Levantine political complement.
Friday, May 23, 2008
When Is The Chevy Tahoe Bodystyle Changing
Repubblicani. La vostra “etica del dovere” essenziale per l’unificazione liberale
Dear friends and dear Republican friends gathered in Fiuggi, I express to you the warmest wishes, the more that your congress is held on a subject very dear to us all, the unity of the liberal forces of the Italian Risorgimento in view of a unitary list already the European Elections.
I speak as a liberal base, National Councillor the PLI (where do the critical and foliage for the incredible inertia), but allow for the uncompromising secularism, to the concepts of ethics in politics, freedom is inseparably linked to justice, and politics as such, even a civic duty of the ruling classes , of "the most Republican," the most liberal of Mazzini and LaMalfa. And my thoughts turn to the great Mayor Nathan, of which I spoke at a conference in Rome for the friends of the Jewish community.
We also address the greeting of the Committee for the reunification of all the Italian liberals (in the strict sense and the International dell'ELDR) that I founded in 2006 on a wave of enthusiasm resulted from our fortnightly newsletter Salon Voltaire from 2004 to 2006 to 3500 was directed intellectuals, organizers and lay supporters, Republicans and liberals from all over Italy, and then became a fixed site.
We are a small committee, but for the first time in recent history of our joint movement "Rep-Lib", which is broken up into a diaspora dull, a kind of masochistic "cupio dissolve, we were able to reverse the trend , and we met a dozen groups, some of whom do not even speak first.
Enough with unbridled individualism and particularism, dear friends! Individualism that has transformed - our fault - that is really the only successful ideology of modern times, the only one capable of ensuring freedom, social justice, economic development, in a tiny fringe, marginal, and a loser. It 's a terrible paradox of history that must be avenged.
also because - it is my leitmotif sought - and social demographics are clear: you joined us and show us, in theory, as a potential basis to more than 30 percent of the Italian population call vote. Dozens of investigations opinion polls, which have carefully excluded the word "liberal" or "Republican", but they have placed dozens of factual questions on the economy, civil rights, the state-citizen relations and church-state, customs and institutions, They found that the content of the responses over a third of Italians and political analysis "Liberal".
you wonder? I wonder quite the contrary. That is how our liberal leaders, Republicans, radicals, shareholders, free and democratic "non-socialist, or clerical, or conservatives" (as we have defined the scope of our Reunification), have been successful in the crazy and difficult task of reducing us to 0 , 6 per cent.
This and no other cause for surprise.
We've always had very skilled in political elites, abstract, his head in the clouds, or engaged all'iperuranio of Studies or the slums of sottopotere. By "politics" have not always understood the Company, but the Parliament, or rather the direct and individualistic with the "parliamentary colleagues," magari al bar della Camera. Classi dirigenti tutte ugualmente ignare della scienza della psicologia e quindi incapaci di comunicare, di "vedersi con gli occhi del cittadino comune", e quindi di fare propaganda tra la gente. Gente che è quasi vista con fastidio, come un terzo incomodo. Pensate che ancor oggi alcuni liberali (in questo sicuramente peggiori dei repubblicani) si "vergognano" addirittura di fare propaganda. Altri si fanno vanto vanto di non usare il computer e non rispondono neanche alle email.
Ebbene, cari amici, questa si chiama inadeguatezza professionale. Noi repubblicani e liberali in origine eravamo quelli più all'avanguardia, i più aggiornati, i più moderni. E invece la principale contraddizione in cui si dibatte l'elite - Often a self-proclaimed - liberal Republican is the emergence of a class provincial, petty, narrow of views, away from the North. Other times that the bank's "secular" Commercial Mattioli, with La Malfa and Malagodi that were most popular in London than in Rome.
And what is this, if not the typical failure to adhere to our principle of "merit"? In this case "on" or "excellence" does not mean being good lawyers or engineers, but to prove with facts and with results to be "good policy".
Dear Republican friends, we must put a stop to this malpractice inefficiency of our ruling classes.
comfortable enough even to this concept of "small is beautiful" in which they wallow come un alibi i dirigenti liberal-repubblicani. Sono i primi a rendersi conto che se il movimento si ingrandisse, i primi ad essere spazzati via sarebbero proprio loro! Sbagliatissima, il nostro male peggiore, questa concezione individualistica e pseudo-aristocratica o snob che ci ha penalizzato più dei nostri nemici storici: il fascismo, il comunismo, il clericalismo, il conservatorismo.
Dunque approfittiamo di questa occasione offerta dalle Europee per innescare un meccanismo virtuoso (noi proponiamo anche a voi per il 4 luglio a Roma un primo Convegno pubblico unitario) che potrebbe porre le basi, finalmente, cominciando con la propaganda dal basso sui temi concreti e finendo con un grande appello finale a tutti i Liberali d'ogni tendenza del Paese, for the big event of the General Assembly, which is a total re-establishment from scratch of a Great Liberal Third Force by 36 percent potential.
Berlusconi, after all, is not eternal, and is already disaffected policy. The retreat in Sardinia attracts him. And politically Veltroni has not enjoyed good health of: Africa tempts him. Inevitable decay of two aggregations and purely fake election and subsequent rationalization of Italian politics, lies a great future for us liberals and Republicans united.
Salon Voltaire, Committee for the reunification of the Italian Liberals, Cons.Naz. PLI
Dear friends and dear Republican friends gathered in Fiuggi, I express to you the warmest wishes, the more that your congress is held on a subject very dear to us all, the unity of the liberal forces of the Italian Risorgimento in view of a unitary list already the European Elections.
I speak as a liberal base, National Councillor the PLI (where do the critical and foliage for the incredible inertia), but allow for the uncompromising secularism, to the concepts of ethics in politics, freedom is inseparably linked to justice, and politics as such, even a civic duty of the ruling classes , of "the most Republican," the most liberal of Mazzini and LaMalfa. And my thoughts turn to the great Mayor Nathan, of which I spoke at a conference in Rome for the friends of the Jewish community.
We also address the greeting of the Committee for the reunification of all the Italian liberals (in the strict sense and the International dell'ELDR) that I founded in 2006 on a wave of enthusiasm resulted from our fortnightly newsletter Salon Voltaire from 2004 to 2006 to 3500 was directed intellectuals, organizers and lay supporters, Republicans and liberals from all over Italy, and then became a fixed site.
We are a small committee, but for the first time in recent history of our joint movement "Rep-Lib", which is broken up into a diaspora dull, a kind of masochistic "cupio dissolve, we were able to reverse the trend , and we met a dozen groups, some of whom do not even speak first.
Enough with unbridled individualism and particularism, dear friends! Individualism that has transformed - our fault - that is really the only successful ideology of modern times, the only one capable of ensuring freedom, social justice, economic development, in a tiny fringe, marginal, and a loser. It 's a terrible paradox of history that must be avenged.
also because - it is my leitmotif sought - and social demographics are clear: you joined us and show us, in theory, as a potential basis to more than 30 percent of the Italian population call vote. Dozens of investigations opinion polls, which have carefully excluded the word "liberal" or "Republican", but they have placed dozens of factual questions on the economy, civil rights, the state-citizen relations and church-state, customs and institutions, They found that the content of the responses over a third of Italians and political analysis "Liberal".
you wonder? I wonder quite the contrary. That is how our liberal leaders, Republicans, radicals, shareholders, free and democratic "non-socialist, or clerical, or conservatives" (as we have defined the scope of our Reunification), have been successful in the crazy and difficult task of reducing us to 0 , 6 per cent.
This and no other cause for surprise.
We've always had very skilled in political elites, abstract, his head in the clouds, or engaged all'iperuranio of Studies or the slums of sottopotere. By "politics" have not always understood the Company, but the Parliament, or rather the direct and individualistic with the "parliamentary colleagues," magari al bar della Camera. Classi dirigenti tutte ugualmente ignare della scienza della psicologia e quindi incapaci di comunicare, di "vedersi con gli occhi del cittadino comune", e quindi di fare propaganda tra la gente. Gente che è quasi vista con fastidio, come un terzo incomodo. Pensate che ancor oggi alcuni liberali (in questo sicuramente peggiori dei repubblicani) si "vergognano" addirittura di fare propaganda. Altri si fanno vanto vanto di non usare il computer e non rispondono neanche alle email.
Ebbene, cari amici, questa si chiama inadeguatezza professionale. Noi repubblicani e liberali in origine eravamo quelli più all'avanguardia, i più aggiornati, i più moderni. E invece la principale contraddizione in cui si dibatte l'elite - Often a self-proclaimed - liberal Republican is the emergence of a class provincial, petty, narrow of views, away from the North. Other times that the bank's "secular" Commercial Mattioli, with La Malfa and Malagodi that were most popular in London than in Rome.
And what is this, if not the typical failure to adhere to our principle of "merit"? In this case "on" or "excellence" does not mean being good lawyers or engineers, but to prove with facts and with results to be "good policy".
Dear Republican friends, we must put a stop to this malpractice inefficiency of our ruling classes.
comfortable enough even to this concept of "small is beautiful" in which they wallow come un alibi i dirigenti liberal-repubblicani. Sono i primi a rendersi conto che se il movimento si ingrandisse, i primi ad essere spazzati via sarebbero proprio loro! Sbagliatissima, il nostro male peggiore, questa concezione individualistica e pseudo-aristocratica o snob che ci ha penalizzato più dei nostri nemici storici: il fascismo, il comunismo, il clericalismo, il conservatorismo.
Dunque approfittiamo di questa occasione offerta dalle Europee per innescare un meccanismo virtuoso (noi proponiamo anche a voi per il 4 luglio a Roma un primo Convegno pubblico unitario) che potrebbe porre le basi, finalmente, cominciando con la propaganda dal basso sui temi concreti e finendo con un grande appello finale a tutti i Liberali d'ogni tendenza del Paese, for the big event of the General Assembly, which is a total re-establishment from scratch of a Great Liberal Third Force by 36 percent potential.
Berlusconi, after all, is not eternal, and is already disaffected policy. The retreat in Sardinia attracts him. And politically Veltroni has not enjoyed good health of: Africa tempts him. Inevitable decay of two aggregations and purely fake election and subsequent rationalization of Italian politics, lies a great future for us liberals and Republicans united.
Salon Voltaire, Committee for the reunification of the Italian Liberals, Cons.Naz. PLI
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Fleetwood Wilderness Manual
Paradossi. Dove creare un gruppo liberale? Dentro una coalizione non-lib, ovvio
The A Liberal Party. As he said Toto? " Neapolitan Neapolitan part." The idea was there, but the sluggish implementation. The joke less apt to Antonio de Curtis, who generally do not make a wrong. So, after the scandal garbage, tolerated by a citizenry that is made about his "SODDING" image of Naples, southern Italy and all, and forgetful of the ancient dignity can not drive out its directors, We retaliated on behalf of Italy by improving the famous line from Toto. And now, yes that is sharp: "Partenopeo, part Italian."
Well, pardon the incipit creative and caustic, but we've come up with the joke when we read of Toto dell'idea di dar vita ad una "Parte liberale", finalmente, dentro il Centro-destra, cioè il cosiddetto - ma ancora tutto da fondare - Partito del Popolo della Libertà.
Oddio, l'eterogenesi dei fini riserva sempre delle sorprese. Ma sappiamo che, anche se non avesse scritto il celebre libro, Tremonti si appresta da buon socialdemocratico a fare una politica economica dirigista e statalista. L'Alitalia, anziché fallire o essere acquistata da Air France, sarà ricapitalizzata o addirittura "statizzata".
Insomma, siamo tornati all'IRI di Prodi, altroché. E dire che il Centro-destra se la prendeva con l'ineffabile farfugliatore e borbottatore di Bologna. Che avrà avuto mille difetti, ma almeno il suo governaccio some weak liberal proposal has made it (the center-right none, in five years), and reduced the deficit that the Berlusconi government, straparlando every minute of "liberal" and "liberalism" had increased, after increasing the salary to the state "slackers", without a license and without asking a single merit. In addition, defending the corporation of taxi drivers in Rome, the most greedy and arrogant of Italy, just because a sympathizer of AN.
But there will be some voices discordant Right? Of course, that the petite brunette who like all the little bark and no bite. And if you decide to bite? Worse, he is a former quasi-socialist, however, the most lab that lib. This, as they were Liberals ousted as Biondi, Costa, Sterpa, Urbani, and while the few remaining libertarians and liberals such as Martin and Della Vedova, sleeping peacefully.
Here, in a coalition so deeply anti-liberal, plus galvanized by the election of the House and statist Fini Alemanno as Mayor of Rome, who do you think you still think of liberalism in the institutions, civil rights and the economy? Cleared of journalists, only a politician, the friend Taradash, who is preparing to convene in Montesilvano (Pescara) "the masses lib-lib-lib" People of Freedom, the people who will be registered as the name implies - as FI - not to the European Liberal Party, but the Conservative-Christian Party, that is, the Popular. Clear as a syllogism, no?
One against all. For heaven's sake, we all wish to Taradash, who is a true liberal (and the proof is that we have known in radical home). But, I say, it is also used as a toscanaccio and therefore all the Tuscans to think the worst, and rightly so. And then, there's the suspicion, at least, to have the wrong room? Unless ...
Unless, instead of the Liberal Party does not want to do as is done in theater when the actor talks to himself, or think out loud, so that they feel the audience in the stalls, but not the recipient's true, that behind the scenes. Here, we do not want it to be a "separate " liberal. NICO
CONFERENCE catering services. We have just concluded the Chianciano conference, sponsored by Marco Pannella and Mauro del Bue, that liberals are called to another meeting on the Diaconate, and Giacalone Taradash considered essential to the formation of a "liberal party", if you want to accomplish " a liberal revolution. " The promoters of the meeting of the new majority afraid of the inability expressed by the elections of 13 and 14 April to stem "the reaction of all groups of powers threatened by the liquidation of pensions and privileges" in the face of decisions that must be painful and unpopular, the seriousness of the political, economic and civic life. "For this - they say the squad - we consider it essential for the success of a government that is given a voice within the new party to the" liberal party "in Italian politics which is already present across the political forces that have initiated the creation the PDL, but too often in the past has been relegated, as it was on the opposite side, in a role of witness that direction. "
I have the impression that this time deacon, Giacalone and make a hole in Taradash ' water.
Why, you are starting from finding acceptable the necessary existence of a "liberal party" in order to achieve the "liberal revolution" and is reduced to a mere "stringers" of a liberal party that definitely is not it?
Indeed, to establish a "liberal party" in the PDL? The only result that could achieve the task is to aggregate groped Berlusconi added to the consensus, in order to respond to the conference in Chianciano face that seems to attempt to aggregate additional consents antiberlusconiana area.
Would not it time to abandon this old way of doing politics and constitute the "liberal party" is lacking in our country and whose absence impedes "the path of modernization in all areas of the country where the state plays a key role - infrastructure, services, rules "?
BEPPE Lamedica
The A Liberal Party. As he said Toto? " Neapolitan Neapolitan part." The idea was there, but the sluggish implementation. The joke less apt to Antonio de Curtis, who generally do not make a wrong. So, after the scandal garbage, tolerated by a citizenry that is made about his "SODDING" image of Naples, southern Italy and all, and forgetful of the ancient dignity can not drive out its directors, We retaliated on behalf of Italy by improving the famous line from Toto. And now, yes that is sharp: "Partenopeo, part Italian."
Well, pardon the incipit creative and caustic, but we've come up with the joke when we read of Toto dell'idea di dar vita ad una "Parte liberale", finalmente, dentro il Centro-destra, cioè il cosiddetto - ma ancora tutto da fondare - Partito del Popolo della Libertà.
Oddio, l'eterogenesi dei fini riserva sempre delle sorprese. Ma sappiamo che, anche se non avesse scritto il celebre libro, Tremonti si appresta da buon socialdemocratico a fare una politica economica dirigista e statalista. L'Alitalia, anziché fallire o essere acquistata da Air France, sarà ricapitalizzata o addirittura "statizzata".
Insomma, siamo tornati all'IRI di Prodi, altroché. E dire che il Centro-destra se la prendeva con l'ineffabile farfugliatore e borbottatore di Bologna. Che avrà avuto mille difetti, ma almeno il suo governaccio some weak liberal proposal has made it (the center-right none, in five years), and reduced the deficit that the Berlusconi government, straparlando every minute of "liberal" and "liberalism" had increased, after increasing the salary to the state "slackers", without a license and without asking a single merit. In addition, defending the corporation of taxi drivers in Rome, the most greedy and arrogant of Italy, just because a sympathizer of AN.
But there will be some voices discordant Right? Of course, that the petite brunette who like all the little bark and no bite. And if you decide to bite? Worse, he is a former quasi-socialist, however, the most lab that lib. This, as they were Liberals ousted as Biondi, Costa, Sterpa, Urbani, and while the few remaining libertarians and liberals such as Martin and Della Vedova, sleeping peacefully.
Here, in a coalition so deeply anti-liberal, plus galvanized by the election of the House and statist Fini Alemanno as Mayor of Rome, who do you think you still think of liberalism in the institutions, civil rights and the economy? Cleared of journalists, only a politician, the friend Taradash, who is preparing to convene in Montesilvano (Pescara) "the masses lib-lib-lib" People of Freedom, the people who will be registered as the name implies - as FI - not to the European Liberal Party, but the Conservative-Christian Party, that is, the Popular. Clear as a syllogism, no?
One against all. For heaven's sake, we all wish to Taradash, who is a true liberal (and the proof is that we have known in radical home). But, I say, it is also used as a toscanaccio and therefore all the Tuscans to think the worst, and rightly so. And then, there's the suspicion, at least, to have the wrong room? Unless ...
Unless, instead of the Liberal Party does not want to do as is done in theater when the actor talks to himself, or think out loud, so that they feel the audience in the stalls, but not the recipient's true, that behind the scenes. Here, we do not want it to be a "separate " liberal. NICO
CONFERENCE catering services. We have just concluded the Chianciano conference, sponsored by Marco Pannella and Mauro del Bue, that liberals are called to another meeting on the Diaconate, and Giacalone Taradash considered essential to the formation of a "liberal party", if you want to accomplish " a liberal revolution. " The promoters of the meeting of the new majority afraid of the inability expressed by the elections of 13 and 14 April to stem "the reaction of all groups of powers threatened by the liquidation of pensions and privileges" in the face of decisions that must be painful and unpopular, the seriousness of the political, economic and civic life. "For this - they say the squad - we consider it essential for the success of a government that is given a voice within the new party to the" liberal party "in Italian politics which is already present across the political forces that have initiated the creation the PDL, but too often in the past has been relegated, as it was on the opposite side, in a role of witness that direction. "
I have the impression that this time deacon, Giacalone and make a hole in Taradash ' water.
Why, you are starting from finding acceptable the necessary existence of a "liberal party" in order to achieve the "liberal revolution" and is reduced to a mere "stringers" of a liberal party that definitely is not it?
Indeed, to establish a "liberal party" in the PDL? The only result that could achieve the task is to aggregate groped Berlusconi added to the consensus, in order to respond to the conference in Chianciano face that seems to attempt to aggregate additional consents antiberlusconiana area.
Would not it time to abandon this old way of doing politics and constitute the "liberal party" is lacking in our country and whose absence impedes "the path of modernization in all areas of the country where the state plays a key role - infrastructure, services, rules "?
BEPPE Lamedica
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
New Building Inspection Checklist
Privacy? Ma il contribuente è in rapporto con i concittadini, not with the State
right to know who makes the smart or right to privacy? When a conflict emerges even remotely like that, a true liberal defends the right to know without hesitation. There are compelling similarities: we think only the right to know the budgets of our competitors, perhaps to conduct in the securities or the purchase of the company. Can you imagine a strange "privacy market"? What would happen if the financial statements of ' Alitalia were secrets? And even there we are names and surnames, with a lot of salaries. Come on, do not say nonsense " politically correct ", what kind of law is the "right to privacy"? It 's a minor law that must give way in the face of greater rights relating to public order, justice and the economy of a nation.
A true liberal, therefore, would be contrary to the decision of the Ombudsman considered that the exposure of illegal income of the Italians on the web, ... inadequacy of the medium. Strange this reason: I wonder if a law student would be promoted under consideration with a view like that. A document or is private or public, but in this case, especially in times of globalization of immediate knowledge, publicity follows the technological channels they want.
And then the web, is known to us liberals, is a wonderful bulletin at no cost. The poor ing . Stanca did much to modernize the relationship between the Administration and the Internet, and now a ruling all obscurantist reports on the high seas? No, so will not be able to block anything. You do not go against the use of technology.
What consolation is that not only the associations of consumer protection, but for once the great majority of Italians (at last not reactionary or corporate!) I agree with the disclosure of data. Unfortunately, there is the reverse of the coin. Psychologically it is a bad sign: it means that the vast majority is poor and forced to "honest". It has nothing to hide.
Wonder, however, that some sections of "liberal oxymoron," the so-called liberal-conservative center-right, have cried shame of violating confidentiality, as if they were spied on in the bedroom. But as they betray, ipso facto, revealing that even the blind have a little something sinister to hide. Other that the danger of kidnappings, Up do not laugh: which band will never go to scroll through the false, quite false tax returns? No, it is clear that the big worry is evasion or avoidance, now visible. Privacy
tax? But is not there that should reside the famous modesty Italy, that shameless ragged shame of our dear new bourgeoisie of the recently added, that neither the professional fee "black", nor a recommendation, or lace, or the contract made up, nor the vote-buying, or bribery in general, it seems offensive. I say unpopular things
? I do not think. Maybe I say things anti-aristocratic and anti-privilege. As a good liberal
Much of the political right has arisen with one voice, screaming and yelling. Also because one looked like a "gift" to watch the hated Visco, words as if the defeated army during the retreat had "poisoned the wells". But then his right-wing newspapers have published lists for the first indicted. But the Protestants mistaken, as I explain below. Have, please contact the patience to read through.
with us when we say "privacy" cat, there almost always hatching. It 's like a dead Neapolitan someone invites you to be silent: what would you think? Moreover, the law was to put privacy ahead of the Italians, almost to want to educate from Anglo, which are genetically immune to them, as is well known to anyone who frequent buses, trains, restaurants, bars, beaches and Italian roads. And therefore the guarantor of the neophytes fall into the ridiculous, see statements by the cancellation of the last digits of phone numbers called by ourselves.
In liberal democratic countries of the West, the United States in mind, anyone can look quickly and easily (and I suppose, given the modern media, now via computer) of the income of his neighbor, as the celebrity or politician's who has voted. But it will not, I think, almost none, for curiosity of the people is not as morbid as in Italy, pervaded the mindset of secrecy el ' hypocritical social shame of mold first Catholic towards money. In liberal countries Anglo-Saxon is "interest" of the citizen to know in advance the right and left, how high is your income. To have such social and economic credibility. In a pub in London once a chubby guy with whom I spoke began the discussion of jazz (he was an American, an Englishman would have been more discreet and more ... poor) saying once that he was one who earned not know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
But even in Italy, this is a public directory for decades. I remember quand 'I was a teenager the newspapers published long lists of contributors in order of decreasing income, I do not know whether declared or found. E ' so a player could discover with surprise that the well-known jeweler officially earned a little over his head-clerk, or the lord of the top floor, crying poverty and traveled in 500, had a triple your income.
The so-called guarantor of privacy, the institution which I have always been contrary, the wrong doing of crabs off the search engine on the internet, showing how the average citizen to think Made in Italy , emotional and irrational. Too bad, because the service was not only useful but also typically liberal.
taxes, in fact, this appears psychologically odious everywhere, and never in Italy corresponding in our individual perception of the public services provided by the state (and for that we Liberals lagnamo us, rightly, because there is objective evidence of this scandalous inadequacy), only in appearance are a matter between the individual citizen and the State . The true subject is the community, not the individual. The word "taxpayer," recalls the ancient tribus where bands was divided by the Roman people. The tribes to pay jointly and severally. Natural then that will break in them, among the members, the total of the total burden.
short, the upstream tax is the amount that all the citizens, that the nation has to pay for the management of public affairs. a little like the bill in a restaurant: if someone is smart, and when paying disappears and goes to the bathroom, the other had to pay a bit 'more. It 's normal that every single one looks around and count how many guests and what they pay. I guess that's a function to be responsible citizens, a role of control from below typical liberal. Or would prefer to do it was the State?
is not, therefore, socialism or collectivism or late, or a particular sadism of that posthumous' antipaticone the Finance Minister Visco. As in agriculture - let the humorous analogy - rather than to chemical pesticides that kill all insects indiscriminately and poison the food, it is now increasingly being used to "biological warfare" against the pests by using predators of other insect pests.
Well, without going that far in the fiscal system of subtle widespread control based at least on simple knowledge, it would be non-invasive and even authoritarian-statist, but by the citizens themselves, and therefore truly liberal. Also because in this case a possible Mafia code of silence "respects the privacy" we turn against each and every citizen: pay more, even for the usual smart that if they enjoy it behind him.
Who, in total transparency Typical liberal systems where does the so-called "social control" spontaneous (always better than from an authoritarian socialist or fascist system, right?) - need to know if their fellow citizens contribute, in fact, whether or not the general collection. It is also a healthy self-interest: the more people pay what they owe, unless all pay. And even at the level of healthy competition between the public, there is an interest in the knowledge by the individual: if my competitor does not pay the correct taxes his company, his family, will compared to my advantage, since it enjoys the same services.
The fake "privacy" hairy side in a case like this, however, not può che nascondere furberie, truffe, corruzione, privilegi, pastette e magagne. Ed è profondamente illiberale.
right to know who makes the smart or right to privacy? When a conflict emerges even remotely like that, a true liberal defends the right to know without hesitation. There are compelling similarities: we think only the right to know the budgets of our competitors, perhaps to conduct in the securities or the purchase of the company. Can you imagine a strange "privacy market"? What would happen if the financial statements of ' Alitalia were secrets? And even there we are names and surnames, with a lot of salaries. Come on, do not say nonsense " politically correct ", what kind of law is the "right to privacy"? It 's a minor law that must give way in the face of greater rights relating to public order, justice and the economy of a nation.
A true liberal, therefore, would be contrary to the decision of the Ombudsman considered that the exposure of illegal income of the Italians on the web, ... inadequacy of the medium. Strange this reason: I wonder if a law student would be promoted under consideration with a view like that. A document or is private or public, but in this case, especially in times of globalization of immediate knowledge, publicity follows the technological channels they want.
And then the web, is known to us liberals, is a wonderful bulletin at no cost. The poor ing . Stanca did much to modernize the relationship between the Administration and the Internet, and now a ruling all obscurantist reports on the high seas? No, so will not be able to block anything. You do not go against the use of technology.
What consolation is that not only the associations of consumer protection, but for once the great majority of Italians (at last not reactionary or corporate!) I agree with the disclosure of data. Unfortunately, there is the reverse of the coin. Psychologically it is a bad sign: it means that the vast majority is poor and forced to "honest". It has nothing to hide.
Wonder, however, that some sections of "liberal oxymoron," the so-called liberal-conservative center-right, have cried shame of violating confidentiality, as if they were spied on in the bedroom. But as they betray, ipso facto, revealing that even the blind have a little something sinister to hide. Other that the danger of kidnappings, Up do not laugh: which band will never go to scroll through the false, quite false tax returns? No, it is clear that the big worry is evasion or avoidance, now visible. Privacy
tax? But is not there that should reside the famous modesty Italy, that shameless ragged shame of our dear new bourgeoisie of the recently added, that neither the professional fee "black", nor a recommendation, or lace, or the contract made up, nor the vote-buying, or bribery in general, it seems offensive. I say unpopular things
? I do not think. Maybe I say things anti-aristocratic and anti-privilege. As a good liberal
Much of the political right has arisen with one voice, screaming and yelling. Also because one looked like a "gift" to watch the hated Visco, words as if the defeated army during the retreat had "poisoned the wells". But then his right-wing newspapers have published lists for the first indicted. But the Protestants mistaken, as I explain below. Have, please contact the patience to read through.
with us when we say "privacy" cat, there almost always hatching. It 's like a dead Neapolitan someone invites you to be silent: what would you think? Moreover, the law was to put privacy ahead of the Italians, almost to want to educate from Anglo, which are genetically immune to them, as is well known to anyone who frequent buses, trains, restaurants, bars, beaches and Italian roads. And therefore the guarantor of the neophytes fall into the ridiculous, see statements by the cancellation of the last digits of phone numbers called by ourselves.
In liberal democratic countries of the West, the United States in mind, anyone can look quickly and easily (and I suppose, given the modern media, now via computer) of the income of his neighbor, as the celebrity or politician's who has voted. But it will not, I think, almost none, for curiosity of the people is not as morbid as in Italy, pervaded the mindset of secrecy el ' hypocritical social shame of mold first Catholic towards money. In liberal countries Anglo-Saxon is "interest" of the citizen to know in advance the right and left, how high is your income. To have such social and economic credibility. In a pub in London once a chubby guy with whom I spoke began the discussion of jazz (he was an American, an Englishman would have been more discreet and more ... poor) saying once that he was one who earned not know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
But even in Italy, this is a public directory for decades. I remember quand 'I was a teenager the newspapers published long lists of contributors in order of decreasing income, I do not know whether declared or found. E ' so a player could discover with surprise that the well-known jeweler officially earned a little over his head-clerk, or the lord of the top floor, crying poverty and traveled in 500, had a triple your income.
The so-called guarantor of privacy, the institution which I have always been contrary, the wrong doing of crabs off the search engine on the internet, showing how the average citizen to think Made in Italy , emotional and irrational. Too bad, because the service was not only useful but also typically liberal.
taxes, in fact, this appears psychologically odious everywhere, and never in Italy corresponding in our individual perception of the public services provided by the state (and for that we Liberals lagnamo us, rightly, because there is objective evidence of this scandalous inadequacy), only in appearance are a matter between the individual citizen and the State . The true subject is the community, not the individual. The word "taxpayer," recalls the ancient tribus where bands was divided by the Roman people. The tribes to pay jointly and severally. Natural then that will break in them, among the members, the total of the total burden.
short, the upstream tax is the amount that all the citizens, that the nation has to pay for the management of public affairs. a little like the bill in a restaurant: if someone is smart, and when paying disappears and goes to the bathroom, the other had to pay a bit 'more. It 's normal that every single one looks around and count how many guests and what they pay. I guess that's a function to be responsible citizens, a role of control from below typical liberal. Or would prefer to do it was the State?
is not, therefore, socialism or collectivism or late, or a particular sadism of that posthumous' antipaticone the Finance Minister Visco. As in agriculture - let the humorous analogy - rather than to chemical pesticides that kill all insects indiscriminately and poison the food, it is now increasingly being used to "biological warfare" against the pests by using predators of other insect pests.
Well, without going that far in the fiscal system of subtle widespread control based at least on simple knowledge, it would be non-invasive and even authoritarian-statist, but by the citizens themselves, and therefore truly liberal. Also because in this case a possible Mafia code of silence "respects the privacy" we turn against each and every citizen: pay more, even for the usual smart that if they enjoy it behind him.
Who, in total transparency Typical liberal systems where does the so-called "social control" spontaneous (always better than from an authoritarian socialist or fascist system, right?) - need to know if their fellow citizens contribute, in fact, whether or not the general collection. It is also a healthy self-interest: the more people pay what they owe, unless all pay. And even at the level of healthy competition between the public, there is an interest in the knowledge by the individual: if my competitor does not pay the correct taxes his company, his family, will compared to my advantage, since it enjoys the same services.
The fake "privacy" hairy side in a case like this, however, not può che nascondere furberie, truffe, corruzione, privilegi, pastette e magagne. Ed è profondamente illiberale.
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