still a candy
Beh ..ce ne sono cosi' tanti in giro che c'è solo l'imbarazzo della scelta ed io, per non far torto a nessuno, cerco di partecipare a tutti o quasi.Questo che presenta bambolando è simpatico , sono delle graziose dolls .... then you know that, even if we are mature, we women always like the dolls.
his blog can be found at the following address
...... And as a couple of hours after I found another .... then you know how to say? so the cat goes to the fat that it leaves its handle (wanting to change so many candy we could say that I find that sooner or later one will win) go look at this new blog new but already 'cute. The link is
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Silver City Tuesday Prices
hello girls how are you? I'm a bit at a time ... so'.... no desire to do anything even to write, but 'within every day and know with pleasure that there is always some new friend who came to take a ride and, perhaps, has also become my sostenitrice.Non you know how pleased I am to find a comment .... it is a little 'how to receive an unexpected phone call. In any case, as I write, I put photos of qualke old job, so then I'll know what you think, ok go:
doll carrier bags
potholders coordinate
diaper bag
and relative clutch
jeans bag with free motion quilting
altra borsa fatta con avanzi di jeans in due colori differenti e pannello centrale crazy
borsa fatta con una camicetta che ....non mi entrava piu
sacca portatutto
carrellata di pochette , document holder, glasses holder
hello girls how are you? I'm a bit at a time ... so'.... no desire to do anything even to write, but 'within every day and know with pleasure that there is always some new friend who came to take a ride and, perhaps, has also become my sostenitrice.Non you know how pleased I am to find a comment .... it is a little 'how to receive an unexpected phone call. In any case, as I write, I put photos of qualke old job, so then I'll know what you think, ok go:
doll carrier bags
potholders coordinate
diaper bag
and relative clutch
jeans bag with free motion quilting
altra borsa fatta con avanzi di jeans in due colori differenti e pannello centrale crazy
borsa fatta con una camicetta che ....non mi entrava piu
sacca portatutto
carrellata di pochette , document holder, glasses holder
and I close with this photo now (PC is and one can not monopolize it just me), I hope you like these things, I remind you that all work done long ago so I have yet to show, though I hope I return the vein and can show you productive work hours nuovi.Per settle.
Hello and good evening
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Darvocets Hair Follicle Drug Test
another giveaway
Here's another one :è il blog di Sabrina il link è:
andate a darci un'occhiata ne vale la pena : ci sono tanti tutorial uno piu' bello dell'altro e poi il candy.....beh....andate a guardare no? mica devo dirvi tutto io!!!
bacioni a tutte
Here's another one :è il blog di Sabrina il link è:
andate a darci un'occhiata ne vale la pena : ci sono tanti tutorial uno piu' bello dell'altro e poi il candy.....beh....andate a guardare no? mica devo dirvi tutto io!!!
bacioni a tutte
Monday, September 27, 2010
Opportunity For Continued Employment Letter
good Monday
Ciao a tutte come va?Sono stata un po assente in questi giorni inquanto ho gia' beccato il primo raffreddore(che poi tanto raffreddore non era visto che avevo solo tosse e mal di stomaco tremendo).In ogni caso, sappiate, che anche quando non scrivo, entro sempre a controllare per vedere se nei vostri blog c'è qualcosa di nuovo.Cosi' ho fatto stamattina ed ho trovato una nuova amica that is added to other friends, supporters. Her name is Marcella and
jewelry carinissimi.Andate see his blog and if you like, you can still subscribe to his candy, which expires 30 days.
and then there's another one that is:
in his blog can be see so many objects of a time gone by, looking, who knows' because I felt calm, maybe because beautiful things are not age 'or maybe because through the good things we are sending out peace'. Maristella Thanks, really molto elegante il tuo blog .
Ah....dimenticavo di dirvi che il candy scade il primo d'ottobre.
Ciao Gilda
Ciao a tutte come va?Sono stata un po assente in questi giorni inquanto ho gia' beccato il primo raffreddore(che poi tanto raffreddore non era visto che avevo solo tosse e mal di stomaco tremendo).In ogni caso, sappiate, che anche quando non scrivo, entro sempre a controllare per vedere se nei vostri blog c'è qualcosa di nuovo.Cosi' ho fatto stamattina ed ho trovato una nuova amica that is added to other friends, supporters. Her name is Marcella and
jewelry carinissimi.Andate see his blog and if you like, you can still subscribe to his candy, which expires 30 days.
and then there's another one that is:
in his blog can be see so many objects of a time gone by, looking, who knows' because I felt calm, maybe because beautiful things are not age 'or maybe because through the good things we are sending out peace'. Maristella Thanks, really molto elegante il tuo blog .
Ah....dimenticavo di dirvi che il candy scade il primo d'ottobre.
Ciao Gilda
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Allergic Reaction To Grecian Formula
Liberals in congress. As always, words are right. But without the facts
We have received with surprise and even a touch of irony the umpteenth call of the most liberal Congress of different backgrounds, united by a common feeling about the state of politics today and the prospects for the future. In the theater of Italian politics, in which the word, even the rhetoric of lawyers, is the host (in Italy we talk too much, especially down towards the South, an area ideal for elected politicians of all), we were convinced that it would be for a conference, like all others in the series, elegantly analytical wisely proactive and not stimulating, but also void of concrete decisions and, indeed, always serious, unforgivable delay never fulfilled the duties of the cultural and political liberal in the last 60 years of public life officially "liberal-democratic".
Perhaps for these findings below, well known to journalists of any trend, including liberals, the Congress on 21 July, in Rome has been ignored by the press and therefore public opinion, often during the summer. None that we know it, he said. Thus, in terms of communication and rational is as if it never happened. Clandestino, "right" for a double reason: because the liberal (and therefore in the collective imagination of the journalists - having regard to past experiences - not facts, and useless) and then because summer. Where the second argument made by pitiful coverage of the first.
Also this site has been slow to publish, so that we consulted again with the author, who at the time we requested to follow the conference, whether or not to publish two months later. And the same author, in fact, it is uncertain or puzzled.
But the delay was not due to some lack of interest, if anything too interesting. Because I wanted to know more. But this is more from the participants and proponents could not be known. Also because of the defect typical liberals, especially the elderly, is the lack of effective communication, public relations, short of making others know with plenty of details, before, during and after the fact. Some, then, posing as the Cavour of the province, as if it were to weave some kind of plot, even prefer the secret.
And yet, we believe that comment also quell'effimero, illegal, Congress, not matter, given the current political turmoil in the world and also hear some predictions and trends announced at the conference (then promptly occurred), now known as the author in a note that we have appended to his commentary.
"Dar political voice to the Liberals, the real key to reform" was the theme of the Conference of Independent Liberals held July 21 in Rome, Hall of Columns in the House of Deputies. A nice bolt from the blue in summer.
In opening remarks speech for presentation Pietro Paganini, our Coordination for the unification of the liberals. A young-table image of the presidency, among many sixties and seventies, brings in a little room 'of hope.
The program included the session "A void to be filled", with works by Stefano de Luca (AnsMode PLI), Roberto Einaudi (Einaudi Foundation Pres) and Raffaello Morelli (pres. Fed Liberals and a member of our Board). In the session "For a change of leadership" were planned interventions Luca Bolognini, Nicoletta Casiraghi, Edoardo Croci, Olita Vincenzo, Gianfranco Passalacqua, Enrico Saporito, Massimo Teodori, Fabiana Tenerelli. Under the heading "stronger in the Constitution the principles of freedom," reads the names of Louis Company (Sen. PDL), Sandro Gozi (dep. PD), Paolo Guzzanti (dep. PLI), Andrea Marcucci (Sen. PD), Enrico Musso (Sen. PDL, Enzo Palumbo (Pres. of PLI CN), Carlo Scognamiglio (former pres. Senate), Giuseppe Vegas (Vice Minister of Economy), Gianni Vernetti (dep. API). On the "International Challenge" was the 'intervention Kirjas, Voicemail. Liberal International.
The ultimate goal mentioned in the program was "to trace possible pathways of shared liberal policies" by more liberal sectors. To "jointly develop a liberal policy to make the necessary changes, in short, the long-awaited reforms and never realized. Maybe that's why
abounded professional politicians, many of them little known.
But let me start from a small, innocent Conference as an excuse to raise the bar on the controversial issue in general. It is not always repeated that this political class is not liberal, that has very few liberal members, and that civil society is more liberal? It is not said all along that the House and Senate do not represent the Italian society, but only party politics, which is the regime with the privileges of caste? Politics is not a political meeting between politicians and "friends" who call or come together, maybe the "refreshment stands" or "liner" of the Chamber. So why, goes round and round, always draw the Parliament, which clearly can not too much to give?
It 's the usual trend, not least the Liberals (including republicans and radicals, especially the panel), leaving from above, by the usual experts, from "those already there" in any capacity in the rooms of buttons, short of the pseudo-elite of professionals and amateurs in politics, some of which have become hardened, slow and stubborn 70nni. And after all, are not their own i colpevoli di questo stato di cose, a cominciare dalla mancata diffusione del liberalismo in Italia?
Al contrario, i veri liberali, quelli d'un tempo, non si ritenevano tutti dei "piccoli Cavour", per i loro intrighi quasi sempre inutili, come fanno i nostri liberali di provincia. Ma partivano dal basso, cioè dalla gente, dal popolo, facevano paziente, quotidiana, opera di pedagogia sociale, di divulgazione di massa, di educazione civile e morale (e perfino scolastica) degli Italiani. E anziché Convegni o, peggio, riunioni riservate "a quattr'occhi" in salotti, bar e ristoranti privati o del Parlamento, convocavano i cittadini di interi quartieri o città in piazze, cortili o palestre. Oggi, poi, sarebbe anche easier with the Internet. But the liberals of today (and this is a sign that they are no longer as 800 progressive, but conservative and traditionalist) do not like the Internet and technologies. What is the difference between the ambiguous
PourParler by Machiavelli in the sixteenth and the brave States General to re-complete - starting from the citizens - a mentality, a liberal conscience that is still lacking in Italy. Other than going to the government! Others insinuate that suddenly, without ever having done anything for 20, 30 or 50 years, in a political crisis or an election, as any part of the steak! For then, even if you were elected - would be inevitable - the very same things ... NICO
Ma ora torniamo al Convegno. Ecco il commento di Guido Di Massimo che ha seguito per “Liberali Italiani” la giornata del Convegno. Va notato che è stato scritto il giorno dopo, 22 luglio. Segue un breve aggiornamento dello stesso autore (21 settembre):
"Organizzato da Pietro Paganini in un periodo poco ideale per le riunioni politiche, si è svolto a Roma, in via Poli 13, una delle tante (troppe?) sedi a disposizione del Parlamento, un convegno sul “dar voce politica ai liberali”.
Secondo un malvezzo che sarebbe opportuno estirpare la riunione è iniziata con mezz'ora di ritardo ma, contrariamente a un certo pessimismo sulla riuscita di un Meeting set in a period so unsuitable, the room was completely filled: 80-90 liberals who gather in such a period is a success.
The variety of voices and considerations made at the conference gave a positive richness of content. In addition to those strictly political, there were comments and detailed proposals (including the publication on the desirable every newspaper in the composition of its equity ownership).
was underlined the anomaly of Italy, the only country in Europe where the Liberals are absent, it also observed by Emil Kirjas, secretary general of the Liberal International, which called for a reunification of the Liberals has assured its support operation.
He advocated also the end of the Liberals made "for hire" by the mass parties to make decorative elements, but to keep on the sidelines in Parliament reduced to something much worse than "classroom dull and gray."
We talked about the need for electoral reform and the referendum being organized to return to even deprecated "mattarellum" that as regrettable, however, was better than the current electoral system.
There has been talk of liberalism no longer an option but as a "necessity", and some noted that the younger generation will "need" liberal. There was talk then of liberalism not as "revenge" of the old PLI but as a political entity that looks to the future.
There has been talk of a country in plaster, which does not move in any field, not only in the economy, a bipolar system in which both poles are not in politics - one influenced by the League and the other follows that Di Pietro turn chases Beppe Grillo - with the result that in Italy the policy is absent. We talked about the need to "deconstruct" the current political system to create a new one.
There has been talk of not understanding, in '92, what was happening and that now is the time instead to prepare for what will happen soon.
And two considerations resulted e riecheggiate da più parti pur con toni e registri diversi. La prima è che abbiamo di fronte una crisi politica grave e che siamo alla vigilia di un periodo di rottura; la seconda è che proprio per questo abbiamo bisogno di attrezzarci con un soggetto politico autonomo.
E si è accennato anche alla costituzione di un gruppo di lavoro che si occupi della riunificazione dei liberali. Queste considerazioni sono venute da persone di sfumature politiche diverse e forse opposte.
Chissà se – dopo tanti tentativi – è la volta buona che i liberali mettano da parte i loro eterni distinguo per riunirsi e realizzare finalmente una propria casa comune a tutti i liberali d'Itali.
"Perhaps it is worth noting two points seen at a distance of months have been of some significance:
- in Congress, the Liberal Party confirmed its decision, looking for allies, to organize a raccoltra signatures for the repeal of "porcellum" [the electoral system now in force, summary from "Mattarellum", the previous system, invented by Mr. Mattarella, and "crap" for admission of the League's Calderoli, Ed], and now many people are moving in the same line .
- always in the conference it was stated that it was the eve of a severe political crisis and on the eve of a period of rupture seems to me that the prediction has come true (or almost) (GDM).
We have received with surprise and even a touch of irony the umpteenth call of the most liberal Congress of different backgrounds, united by a common feeling about the state of politics today and the prospects for the future. In the theater of Italian politics, in which the word, even the rhetoric of lawyers, is the host (in Italy we talk too much, especially down towards the South, an area ideal for elected politicians of all), we were convinced that it would be for a conference, like all others in the series, elegantly analytical wisely proactive and not stimulating, but also void of concrete decisions and, indeed, always serious, unforgivable delay never fulfilled the duties of the cultural and political liberal in the last 60 years of public life officially "liberal-democratic".
Perhaps for these findings below, well known to journalists of any trend, including liberals, the Congress on 21 July, in Rome has been ignored by the press and therefore public opinion, often during the summer. None that we know it, he said. Thus, in terms of communication and rational is as if it never happened. Clandestino, "right" for a double reason: because the liberal (and therefore in the collective imagination of the journalists - having regard to past experiences - not facts, and useless) and then because summer. Where the second argument made by pitiful coverage of the first.
Also this site has been slow to publish, so that we consulted again with the author, who at the time we requested to follow the conference, whether or not to publish two months later. And the same author, in fact, it is uncertain or puzzled.
But the delay was not due to some lack of interest, if anything too interesting. Because I wanted to know more. But this is more from the participants and proponents could not be known. Also because of the defect typical liberals, especially the elderly, is the lack of effective communication, public relations, short of making others know with plenty of details, before, during and after the fact. Some, then, posing as the Cavour of the province, as if it were to weave some kind of plot, even prefer the secret.
And yet, we believe that comment also quell'effimero, illegal, Congress, not matter, given the current political turmoil in the world and also hear some predictions and trends announced at the conference (then promptly occurred), now known as the author in a note that we have appended to his commentary.
"Dar political voice to the Liberals, the real key to reform" was the theme of the Conference of Independent Liberals held July 21 in Rome, Hall of Columns in the House of Deputies. A nice bolt from the blue in summer.
In opening remarks speech for presentation Pietro Paganini, our Coordination for the unification of the liberals. A young-table image of the presidency, among many sixties and seventies, brings in a little room 'of hope.
The program included the session "A void to be filled", with works by Stefano de Luca (AnsMode PLI), Roberto Einaudi (Einaudi Foundation Pres) and Raffaello Morelli (pres. Fed Liberals and a member of our Board). In the session "For a change of leadership" were planned interventions Luca Bolognini, Nicoletta Casiraghi, Edoardo Croci, Olita Vincenzo, Gianfranco Passalacqua, Enrico Saporito, Massimo Teodori, Fabiana Tenerelli. Under the heading "stronger in the Constitution the principles of freedom," reads the names of Louis Company (Sen. PDL), Sandro Gozi (dep. PD), Paolo Guzzanti (dep. PLI), Andrea Marcucci (Sen. PD), Enrico Musso (Sen. PDL, Enzo Palumbo (Pres. of PLI CN), Carlo Scognamiglio (former pres. Senate), Giuseppe Vegas (Vice Minister of Economy), Gianni Vernetti (dep. API). On the "International Challenge" was the 'intervention Kirjas, Voicemail. Liberal International.
The ultimate goal mentioned in the program was "to trace possible pathways of shared liberal policies" by more liberal sectors. To "jointly develop a liberal policy to make the necessary changes, in short, the long-awaited reforms and never realized. Maybe that's why
abounded professional politicians, many of them little known.
But let me start from a small, innocent Conference as an excuse to raise the bar on the controversial issue in general. It is not always repeated that this political class is not liberal, that has very few liberal members, and that civil society is more liberal? It is not said all along that the House and Senate do not represent the Italian society, but only party politics, which is the regime with the privileges of caste? Politics is not a political meeting between politicians and "friends" who call or come together, maybe the "refreshment stands" or "liner" of the Chamber. So why, goes round and round, always draw the Parliament, which clearly can not too much to give?
It 's the usual trend, not least the Liberals (including republicans and radicals, especially the panel), leaving from above, by the usual experts, from "those already there" in any capacity in the rooms of buttons, short of the pseudo-elite of professionals and amateurs in politics, some of which have become hardened, slow and stubborn 70nni. And after all, are not their own i colpevoli di questo stato di cose, a cominciare dalla mancata diffusione del liberalismo in Italia?
Al contrario, i veri liberali, quelli d'un tempo, non si ritenevano tutti dei "piccoli Cavour", per i loro intrighi quasi sempre inutili, come fanno i nostri liberali di provincia. Ma partivano dal basso, cioè dalla gente, dal popolo, facevano paziente, quotidiana, opera di pedagogia sociale, di divulgazione di massa, di educazione civile e morale (e perfino scolastica) degli Italiani. E anziché Convegni o, peggio, riunioni riservate "a quattr'occhi" in salotti, bar e ristoranti privati o del Parlamento, convocavano i cittadini di interi quartieri o città in piazze, cortili o palestre. Oggi, poi, sarebbe anche easier with the Internet. But the liberals of today (and this is a sign that they are no longer as 800 progressive, but conservative and traditionalist) do not like the Internet and technologies. What is the difference between the ambiguous
PourParler by Machiavelli in the sixteenth and the brave States General to re-complete - starting from the citizens - a mentality, a liberal conscience that is still lacking in Italy. Other than going to the government! Others insinuate that suddenly, without ever having done anything for 20, 30 or 50 years, in a political crisis or an election, as any part of the steak! For then, even if you were elected - would be inevitable - the very same things ... NICO
Ma ora torniamo al Convegno. Ecco il commento di Guido Di Massimo che ha seguito per “Liberali Italiani” la giornata del Convegno. Va notato che è stato scritto il giorno dopo, 22 luglio. Segue un breve aggiornamento dello stesso autore (21 settembre):
"Organizzato da Pietro Paganini in un periodo poco ideale per le riunioni politiche, si è svolto a Roma, in via Poli 13, una delle tante (troppe?) sedi a disposizione del Parlamento, un convegno sul “dar voce politica ai liberali”.
Secondo un malvezzo che sarebbe opportuno estirpare la riunione è iniziata con mezz'ora di ritardo ma, contrariamente a un certo pessimismo sulla riuscita di un Meeting set in a period so unsuitable, the room was completely filled: 80-90 liberals who gather in such a period is a success.
The variety of voices and considerations made at the conference gave a positive richness of content. In addition to those strictly political, there were comments and detailed proposals (including the publication on the desirable every newspaper in the composition of its equity ownership).
was underlined the anomaly of Italy, the only country in Europe where the Liberals are absent, it also observed by Emil Kirjas, secretary general of the Liberal International, which called for a reunification of the Liberals has assured its support operation.
He advocated also the end of the Liberals made "for hire" by the mass parties to make decorative elements, but to keep on the sidelines in Parliament reduced to something much worse than "classroom dull and gray."
We talked about the need for electoral reform and the referendum being organized to return to even deprecated "mattarellum" that as regrettable, however, was better than the current electoral system.
There has been talk of liberalism no longer an option but as a "necessity", and some noted that the younger generation will "need" liberal. There was talk then of liberalism not as "revenge" of the old PLI but as a political entity that looks to the future.
There has been talk of a country in plaster, which does not move in any field, not only in the economy, a bipolar system in which both poles are not in politics - one influenced by the League and the other follows that Di Pietro turn chases Beppe Grillo - with the result that in Italy the policy is absent. We talked about the need to "deconstruct" the current political system to create a new one.
There has been talk of not understanding, in '92, what was happening and that now is the time instead to prepare for what will happen soon.
And two considerations resulted e riecheggiate da più parti pur con toni e registri diversi. La prima è che abbiamo di fronte una crisi politica grave e che siamo alla vigilia di un periodo di rottura; la seconda è che proprio per questo abbiamo bisogno di attrezzarci con un soggetto politico autonomo.
E si è accennato anche alla costituzione di un gruppo di lavoro che si occupi della riunificazione dei liberali. Queste considerazioni sono venute da persone di sfumature politiche diverse e forse opposte.
Chissà se – dopo tanti tentativi – è la volta buona che i liberali mettano da parte i loro eterni distinguo per riunirsi e realizzare finalmente una propria casa comune a tutti i liberali d'Itali.
"Perhaps it is worth noting two points seen at a distance of months have been of some significance:
- in Congress, the Liberal Party confirmed its decision, looking for allies, to organize a raccoltra signatures for the repeal of "porcellum" [the electoral system now in force, summary from "Mattarellum", the previous system, invented by Mr. Mattarella, and "crap" for admission of the League's Calderoli, Ed], and now many people are moving in the same line .
- always in the conference it was stated that it was the eve of a severe political crisis and on the eve of a period of rupture seems to me that the prediction has come true (or almost) (GDM).
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
When Is The Chevy Tahoe Body Style Changing
Aunt Dante 'candy
Nel mio girovagare fra i vari blog , me ne è capitato uno di lavori bellissimi al chiacchierino e non solo .
poi c'era scritta una cosa molto bella su come si riconosce un'amico da un conoscente e la voglio riproporre anche qui , perchè saper riconoscere la vera amicizia è una gran fortuna, avoid extreme disappointment and amarezze.Lo copy 'here so close' that can be well visibile.ciao all
; ; Gilda
PS: I would put it close by here but it's over underneath and then if you read it you have to scroll all the way .... at least until I will not have 'figured out how to fix it meglio.Scusatemi but are a bit clumsy with the computer (and also with many other things ).... but they are also enough "nerve head and you will see that I'll be able 'to fix it better.
Ariciao all
; Gilda
Nel mio girovagare fra i vari blog , me ne è capitato uno di lavori bellissimi al chiacchierino e non solo .
poi c'era scritta una cosa molto bella su come si riconosce un'amico da un conoscente e la voglio riproporre anche qui , perchè saper riconoscere la vera amicizia è una gran fortuna, avoid extreme disappointment and amarezze.Lo copy 'here so close' that can be well visibile.ciao all
; ; Gilda
PS: I would put it close by here but it's over underneath and then if you read it you have to scroll all the way .... at least until I will not have 'figured out how to fix it meglio.Scusatemi but are a bit clumsy with the computer (and also with many other things ).... but they are also enough "nerve head and you will see that I'll be able 'to fix it better.
Ariciao all
; Gilda
Monday, September 20, 2010
Folk Art Enamels Msds
denounce overcrowding of classes! A Special Day
launched a proposal reported oversized classes.
I remind you that the upper limits are 27 for primary and secondary level I and 33 (sic) for the secondary level (although according to the safety laws should be maximum 26 people per class, including or teachers).
If there is one or more disabled students max limits are:
20 (maximum of 1 child with severe disabilities)
22 (per massimo 2 alunni non gravi)
25 (per massimo 1 alunno non grave)
Vi ricordo inoltre che in una classe può stare massimo 1 alunno con disabilità GRAVE e massimo 2 alunni con disabilità non grave.
Segnalate qui, o alla mail, i casi fuori legge (ricordo che sono direttive ministeriali).
Io mi faccio carico di raccogliere le informazioni (non vi preoccupate, anche anonime) e una volta in possesso di una interessante mole di informazioni valuteremo cosa fare.
Grazie in anticipo
launched a proposal reported oversized classes.
I remind you that the upper limits are 27 for primary and secondary level I and 33 (sic) for the secondary level (although according to the safety laws should be maximum 26 people per class, including or teachers).
If there is one or more disabled students max limits are:
20 (maximum of 1 child with severe disabilities)
22 (per massimo 2 alunni non gravi)
25 (per massimo 1 alunno non grave)
Vi ricordo inoltre che in una classe può stare massimo 1 alunno con disabilità GRAVE e massimo 2 alunni con disabilità non grave.
Segnalate qui, o alla mail, i casi fuori legge (ricordo che sono direttive ministeriali).
Io mi faccio carico di raccogliere le informazioni (non vi preoccupate, anche anonime) e una volta in possesso di una interessante mole di informazioni valuteremo cosa fare.
Grazie in anticipo
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Games Of Strategy Solutions
beautiful blog I've trawled the kitchen this morning and where we are really tasty recipes ..... I put the link so 'ah .... go visit him: he opened a candy ending September 30, so make time subscribe to
hello ciaooooo
beautiful blog I've trawled the kitchen this morning and where we are really tasty recipes ..... I put the link so 'ah .... go visit him: he opened a candy ending September 30, so make time subscribe to
hello ciaooooo
Friday, September 17, 2010
How Is Irregular Heart Beat Detected In Omron
other old works
continue with our roundup of the old jobs waiting to finish something to post :
this is my house-cover furnace
this is the cover that I got for the birth of my baby nephew .......
and on his bag to contain
door panel-whole
my first patchwork tablecloth
this is a small sub-pot that I crocheted in the days when I was on vacation during the bus ride (I could not get bored mica no?) cotton with which I did a cotton wool (it was not as uniform thickness) and then it's not that come well within the caps of bottles containing beer and just goes right over there .... well the coffee is not that bad right? you say? Acc ... it's midnight, I think I must leave, otherwise the evil witch transforms me (eh. ... I was the right time becomes more )..... We hope sleep well and tomorrow is for you and for me, a wonderful day. Hello hello
continue with our roundup of the old jobs waiting to finish something to post :
this is my house-cover furnace
this is the cover that I got for the birth of my baby nephew .......
and on his bag to contain
door panel-whole
my first patchwork tablecloth
this is a small sub-pot that I crocheted in the days when I was on vacation during the bus ride (I could not get bored mica no?) cotton with which I did a cotton wool (it was not as uniform thickness) and then it's not that come well within the caps of bottles containing beer and just goes right over there .... well the coffee is not that bad right? you say? Acc ... it's midnight, I think I must leave, otherwise the evil witch transforms me (eh. ... I was the right time becomes more )..... We hope sleep well and tomorrow is for you and for me, a wonderful day. Hello hello
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
How Much Does A Partial Plate Cost
Certo che l'ultima iniziativa, la contestazione alla Gelmini a Siracusa, mi ha fatto cadere le braccia. Manco 100 persone, (dopo tutte le telefonate, gli sms), molte delle quali neanche interessate direttamente (penso ai miei compagni di SEL), infilati in un gabbiotto e la solita, triste, inutile delegazione ad incontrare lei, il "Problema". Per dirle cosa? Per farsi dire cosa? Le solite quattro cazzate ripetute a pappagallo. Come una studentessa mediocre (quale ella è).
Basta, mi son detto. Me ne resto a dormire.
E invece no. Lei, l'acciuga atomica, a telefonarmi, a dirmi DEVI venire, a strafracassarmi le palle.
Maledetto senso di colpa, o senso del dovere, o senso civico, o quello che cazzo è.
E così eccomi sull'autobus, inebetito dal sonno, in fondo al bus numero 1 (minchia due autobus!) a cazzeggiare con i soliti amici.
Vedo però che stavolta non siamo i soliti 4 gatti, gente nuova, nuove vittime del "Problema". Eravamo stati facili profeti, "cassandre", due anni fa. Oggi tocca a noi, domani toccherà a voi, dopodomani a tutti.
Oggi è dopodomani. E tocca a tutti.
E così ascolto i problemi di nuove colleghe di sventura (un po' logorroiche ma simpatiche).
Le graduatorie, le convocazioni, the "salvaprecari", the children .... It was better if I was going home to sleep!
arrive in Messina and ... surprise! 20 buses, whistles, flags, megaphones, banners, slogans ....
And so many people. Unexpected and angry. Determined to be a bit like 'I did not see. We block the ferry. Not enough. Also blocked the railway. He was right anchovy Atomic?
And the news coming from the phone. We're on Raidue, we are 3,000, not 4,000 on Raiuno (Minzolini?? But then miracles really happen?). Three Rai, Sky, Mediaset even! We wash the veil of indifference. We have a hope! Now comes the fun part, the protest babes .... it!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Names Of Parts Of Pirate Ships
precarious REVOLT - My crazy idea to meet the Straits
After two years of protests, is starting the third, the reform progresses, the cuts increase school organization is increasingly critical and unstable. Teachers hurt in their professionalism, affected in their work, school employees covered by pests and belittled in their function, as only those who have never lived inside the school can do. Classes jammed against each criterion standard teaching, where most of the time just passes the call to call, check the "justification" and have a minimum of human contact with their pupils. The rest should be devoted to an explanation, in conversations, allo studio,alle verifiche, agli approfondimenti,ai rinforzi per i più deboli. Prime vittime sono i docenti e il personale Ata (collaboratori e amministrativi), non meno meritevoli, ma semplicemente precari, con contratti a tempo determinato anche da 20 anni. Il bisogno di esternare la propria rabbia è grande. Il problema diventa pratico quando «gridare» il proprio disagio significa spostarsi di parecchio e per parecchie ore allontanandosi dalla famiglia e a spese proprie. Ci vuole una manifestazione, facilmente raggiungibile. Un punto simbolico ma anche pratico perché la situazione della scuola si avverte di più al sud, soprattutto in Sicilia.
Ho individuato lo stretto di Messina raggiungibile in circa 4 ore and a half further away from the Sicilian province of Naples and Bari, but also I have imagined a "meeting" a union between my land and the rest of Italy, to show that we are not just numbers on the list, we are many, flesh and blood, and precarious role of parents and many of our alumni, and many students who are struggling for their school and the quality of school because they are also concerned about the fallout in the long term that will produce the "reform era" ! I call it an epic disaster, because nobody will ever be compensated for the damage he has caused and still cause. Initially, my proposal has not had great effect. There was concern of a possible bankruptcy, but what we have to lose? Nothing. We went ahead with Fabiola and Maria Rita, stubborn, and little by little and provincial coordination committees have been queued. Some unions have given their support, but the event was entirely organized by the three of us, with the contribution of Didier and concrete. The thing began to mount. The initial forecast of 700 participants has grown
the last two days, since then reach the 2,500 admissions (according to the police station).
resounding success. Articles about the show more or less true in every newspaper and Tg. I swear, I did not expect it
! It is pleasing to see that still lived in the middle This year I will not have a
my class. After 23 years of insecurity over the past six year I had earned a commission, a sort of "permanent insecurity" that however, I approached the role. Using the past because according to Gelmini are not worthy, I can not even pretend to be precarious work, I can not expect what she calls a "privilege" that I have gained through years of study, commitment, upgrade and service. I am worthy of alms with the 'kill precarious. " I lose my job just to 'cash needs, "I will not recognize my experience as an educator, a trainer on behalf of savings and rationalization. The precarious situation of the school è la stessa dei lavoratori di Termini Imerese, ma la qualità della scuola è un problema che investe l’Italia intera, perché nella scuola si formano le personalità che abiteranno questa bella terra, e tutti meritano di essere seguiti con attenzione, qualsiasi strada prenderanno.
Anche nel profondo sud, dove troviamo strutture fatiscenti, tetti rotti, palestre inagibili, condizioni di lavoro
al limite della decenza. Lo so bene io che di scuole ne ho conosciute tante essendo stata assegnata ogni anno
in una scuola diversa. In provincia di Agrigento la legge e la normativa su igiene e sicurezza è spesso un optional con piccole aule dove i banchi son stipati, addossati alla cattedra tanto che, a volte, bisogna scavalcarli per raggiungere l’uscita! Eppure si formano classi anche con 35-40 alunni...
Nel frattempo, in un paese dove il ministro della pubblica istruzione parla di efficientismo, c’è un piccolo
tesoro di provincia, la mia, Agrigento che da alcuni anni non ha il suo dirigente scolastico provinciale, ma svolge la sua funzione ad interim il dirigente dell’Usp di Caltanissetta.
Emma Giannì - Insegnante precaria - Il Manifesto 14.09.2010
After two years of protests, is starting the third, the reform progresses, the cuts increase school organization is increasingly critical and unstable. Teachers hurt in their professionalism, affected in their work, school employees covered by pests and belittled in their function, as only those who have never lived inside the school can do. Classes jammed against each criterion standard teaching, where most of the time just passes the call to call, check the "justification" and have a minimum of human contact with their pupils. The rest should be devoted to an explanation, in conversations, allo studio,alle verifiche, agli approfondimenti,ai rinforzi per i più deboli. Prime vittime sono i docenti e il personale Ata (collaboratori e amministrativi), non meno meritevoli, ma semplicemente precari, con contratti a tempo determinato anche da 20 anni. Il bisogno di esternare la propria rabbia è grande. Il problema diventa pratico quando «gridare» il proprio disagio significa spostarsi di parecchio e per parecchie ore allontanandosi dalla famiglia e a spese proprie. Ci vuole una manifestazione, facilmente raggiungibile. Un punto simbolico ma anche pratico perché la situazione della scuola si avverte di più al sud, soprattutto in Sicilia.
Ho individuato lo stretto di Messina raggiungibile in circa 4 ore and a half further away from the Sicilian province of Naples and Bari, but also I have imagined a "meeting" a union between my land and the rest of Italy, to show that we are not just numbers on the list, we are many, flesh and blood, and precarious role of parents and many of our alumni, and many students who are struggling for their school and the quality of school because they are also concerned about the fallout in the long term that will produce the "reform era" ! I call it an epic disaster, because nobody will ever be compensated for the damage he has caused and still cause. Initially, my proposal has not had great effect. There was concern of a possible bankruptcy, but what we have to lose? Nothing. We went ahead with Fabiola and Maria Rita, stubborn, and little by little and provincial coordination committees have been queued. Some unions have given their support, but the event was entirely organized by the three of us, with the contribution of Didier and concrete. The thing began to mount. The initial forecast of 700 participants has grown
the last two days, since then reach the 2,500 admissions (according to the police station).
resounding success. Articles about the show more or less true in every newspaper and Tg. I swear, I did not expect it
! It is pleasing to see that still lived in the middle This year I will not have a
my class. After 23 years of insecurity over the past six year I had earned a commission, a sort of "permanent insecurity" that however, I approached the role. Using the past because according to Gelmini are not worthy, I can not even pretend to be precarious work, I can not expect what she calls a "privilege" that I have gained through years of study, commitment, upgrade and service. I am worthy of alms with the 'kill precarious. " I lose my job just to 'cash needs, "I will not recognize my experience as an educator, a trainer on behalf of savings and rationalization. The precarious situation of the school è la stessa dei lavoratori di Termini Imerese, ma la qualità della scuola è un problema che investe l’Italia intera, perché nella scuola si formano le personalità che abiteranno questa bella terra, e tutti meritano di essere seguiti con attenzione, qualsiasi strada prenderanno.
Anche nel profondo sud, dove troviamo strutture fatiscenti, tetti rotti, palestre inagibili, condizioni di lavoro
al limite della decenza. Lo so bene io che di scuole ne ho conosciute tante essendo stata assegnata ogni anno
in una scuola diversa. In provincia di Agrigento la legge e la normativa su igiene e sicurezza è spesso un optional con piccole aule dove i banchi son stipati, addossati alla cattedra tanto che, a volte, bisogna scavalcarli per raggiungere l’uscita! Eppure si formano classi anche con 35-40 alunni...
Nel frattempo, in un paese dove il ministro della pubblica istruzione parla di efficientismo, c’è un piccolo
tesoro di provincia, la mia, Agrigento che da alcuni anni non ha il suo dirigente scolastico provinciale, ma svolge la sua funzione ad interim il dirigente dell’Usp di Caltanissetta.
Emma Giannì - Insegnante precaria - Il Manifesto 14.09.2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
How To Get The Walk Through Walls Cheat
The charge of 200 thousand beggars
È sufficiente ripetere più volte una affermazione in forma apodittica, affinché non si ingeneri alcun dubbio o incertezza o voglia di approfondire da parte di chi riceve il messaggio. Just use a syntactically simple phrasing for what the statement itself has become common sense acquired by most users of the 'average'. Thus, by dint of repeating that "the school is not an employment agency" that "the state can not afford to employ 200 thousand teachers precarious", that Italy has "the lowest ratio teachers / students in Europe That belief has become the bad sense also common among people with common senso.D 'Even so, "said the announcement of the new well Mentana 7."
How is it that a huge number of teachers to which for decades the state has entrusted the task of carrying out a school for poor instruments, reforms in all segments, working in places often become inadequate all of a sudden a group of uneducated beggars who pretend to work just because they have played
qualchemese or some Extra year! How is it that staff often used for decades, with recruitment and dismissal in September-October to June, he endured this situation (which could have been no private!) Pending a final self employment?
is possible because that number of teachers would serve to fill the posts and to achieve the turnover related to retirement if the 'big' and 'momentous' minister Gelmini reforms had not been demolished as a disastrous landslide on the school of the Republic, by reducing indiscriminate
hours of classes, increasing the number of pupils per class, combining classes and complexes, cutting almost all the hours spent on laboratories, by refusing to extend full-time despite the increase in demand for insufficient investment in local services by the deaf or too poor.
The projections are clear: the current teaching staff entered the Italian role in the boom years of birth and schooling dimassa (years 70) and starts to retire and will be completed within the first fifteen the new century. It's true: there is no longer the baby boom, but the current demographic situation sees the downward peak of births minus high in recent decades, thanks to the children of migrants. Then there is an increase in mandatory school for two years, the presence of disabled pupils in the school of all, the increase in enrollment of migrant pupils, the generalization of the kindergarten, the introduction in Italy, as throughout Europe, the paths of education and training for adults and you can see that the number of teachers necessary to maintain the current quality of education we offer aggiri proprio fra le 150.000 e le 200.000 unità di personale.
Ma, si dice, il rapporto numerico docenti/alunni in Italia è troppo alto. Come non considerare i circa 80.000 docenti di sostegno per quella condizione di assoluta qualità che solo l’Italia può vantare, che vede l’inserimento dei disabili nella scuola di tutti? E, viceversa, come non considerare quella anomalia tutta italiana per cui lo Stato assume e paga circa 30.000 docenti di religione cattolica scelti e indicati dai vescovi?
Ma, si dice, la scuola italiana funziona molto male e dà risultati insoddisfacenti. Non sarà, forse, proprio perché da anni, con governi di destra e di sinistra, vive uno stato di abbandono e di continui cuts in resources? Could it be because the permanent staff has been growing and are unable to guarantee continuity to the educational relationships? It will not be because our schools are still barely equipped with desks and chairs needed? Could it be because we continue to delegitimize the social culture, research, the pedagogical function of the school and, therefore, to point out the teachers as "frustrated" and "lazy"?
reconnect the needs that students and parents express the design of a school day on which the country is called upon to interpret and adjust it to reflect the times, the design of the school is art. 34 of the Constitution. Then will be easy to make everyone understand that the struggle of precarious is joined with that of those who want a quality school for their children, and is the same struggle of the workers or the Pomigliano Melfi: the struggle for basic rights to employment, education, health and the environment. It is the struggle that we must see this, because the model does not prevail ferociously classist society that neo-liberalism shows us how to unavoidable destiny.
Simonetta Salacone - Head teacher (now retired) of Iqbal Masih school - National Coordination
Left Ecology and Freedom
Il Manifesto - 08.09.2010
È sufficiente ripetere più volte una affermazione in forma apodittica, affinché non si ingeneri alcun dubbio o incertezza o voglia di approfondire da parte di chi riceve il messaggio. Just use a syntactically simple phrasing for what the statement itself has become common sense acquired by most users of the 'average'. Thus, by dint of repeating that "the school is not an employment agency" that "the state can not afford to employ 200 thousand teachers precarious", that Italy has "the lowest ratio teachers / students in Europe That belief has become the bad sense also common among people with common senso.D 'Even so, "said the announcement of the new well Mentana 7."
How is it that a huge number of teachers to which for decades the state has entrusted the task of carrying out a school for poor instruments, reforms in all segments, working in places often become inadequate all of a sudden a group of uneducated beggars who pretend to work just because they have played
qualchemese or some Extra year! How is it that staff often used for decades, with recruitment and dismissal in September-October to June, he endured this situation (which could have been no private!) Pending a final self employment?
is possible because that number of teachers would serve to fill the posts and to achieve the turnover related to retirement if the 'big' and 'momentous' minister Gelmini reforms had not been demolished as a disastrous landslide on the school of the Republic, by reducing indiscriminate
hours of classes, increasing the number of pupils per class, combining classes and complexes, cutting almost all the hours spent on laboratories, by refusing to extend full-time despite the increase in demand for insufficient investment in local services by the deaf or too poor.
The projections are clear: the current teaching staff entered the Italian role in the boom years of birth and schooling dimassa (years 70) and starts to retire and will be completed within the first fifteen the new century. It's true: there is no longer the baby boom, but the current demographic situation sees the downward peak of births minus high in recent decades, thanks to the children of migrants. Then there is an increase in mandatory school for two years, the presence of disabled pupils in the school of all, the increase in enrollment of migrant pupils, the generalization of the kindergarten, the introduction in Italy, as throughout Europe, the paths of education and training for adults and you can see that the number of teachers necessary to maintain the current quality of education we offer aggiri proprio fra le 150.000 e le 200.000 unità di personale.
Ma, si dice, il rapporto numerico docenti/alunni in Italia è troppo alto. Come non considerare i circa 80.000 docenti di sostegno per quella condizione di assoluta qualità che solo l’Italia può vantare, che vede l’inserimento dei disabili nella scuola di tutti? E, viceversa, come non considerare quella anomalia tutta italiana per cui lo Stato assume e paga circa 30.000 docenti di religione cattolica scelti e indicati dai vescovi?
Ma, si dice, la scuola italiana funziona molto male e dà risultati insoddisfacenti. Non sarà, forse, proprio perché da anni, con governi di destra e di sinistra, vive uno stato di abbandono e di continui cuts in resources? Could it be because the permanent staff has been growing and are unable to guarantee continuity to the educational relationships? It will not be because our schools are still barely equipped with desks and chairs needed? Could it be because we continue to delegitimize the social culture, research, the pedagogical function of the school and, therefore, to point out the teachers as "frustrated" and "lazy"?
reconnect the needs that students and parents express the design of a school day on which the country is called upon to interpret and adjust it to reflect the times, the design of the school is art. 34 of the Constitution. Then will be easy to make everyone understand that the struggle of precarious is joined with that of those who want a quality school for their children, and is the same struggle of the workers or the Pomigliano Melfi: the struggle for basic rights to employment, education, health and the environment. It is the struggle that we must see this, because the model does not prevail ferociously classist society that neo-liberalism shows us how to unavoidable destiny.
Simonetta Salacone - Head teacher (now retired) of Iqbal Masih school - National Coordination
Left Ecology and Freedom
Il Manifesto - 08.09.2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Good Halloween Costumes With Crutches
brief introductory note
are Monterosso Antonino (Nino, for all), after 15 years of insecurity and sottoprecariato (precarious is the teacher who holds a post one year), I said if he took the risk to reform schools and universities (and the era called), a young newly graduated, because I can not try that myself, I am not sure of a great teacher, but in the end I got teaching qualifications through three contests and SISSIS, specialization for the support, various master and also the A / S 1995/96, I taught at all school levels.
If before I was just adequate to make the teacher, now titled and almost beginning to feel compelled to propose the "Epochal REAL REFORM OF THE ITALIAN SCHOOL. Abstract
Other that savings of 8 billion euro Reform Gelmini, with my reform will save at least 40 to 50 billion a year in salaries and the collection of the fee Italian entry at the New School will earn billions more euro.
200 000 Other than temporary workers are made redundant, more than a million teachers, ATA, school staff, but also managers and employees and executives and employees of the MIUR the USR and the USP, or workaholics slackers who are: all at home, license, do not serve in the New Italian School.
Other than one teacher per class: the teacher / prof will be a / or (n.1), for every type of school around the country, including the Italian schools abroad.
All dilapidated school buildings in good condition and no longer needed, will be sold: a starting price of EUR 1. The proceeds will be used to reward merit.
Four types of schools and universities, almost as before. Del'infanzia school, primary, secondary level and secondary level (one), universities (only). If the minister Calderoli would further simplify, I would have no objection: SCHOOL ONLY.
unique program
- supreme goal: to make the perfect Berlusconi.
- Teaching objective ever: being able to draw an X on the ballot above the name of President Berlusconi. (In Italy we always vote: Italy is a democratic and liberal)
Classes will be held by the teacher and passed on from one pay-TV 5 (enrollment / annual subscription) by 9.00 to 12.00 in direct from 16.00 to 19.00 in deferred.
A channel for nursery school, one for primary, for a sec. of I, for one sec. Grade II and one for the university.
progression in the various school levels will be based registry, the only condition to be current with payment of registration / subscription Annual.
checks, evaluations and assessments, examinations, meritocracy, will be delegated to agencies of surveys, data auditel, and above all the election results.
Great Teacher / Minister / Head of unique
(alternate: exhausted rankings)
Direttore unico dei servizi amministrativi:
Giulio Tremonti (suppl.: grad. Esaurite)
Professore universitario unico:
U. Bossi, (Alternate: Maroni, Bonaiuti)
Professor single school sec. 2 °:
S. Bondi, (alternate: Cicchitto, Cota)
Professor single school sec. 1 st:
M. Gasparri, (alternate: Verdini, Matteoli)
Maestra unica di scuola primaria:
M. Carfagna, (supplenti: Prestigiacomo, Bernini)
Maestra unica di scuola dell’infanzia:
M.S. Gelmini, (supplenti: Meloni, Aprea)
Collaboratore scolastico unico:
I. La Russa , (supplenti: Calderoli, Capezzone )
… e finally there will be more policemen that janitors!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Ftv Underwear Male Models
Starring: Wanted precarious with the requirement to meet the Gelmini.
After reading and hearing the statements of Minister Gelmini and his companions (ops!) party comrades about the impossibility of meeting politicized subject, all'IDV members, fake precarious, 4 cats and even communists (there are always good), we decided to hold a casting call for the search of a precarious that suited to the Minister and to his mates (and tiritinchete!) comrades party.
Thanks to our mole infiltrated the Ministry, we received a secret note, in stating the requirements that we now disclose in order to find the right person to represent our demands to the Minister Gelmini.
The precarious that the Gelmini should be sympathetic to meet with voters and (even better if affiliated) of the PDL, but must not be an admirer of the President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini.
must also be personable, with absolutely no beard or mustache (not even a hint, not shaved by more than 6 hours), fragrant (smells fresh, summer), dressed in a consonant (jacket and tie), of medium stature high (not less than 180 cm.) extraction bourgeois social (no children of workers, these days ...), geographical origin Po (no more down Piacenza).
must also be equipped with a Reproductive between these two measures from 15 to 20 cm.
On the latter figure we have some reservations and invite you to revise the figure upwards.
(pictured to the Minister setting out the specifications)
Anyone in possession of the above mentioned requirements please contact us as soon as possible to secure the match.
If we can not find a candidate to try a precarious for a meeting with the Prime Minister.
The requirements for this type of person are well known.
After reading and hearing the statements of Minister Gelmini and his companions (ops!) party comrades about the impossibility of meeting politicized subject, all'IDV members, fake precarious, 4 cats and even communists (there are always good), we decided to hold a casting call for the search of a precarious that suited to the Minister and to his mates (and tiritinchete!) comrades party.
Thanks to our mole infiltrated the Ministry, we received a secret note, in stating the requirements that we now disclose in order to find the right person to represent our demands to the Minister Gelmini.
The precarious that the Gelmini should be sympathetic to meet with voters and (even better if affiliated) of the PDL, but must not be an admirer of the President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini.
must also be personable, with absolutely no beard or mustache (not even a hint, not shaved by more than 6 hours), fragrant (smells fresh, summer), dressed in a consonant (jacket and tie), of medium stature high (not less than 180 cm.) extraction bourgeois social (no children of workers, these days ...), geographical origin Po (no more down Piacenza).
must also be equipped with a Reproductive between these two measures from 15 to 20 cm.
On the latter figure we have some reservations and invite you to revise the figure upwards.
(pictured to the Minister setting out the specifications)
Anyone in possession of the above mentioned requirements please contact us as soon as possible to secure the match.
If we can not find a candidate to try a precarious for a meeting with the Prime Minister.
The requirements for this type of person are well known.
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