2. EVOLUTION. The evolution of communication media and the impermanence of things
In parallelo con il post sull'evoluzione dei supporti musicali, proverò ad osservare oggi alcuni aspetti dell'evoluzione negli ultimi anni dei supporti comunicativi,concentrandomi su quelli di uso "personale" (quindi escludendo tv e radio),e cercando di provare a capire cosa questo sta comportando a livello di consapevolezza e come sta tracciando implicitamente un'ipotetica impronta futura.
Senza andare troppo Parties in this short trip back in time from the old phone, that of a coin-operated car, and the one with the hard to dial numbers:
Some features are:
- Support for communication is in some ways "exclusive" to the statement: this type of phone serves only to make calls, then transmit words spoken (with consequent transmission of emotions related to voice over their content); The cabin also has a great physicality.
- The Moment of communication must be necessarily "live", that requires commitment and a contemporary presence of the two parties involved
- The point about which the communication takes place and is fixed for both subjects who are on the link: that they need to go physically to "search for" communication.
- The phone is a subject of "Community", quite impersonal, usable by everyone, or otherwise used by the whole family or office
- These last two points, assume that a person can not be traced at all times in every place, and this obviously creates anche tempi più lenti e un'incertezza maggiore per far "accadere" la comunicazione.
Arriva nel giro di qualche decennio il cellulare:
- Il supporto per effettuare la comunicazione diventa meno "esclusivo" alla comunicazione, che si estende anche ad un invio di parole scritte, attraverso gli sms (con conseguente maggiore trasmissione di pensieri, quindi con la comunizazione che si sposta a livello più mentale piuttosto che emotivo); la sua dimensione e quindi fisicità diminuisce
- La comunicazione può avvenire sia in diretta, and deferred (due to the sms), that allows you to communicate even without attention contemporary of the two parties involved. Also greatly enhances the flow of words exchanged
- The point of the communication may be mobile communication following the practice in communicating, and in a certain sense communication the communicator seeks wherever you are, Now also greatly increases the flow of words that are exchanged distance
- The phone becomes a personal object and customizable, with an almost exclusive use of the person appartiene
- E'evidente che il tempo della comunicazione e per il suo accadere, accelera notevolmente
Poi ecco la rivoluzione telematica, internet, le email e soprattutto facebook e i social network:
- il supporto per effettuare la comunicazione è una vera e propria estensione delle azioni del pensiero umano: il computer, che permette di comunicare non solo parole, ma video, musica e coinvolge quindi molte più sfere comunicative, anche se sensorialmente è ancora limitato (tatto, odorato e gusto rimangono tuttora fuori da questo sitema). This last point is undoubtedly a notable aspect of which is not taken into account at the time of communication that can often make this very communicative system mental and sometimes forger. I am convinced that this last aspect, however, depend very much on the degree of awareness and
's consciousness - the notice may be live, delayed, but most of all, thanks to social networks, there is the possibility of create a fund resonance that can extend in a simple way, a communication or a personal reflection incredible amount of other people in a istantanea, e ciò crea uno scambio ed un flusso di dati anche fra punti estremi del mondo, che è immenso. Praticamente vi è potenzialmente la forza di comunicazione di una televisione e di una radio in ogni utilizzatore
- La comunicazione raggiunge il comunicante senza difficoltà in ogni luogo, e ne evidenzia anche le sue tendenze di pensiero e stili di vita in maniera incredibile
- Il tempo e il flusso di dati scambiati attraverso una comunicazione continuano indubbiamente ad accelerare
Sono chiari quindi, anche in questo secondo esempio (leggi primo) , alcuni aspetti dell'evoluzione communications that summarize here : exponential acceleration (or almost) the time and the spread of a data stream.
Where this is leading us?
In the next post devoted to this subject, I will put some references in the literature, and networking, I "caught" in this period randomly and I was fascinated, especially in key reading future.
To be continued ...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tk Maxx Cinderella Party Dress
Search for beauty, transforming ugliness
Many people are so imprisoned in their minds that the beauty of nature for them does not really exist. They can say \u0026lt;\u0026lt;What nice fiore!>>, but it is just a 'mental label automatically. Because they are not at rest, are not present, do not really see the flower, do not perceive the essence, the sacred, as they do not know themselves, do not perceive its essence, its holiness.
Because we live in such a culture dominated by the mind, art, architecture, music and modern literature are largely devoid of beauty, of inner essence, with very few exceptions. The reason is that those who create these things, non sa (nemmeno per un istante) liberarsi dalla mente. Per cui non è mai in contatto con quel luogo interiore in cui nascono la vera creatività e la bellezza. La mente lasciata a se stessa crea mostruosità, e non soltanto nelle gallerie d'arte. Osservate i paesaggi urbani e gli insediamenti industriali abbandonati. Nessuna cività ha mai prodotto tale bruttezza.
Tratto da: "il Potere di Adesso" - Tolle
Questo passo mi aveva colpito e avevo deciso così di sperimentare con l'osservazione (e quindi l'autosservazione) queste frasi di Tolle.
C'è lo scheletro di un palazzone enorme abbandonato, affianco al quale passo tutti i giorni mentre vado a lavoro. E' spoglio, freddo, con i mattoni di un colore rosso sbiadito, al posto delle finestre buchi neri, come la dentatura di un vecchio vizioso.
E' di una bruttezza oscura e vuota: quando si dice "vuoto di energia". Mi accorgo che non riesco a formulare pensieri chiari nei suoi confronti.
Quindi vado lì deciso a sperimentare le sensazioni da quella osservazione ma, sorpresa: cosa ci trovo? Ci trovo proprio davanti alla facciata un enorme telone di plastica tirantato, a mascherare quella bruttezza con quella finta copertura (fra l'altro anche piena di sponsor).
...Tutto a un tratto una feeling through the dark there, and then
you do? It turns on the TV, calling, getting away, you resist, you do not agree, does not change, no change ever really hidden, see,
just like putting plastic in front of the curtain falling ...
Many people are so imprisoned in their minds that the beauty of nature for them does not really exist. They can say \u0026lt;\u0026lt;What nice fiore!>>, but it is just a 'mental label automatically. Because they are not at rest, are not present, do not really see the flower, do not perceive the essence, the sacred, as they do not know themselves, do not perceive its essence, its holiness.
Because we live in such a culture dominated by the mind, art, architecture, music and modern literature are largely devoid of beauty, of inner essence, with very few exceptions. The reason is that those who create these things, non sa (nemmeno per un istante) liberarsi dalla mente. Per cui non è mai in contatto con quel luogo interiore in cui nascono la vera creatività e la bellezza. La mente lasciata a se stessa crea mostruosità, e non soltanto nelle gallerie d'arte. Osservate i paesaggi urbani e gli insediamenti industriali abbandonati. Nessuna cività ha mai prodotto tale bruttezza.
Tratto da: "il Potere di Adesso" - Tolle
Questo passo mi aveva colpito e avevo deciso così di sperimentare con l'osservazione (e quindi l'autosservazione) queste frasi di Tolle.
C'è lo scheletro di un palazzone enorme abbandonato, affianco al quale passo tutti i giorni mentre vado a lavoro. E' spoglio, freddo, con i mattoni di un colore rosso sbiadito, al posto delle finestre buchi neri, come la dentatura di un vecchio vizioso.
E' di una bruttezza oscura e vuota: quando si dice "vuoto di energia". Mi accorgo che non riesco a formulare pensieri chiari nei suoi confronti.
Quindi vado lì deciso a sperimentare le sensazioni da quella osservazione ma, sorpresa: cosa ci trovo? Ci trovo proprio davanti alla facciata un enorme telone di plastica tirantato, a mascherare quella bruttezza con quella finta copertura (fra l'altro anche piena di sponsor).
...Tutto a un tratto una feeling through the dark there, and then
you do? It turns on the TV, calling, getting away, you resist, you do not agree, does not change, no change ever really hidden, see,
just like putting plastic in front of the curtain falling ...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Cruising Locations Nj
What stress stress stress during the day .........
nooooo ...... uh uh, sorry, I was humming;
blogghine prejudice people, you also already 'pre-Christmas stress? I will, now is a ritual: from August, I tell you that I have to start immediately with the chores of Christmas and then I find myself at the end of November that I have not done anything.
But if some 'field' so '? Everything in a rush and at the last minute, but how do you organize events? because I can not do that, I try but I can not ever, and so 'I find myself always with plenty to do and double the ideas realizzare.Uffa want, I'd love to be one of those prissy people, from those that things always see her going and always calm and smiling, and have homes that are a splendor and also organize dinners and dinners for friends and family and it seems that all the clocks in the world are amici.A me instead of them, the clocks must hate me because, though it is a very early morning, I find myself at 11 still wearing his pajamas, beds to be redone, to pass the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine to load, the zipper to attach to the nearby jeans, the pants 'friend to be shortened, laundry and ironing via dicendo.Ma what the hell! and is not that up to 11 did nothing, no, indeed, work started and spread around there is a lot ', and maybe my problem is just that, that as I begin a job, I'm already' thinking about starting another, and before you even start the second, I have already 'put his hands on the third and so, the only conclusion I start a lot and I finish very few.
Okay, so I made ', but, believe me, I'd love to change from what they are and learn to be more' orderly and disciplined (accept advice and suggestions in this regard).
For the moment I put two small little jobs I've done (no big deal, believe me)
I finished the pink sal-place marks held by Lella nel suo blog creareperhobby , ed anche il dolcetto a cui ho fatto una modifica per poterlo appendere all'albero come ornamento
e questa pochette che ho realizzato usando il fondo di un jeans che ho accorciato, alcuni ritagli di stoffa e, per chiusura, quella che avevo scucito a wool jacket that I had to delete (the series does not throw nothing but if not he can 'do without).
Sorry for the pictures that are bad, but I'm not at all good at it.
all for now (no, but other things are to be completed). I wish you a peaceful evening. Hello
; Gilda
nooooo ...... uh uh, sorry, I was humming;
blogghine prejudice people, you also already 'pre-Christmas stress? I will, now is a ritual: from August, I tell you that I have to start immediately with the chores of Christmas and then I find myself at the end of November that I have not done anything.
But if some 'field' so '? Everything in a rush and at the last minute, but how do you organize events? because I can not do that, I try but I can not ever, and so 'I find myself always with plenty to do and double the ideas realizzare.Uffa want, I'd love to be one of those prissy people, from those that things always see her going and always calm and smiling, and have homes that are a splendor and also organize dinners and dinners for friends and family and it seems that all the clocks in the world are amici.A me instead of them, the clocks must hate me because, though it is a very early morning, I find myself at 11 still wearing his pajamas, beds to be redone, to pass the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine to load, the zipper to attach to the nearby jeans, the pants 'friend to be shortened, laundry and ironing via dicendo.Ma what the hell! and is not that up to 11 did nothing, no, indeed, work started and spread around there is a lot ', and maybe my problem is just that, that as I begin a job, I'm already' thinking about starting another, and before you even start the second, I have already 'put his hands on the third and so, the only conclusion I start a lot and I finish very few.
Okay, so I made ', but, believe me, I'd love to change from what they are and learn to be more' orderly and disciplined (accept advice and suggestions in this regard).
For the moment I put two small little jobs I've done (no big deal, believe me)
alcuni trova-chiavi in feltro che ho spudoratamente scopiazzato da quelli fatti da Pia nel suo blog FilosoPia
Sorry for the pictures that are bad, but I'm not at all good at it.
all for now (no, but other things are to be completed). I wish you a peaceful evening. Hello
; Gilda
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Help Electric Box Level 19
of cars with rails and insects masters
Or better said ... post open parenthesis
... I was alone in the car I was driving towards the usual direction.
I realized that often the car was for me a place of unconsciousness, place full of thoughts and uncontrolled loss of body awareness, as if entering it will automatically acquire a "body - car." And I think being aware of why this issue is very clear, so as to have the power to create situations of anxiety. It's like if I drive there was a "different".
E'da a while that we reflect and lately I'm trying to expose this issue to focus attention, to go a bit deeper.
I was in the car I was driving, and at one point, I buzz ... It was a bug resting on the driver's side window.
I open the window and unknowingly are chased out, then close the window immediately.
... I was alone in the car I was driving towards the usual direction.
I realized that often the car was for me a place of unconsciousness, place full of thoughts and uncontrolled loss of body awareness, as if entering it will automatically acquire a "body - car." And I think being aware of why this issue is very clear, so as to have the power to create situations of anxiety. It's like if I drive there was a "different".
E'da a while that we reflect and lately I'm trying to expose this issue to focus attention, to go a bit deeper.
I was in the car I was driving, and at one point, I buzz ... It was a bug resting on the driver's side window.
I open the window and unknowingly are chased out, then close the window immediately.
Dopo qualche secondo, inizio a riflettere sul destino di quell'insetto, e mi rendo conto che tutte le azioni che ho fatto un attimo prima, sono state un riflesso completamente automatico (le cimici puzzano, intrusione in macchina, paura degli insetti) , senza nessun tipo di presenza.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Aluminium Boat Building
A practical exercise of gravity permanent
taken from Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now
Per favore, provatelo subito.
Potete trovare utile per questa pratica chiudere gli occhi.
Potete trovare utile per questa pratica chiudere gli occhi.
Più tardi, quando <<essere in the body>> will become natural and easy, no longer needed. Please direct your attention within the body. Feel it from within. E'vivo? There is life in the hands, arms, legs and feet, abdomen and chest? You can feel the subtle energy field that pervades the entire body and gives vibrant life to every organ and every cell? You can hear it at the same time in all parts of the body as a single field of energy? Continue to focus briefly on the perception of the inner body. Do not start thinking about it.
feel it.
The more attention you devote, will become clearer and stronger this perception. It will seem that every cell becomes more alive, and if you have a strong visual sense can perceive an image of your body becoming luminous. Although this picture may be useful temporarily, pay more attention to the feeling that any image can be born. An image as beautiful or powerful, as it is already defined, so there is less space to penetrate deeper.
... The perception of your inner body is formless, limitless and unfathomable. You can always go more in depth. If you are unable to collect crabs at this stage, pay attention to what actually hearing. Perhaps there is only a slight tingling in hands or feet. For the moment suffice. Focus on that feeling. Your body is becoming alive. Later you will still practice. Now, please, open gl eye, but keep some attention to the energy of the inner body even when you look around the room. The inner body is on the threshold between your form identity and your essence identity, your true nature. Never lose contact with it.
... Check please, where is your attention at this time. I was listening to, or are you reading these words in a book. This is the hub of vostra attenzione. Siate anche marginalmente consapevoli dell'ambiente che vi circonda, di altre persone, eccetera. Inoltre vi può essere qualche attività mentale intorno a voi che ascoltate o leggete, qualche commento mentale. Eppure non è necessario che alcunchè di tutto questo assorba l'intera vostra attenzione. Vedete se potete rimanere allo stesso tempo in contatto con il vostro corpo interiore. Mantenete parte della vostra attenzione all'interno. Non lasciatela fuoriuscire completamente. Percepite il vostro corpo dall'interno, come un unico capo di energia. E'quasi come ascoltare o leggere con l'intero corpo. Questa dovrebbe essere la vostra pratica per i giorni e le settimane che seguono.
... The perception of your inner body is formless, limitless and unfathomable. You can always go more in depth. If you are unable to collect crabs at this stage, pay attention to what actually hearing. Perhaps there is only a slight tingling in hands or feet. For the moment suffice. Focus on that feeling. Your body is becoming alive. Later you will still practice. Now, please, open gl eye, but keep some attention to the energy of the inner body even when you look around the room. The inner body is on the threshold between your form identity and your essence identity, your true nature. Never lose contact with it.
... Check please, where is your attention at this time. I was listening to, or are you reading these words in a book. This is the hub of vostra attenzione. Siate anche marginalmente consapevoli dell'ambiente che vi circonda, di altre persone, eccetera. Inoltre vi può essere qualche attività mentale intorno a voi che ascoltate o leggete, qualche commento mentale. Eppure non è necessario che alcunchè di tutto questo assorba l'intera vostra attenzione. Vedete se potete rimanere allo stesso tempo in contatto con il vostro corpo interiore. Mantenete parte della vostra attenzione all'interno. Non lasciatela fuoriuscire completamente. Percepite il vostro corpo dall'interno, come un unico capo di energia. E'quasi come ascoltare o leggere con l'intero corpo. Questa dovrebbe essere la vostra pratica per i giorni e le settimane che seguono.
down video of Franco Battiato - permanent center of gravity (do the same thing ACULTY the song)
High Waisted Pants Suspenders
are tornataaaaaaaaaaaa
Ciaoooooooooooo, you have come back (oh well, you say, and who cares?) And cabbage and let me think that there are not at least a little right? (Little bit okay?). So .... how are you? all super well imagine, and especially the veterans of Cervia, full of grinta.Ora 'nuff said I'll show you a few things I've done before departure.
these pillows homemade applique 'to the niece of a friend
and this is the bag that conteneva.L 'idea of \u200b\u200bthe bells at the end of the laces, I got it from a blog, but,' I do not want the author, but I do not remember what was the blog. And
hours ...... weekend of matches and I Cervia.Siamo Anna Taranto Station at 6:00, and already 'from the start, down' to talk about what we saw and rose further to Bari fatto.Poi Our friends (Anna, Carmen, Tina, Jane and a friend of the latter, Laura, who was so 'fascinated by our world that subscribe to them in Cervia Italy Quilt.
; in this photo you can see the hands of Anna (the mythical Cisternino) because, you know, both outward and return by train, we did not do nothing but work and give us advice.
be honest, although it is very good in Cervia, was also very stressful because there was too much of everything: too many people (400 women) too many classes (24), too many sellers with a lot of things for sale (obvious) way too much work to see that in the end, I felt like after the nausea indigestion. Now, at home and after a week, well the chaos is gone and the memories are beautiful, I could Maria Grazia know live Topa, Patrick Rossini, Anna Paola, with which they already 'know each other through a forum in which we recorded and also because we have done together with a revised swap.Ho also like Lucia Orlandini (sin but 'there has been enough time to chat a bit more)
these above are the work of the three courses. Now, excuse me, but I have to leave because my pc has become slower than a snail and put these photos and write this post, I'm here between 7.30 and are already 'the girls next 9.10.Alla and good weekend to all
I embrace
I can assure you that live it was all very nice, but, of course, since I own one that can do the photos are not from here do not seem like much
me this cover has asked a friend who had to make a gift, but I hand quilted the blocks (which is already 'a grind) creating a grid of 3x3
hours ...... weekend of matches and I Cervia.Siamo Anna Taranto Station at 6:00, and already 'from the start, down' to talk about what we saw and rose further to Bari fatto.Poi Our friends (Anna, Carmen, Tina, Jane and a friend of the latter, Laura, who was so 'fascinated by our world that subscribe to them in Cervia Italy Quilt.
; in this photo you can see the hands of Anna (the mythical Cisternino) because, you know, both outward and return by train, we did not do nothing but work and give us advice.
these above are the work of the three courses. Now, excuse me, but I have to leave because my pc has become slower than a snail and put these photos and write this post, I'm here between 7.30 and are already 'the girls next 9.10.Alla and good weekend to all
I embrace
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Mild Reversal Of The Normal Lordosis
1. Nothing is too EVOLUTION - The evolution of music media
With the first vinyl you have a physical relationship and these are the main distinguishing features that come to mind:
me repeat the fundamental concept: we now easily access to knowledge that until a few years ago was unthinkable, and this mainly due to technology, so it is even more challenging follow a profound and intense search of ourselves, but also why the path has become perhaps even more essential.
will be the music that goes aroundone that has no futurewill be the music that goes aroundwe will we head into a bloodywall.
Ivano Fossati
I start with a fact: the spread of culture and information in the world today tend to travel more and more along channels imparmanenti and this creates a major difficulty In my opinion, in conscious relationship with things.
as I will try to better reflect on the concept, writing practical examples.
As a first example, here the evolution of music media: vinyl - cassette - cd - mp3.
With the first vinyl you have a physical relationship and these are the main distinguishing features that come to mind:
- has a round shape with a hole, which recalls the circular, female and then wrap;
- is unique and not copy them "at home" on another vinyl;
- needs a great support, fixed, and therefore non-portable to be heard;
- its use is linked to a "ritual" (for example, when we turn from side to side b) requiring attention
- has a "dirt" particularly during his play, which makes hot and "comforting"
these are all elements that enhance our relationship with the music, while also reducing the listening mode only and only a constant background and unaware while you are doing other things.
- is square, its reproduction is based on the flow of a band that draws the most linearity, circularity is more "hidden" from the media;
- is easily copied although not as quickly (no need to play it for a long time as the original);
- even the "ritual" associated with its use is potentially reduced compared to vinyl (can turn the side without turning the tape)
- even the "ritual" associated with its use is potentially reduced compared to vinyl (can turn the side without turning the tape)
- the " dirt "background listening is still special, characteristic, though more mechanical vinyl
Even the recording of the CD is' who is physically" exists ", the basic idea I think it was to have a more hi-tech vinyl "
- also has a round shape with a hole, which recalls the circular, female and then embracing, but compared to the vinyl has a metal that gives more characterization
coldness - his most complex digital, it can be easily copies "at home" almost identical to the original: this makes it clear loss of value;
- further decline of the "ritual" of the needle, middle initial and linked to the vinyl can listen to it consecutively, or looping
- the "dirt" is reduced to zero, is committed to excellence and cleaning sound
And finally the mp3.
- the mp3 fisicamente non esiste , è solo un insieme di dati, che può viaggiare attraverso dei supporti anche se questi non sono strettamente legati al suo ascolto (chiavette usb, lettori, computer, web...)
- avendo perso completamente la caratteristica di fisicità anche il senso di un "disco intero "perde importanza, a favore del senso di una "canzone che ci piace"
- è copiabile in maniera estremamente semplice e veloce, fra l'altro utilizzando sempre uno stesso supporto è possibile praticamente inserire al suo interno un numero infinito o tendente all'infinito di brani musicali
- il "rito" legato al suo utilizzo è quasi nullo, possiamo ascoltarlo praticamente in ogni luogo e in any situation without any limit
- Here the "dirt" does not exist, there is indeed a step beyond digital: data compression, is then stripped of sounds imperceptible to the human ear
This brief historical overview, you need to think about how the character of unconsciousness has been suggested quite clearly and implicitly in the evolution of music media (less physical and more "mental") and this at the expense of the quality of music, in my opinion.
We lovers of easy discharge of the music on youtube, the "Music bulimia," sooner or later we should reflect on how we live this new relationship, that we can not hear everything at once, and that we should still give us time to live and metabolize things.
It 's a fact that we have access to immediate and potentially a huge source of data, virtually infinite and free, unthinkable a few years ago, yet the overall quality of the relationship with the music (and culture) and plays seems to be clearly decreased to very low levels.
This is not to say that "it was better before," this is absolutely not the purpose of my reflection, but its quite the contrary.
Perhaps for this reason, precisely because the resistance the quality of music is more aware and listening more difficult to implement, there is the possibility of acquiring more power and cultural quality, and thus acquire a true freedom of choice in these difficulties, linked to the research of our presence, listening total in the here and now "and not just mental.
I know personally that this sometimes leads to a "fatigue," an effort, a commitment, but be aware that if we can get when you are listening to our music, we have access to a deeper relationship with the world that is within us and around us.
me repeat the fundamental concept: we now easily access to knowledge that until a few years ago was unthinkable, and this mainly due to technology, so it is even more challenging follow a profound and intense search of ourselves, but also why the path has become perhaps even more essential.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Waverly French Country Curtains
As you can see on the left is logo sal that I joined, I think it's a nice thing sal (at least now that I have been told what). the rules are a bit than to advertise it on your blog and then put photos of the lighthouse work fatto.Questo sal 'just returned from Cervia next settimana.Lo organized to create a hobby Lella clik on the logo and go straight to her good night and blog.Ciao
As you can see on the left is logo sal that I joined, I think it's a nice thing sal (at least now that I have been told what). the rules are a bit than to advertise it on your blog and then put photos of the lighthouse work fatto.Questo sal 'just returned from Cervia next settimana.Lo organized to create a hobby Lella clik on the logo and go straight to her good night and blog.Ciao
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
2006 Fleetwood Niagara Camper
Relay friendship
Hello to all, how are you? is a bit that I do not make a living, excuse me, but it's a crowded time: who knows' why, when I decide to want to do things for me, that's all overlaps, work, cleaning, things to iron out various , Telephone calls etc. kilometers ecc.Ma because every time it's always like this'? I overlaps all and then I end up doing many things with the anxiety of not being able to do everything in tempo.Uffa. However
. Friday 'to go deer weekend Quilt Italy when I return I'll post' some photos of work done in recent times and the pictures that I hope to do in Cervia.
Now no more talk, I received the relay friendship from Doreen's blog http://chiacchierinomakouk.blogspot.com/ is an initiative that serves to let us know a bit better from all voi.Onestamente I had already 'seen in other blogs, but I did not believe that someone would think of me: Thanks Doreen, I 'do my best to answer these questions.
Here are the questions and my answers:
1 - When asked what you wanted from small to large do you reply?
I seem to remember that I wanted to make a classical dancer (always tried to imitate the dancers with tutu 'dancing on the tips) my mother sew' a tutu 'to a carnival and I felt really a dancer
2 - What were your favorite cartoons?
Well, more 'that the cartoons on TV gave the puppets, only at Christmas were some cartone della walt disney (i classici topolino , paperino , ecc e quelli mi piacevano tutti)poi ero incinta del mio primo figlio(avevo 21 anni) e fecero per la prima volta Heidi ....quanto mi piacevaaaaaaaaaaaa :-)
3 - Quali erano i vostri giochi preferiti?
non avevo compagni di giochi ed ero la piu' piccola in casa ; mia madre e mia sorella avevano sempre da fare ed io, quando non preparavo blocchettini di carta con i fogli tagliati dai vecchi quaderni(gia'allora riciclavo tutto quello che potevo riutilizzare)mi piaceva tantissimo fare le bolle di sapone(vi confido un segreto a volte le faccio yet when I go to the bathroom to wash my hands ssssssssshhh .... but that remains a secret ')
4 - What is your birthday was the best and why?
not think I've ever had a good birthday ..... maybe one in 30 years when I was already 'married with two children, a party hosted by me, tuttopreparato by me, with their friends and their families, we danced and I also put out the candles
5 - What are the things I absolutely wanted to do and you have not already done?
I wanted to go to New York (now do not tell me "never say never" because even If I could go there now would not be as good as if I had gone to 25-30 years)
6 - What was your first sporting passion and do not?
I've never had a passion for the sport, of course, having two brothers and a brother who watched football in the end a bit 'I followed him also, but without much enthusiasm
7 - What was the Your first musical idol?
Well this is easy: first of all do not laugh because I remember that around three years, when I asked who was my favorite singer replied "Nilla Pizzi (at the time the festival had a drive all enthralled by the largest to piu piccolo) poi sono passata a Domenico Modugno(vi ho visto eh che state ridacchiando per i miei gusti canori ).Verso i 13 anni i miei gusti musicali sono sensibilmente migliorati perchè c'era Battisti( il mitico) c'erano i Beatles , Massimo Ranieri e tanti altri
8 - Qual è stata la cosa più bella chiesta (ed eventualmente ricevuta) da Babbo Natale, Gesù Bambino, Santa Lucia?
Alla mia epoca si aspettava la Befana ,ma nonostante trascorressi le vacanze comportandomi bene,non facendo capricci o robe varie, la Befana riusciva sempre a deludermi perchè non avevo mai quello che avrei voluto(in seguito, quando I discovered that the witch did not exist, as well as stay very badly, I realized the reason percu not received what I asked: with the salary of my father that more stockings, panties and I could not have different sciarpettine)
That's it. At this point I know I have to pass the baton to some people, because I do not know who already 'has made this game, then do one thing: I mention all those who read my post and that still have not made the play of the rolling of friendship. Now I greet you all and wish you a wonderful notte.Ciao
; Gilda
Hello to all, how are you? is a bit that I do not make a living, excuse me, but it's a crowded time: who knows' why, when I decide to want to do things for me, that's all overlaps, work, cleaning, things to iron out various , Telephone calls etc. kilometers ecc.Ma because every time it's always like this'? I overlaps all and then I end up doing many things with the anxiety of not being able to do everything in tempo.Uffa. However
. Friday 'to go deer weekend Quilt Italy when I return I'll post' some photos of work done in recent times and the pictures that I hope to do in Cervia.
Now no more talk, I received the relay friendship from Doreen's blog http://chiacchierinomakouk.blogspot.com/ is an initiative that serves to let us know a bit better from all voi.Onestamente I had already 'seen in other blogs, but I did not believe that someone would think of me: Thanks Doreen, I 'do my best to answer these questions.
Here are the questions and my answers:
1 - When asked what you wanted from small to large do you reply?
I seem to remember that I wanted to make a classical dancer (always tried to imitate the dancers with tutu 'dancing on the tips) my mother sew' a tutu 'to a carnival and I felt really a dancer
2 - What were your favorite cartoons?
Well, more 'that the cartoons on TV gave the puppets, only at Christmas were some cartone della walt disney (i classici topolino , paperino , ecc e quelli mi piacevano tutti)poi ero incinta del mio primo figlio(avevo 21 anni) e fecero per la prima volta Heidi ....quanto mi piacevaaaaaaaaaaaa :-)
3 - Quali erano i vostri giochi preferiti?
non avevo compagni di giochi ed ero la piu' piccola in casa ; mia madre e mia sorella avevano sempre da fare ed io, quando non preparavo blocchettini di carta con i fogli tagliati dai vecchi quaderni(gia'allora riciclavo tutto quello che potevo riutilizzare)mi piaceva tantissimo fare le bolle di sapone(vi confido un segreto a volte le faccio yet when I go to the bathroom to wash my hands ssssssssshhh .... but that remains a secret ')
4 - What is your birthday was the best and why?
not think I've ever had a good birthday ..... maybe one in 30 years when I was already 'married with two children, a party hosted by me, tuttopreparato by me, with their friends and their families, we danced and I also put out the candles
5 - What are the things I absolutely wanted to do and you have not already done?
I wanted to go to New York (now do not tell me "never say never" because even If I could go there now would not be as good as if I had gone to 25-30 years)
6 - What was your first sporting passion and do not?
I've never had a passion for the sport, of course, having two brothers and a brother who watched football in the end a bit 'I followed him also, but without much enthusiasm
7 - What was the Your first musical idol?
Well this is easy: first of all do not laugh because I remember that around three years, when I asked who was my favorite singer replied "Nilla Pizzi (at the time the festival had a drive all enthralled by the largest to piu piccolo) poi sono passata a Domenico Modugno(vi ho visto eh che state ridacchiando per i miei gusti canori ).Verso i 13 anni i miei gusti musicali sono sensibilmente migliorati perchè c'era Battisti( il mitico) c'erano i Beatles , Massimo Ranieri e tanti altri
8 - Qual è stata la cosa più bella chiesta (ed eventualmente ricevuta) da Babbo Natale, Gesù Bambino, Santa Lucia?
Alla mia epoca si aspettava la Befana ,ma nonostante trascorressi le vacanze comportandomi bene,non facendo capricci o robe varie, la Befana riusciva sempre a deludermi perchè non avevo mai quello che avrei voluto(in seguito, quando I discovered that the witch did not exist, as well as stay very badly, I realized the reason percu not received what I asked: with the salary of my father that more stockings, panties and I could not have different sciarpettine)
That's it. At this point I know I have to pass the baton to some people, because I do not know who already 'has made this game, then do one thing: I mention all those who read my post and that still have not made the play of the rolling of friendship. Now I greet you all and wish you a wonderful notte.Ciao
; Gilda
Raleigh Nc Taxi Licences Dept
E'tutto here.?
felt anxiety growing up,
at other times he would have fought with all his strength,
with fear and seriousness,
running away from a 'mental occupation to another ...
Not now,
now she is here with me,
I accept and observe,
not run away anywhere,
and the beauty is that at some point it makes me laughing ...
... To realize that you have let themselves be overwhelmed by the "psychological time", you can use a simple criterion. Ask yourself: there is joy, ease and lightness in what I'm doing? If there are none, then the time is hiding the present moment, and life is perceived as a burden or struggle. If no joy, ease and lightness in what you are doing, this does not necessarily mean you have to change what you are doing. As may be sufficient. The \u0026lt;\u0026lt;come>> is increasingly important \u0026lt;\u0026lt;What cosa>>. See if you can pay more attention to the outcome that do not want to get through doing. Dedicate your full attention to what it offers now. This implies that you accept fully what it is, because can not devote your attention to something and at the same time resisted.
not just honor the present moment, all unhappiness and every effort will dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and serenity. When you act on the basis of present moment awareness, whatever you do is imbued with a sense of quality of care and love, even the simplest action.
Taken from: The Power of Now - Tolle
piece at the bottom of Brunori Sas: the giraffe died
felt anxiety growing up,
at other times he would have fought with all his strength,
with fear and seriousness,
running away from a 'mental occupation to another ...
Not now,
now she is here with me,
I accept and observe,
not run away anywhere,
and the beauty is that at some point it makes me laughing ...
... To realize that you have let themselves be overwhelmed by the "psychological time", you can use a simple criterion. Ask yourself: there is joy, ease and lightness in what I'm doing? If there are none, then the time is hiding the present moment, and life is perceived as a burden or struggle. If no joy, ease and lightness in what you are doing, this does not necessarily mean you have to change what you are doing. As may be sufficient. The \u0026lt;\u0026lt;come>> is increasingly important \u0026lt;\u0026lt;What cosa>>. See if you can pay more attention to the outcome that do not want to get through doing. Dedicate your full attention to what it offers now. This implies that you accept fully what it is, because can not devote your attention to something and at the same time resisted.
not just honor the present moment, all unhappiness and every effort will dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and serenity. When you act on the basis of present moment awareness, whatever you do is imbued with a sense of quality of care and love, even the simplest action.
Taken from: The Power of Now - Tolle
piece at the bottom of Brunori Sas: the giraffe died
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