Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mild Reversal Of The Normal Lordosis

1. Nothing is too EVOLUTION - The evolution of music media

will be the music that goes around
one that has no future
will be the music that goes around
we will we head into a bloody

Ivano Fossati

I start with a fact: the spread of culture and information in the world today tend to travel more and more along channels imparmanenti and this creates a major difficulty In my opinion, in conscious relationship with things.
as I will try to better reflect on the concept, writing practical examples.

As a first example, here the evolution of music media: vinyl - cassette - cd - mp3.

With the first vinyl you have a physical relationship and these are the main distinguishing features that come to mind:

- has a round shape with a hole, which recalls the circular, female and then wrap;
- is unique and not copy them "at home" on another vinyl;
- needs a great support, fixed, and therefore non-portable to be heard;
- its use is linked to a "ritual" (for example, when we turn from side to side b) requiring attention
- has a "dirt" particularly during his play, which makes hot and "comforting"

these are all elements that enhance our relationship with the music, while also reducing the listening mode only and only a constant background and unaware while you are doing other things.

The cassette also has a physical, with these main elements:

- is square, its reproduction is based on the flow of a band that draws the most linearity, circularity is more "hidden" from the media;
- is easily copied although not as quickly (no need to play it for a long time as the original);
- even the "ritual" associated with its use is potentially reduced compared to vinyl (can turn the side without turning the tape)
- the " dirt "background listening is still special, characteristic, though more mechanical vinyl
Even the recording of the CD is' who is physically" exists ", the basic idea I think it was to have a more hi-tech vinyl "

- also has a round shape with a hole, which recalls the circular, female and then embracing, but compared to the vinyl has a metal that gives more characterization
coldness - his most complex digital, it can be easily copies "at home" almost identical to the original: this makes it clear loss of value;
- further decline of the "ritual" of the needle, middle initial and linked to the vinyl can listen to it consecutively, or looping
- the "dirt" is reduced to zero, is committed to excellence and cleaning sound
And finally the mp3.

- the mp3 fisicamente non esiste , è solo un insieme di dati, che può viaggiare attraverso dei supporti anche se questi non sono strettamente legati al suo ascolto (chiavette usb, lettori, computer, web...)
- avendo perso completamente la caratteristica di fisicità anche il senso di un "disco intero "perde importanza, a favore del senso di una "canzone che ci piace"
- è copiabile in maniera estremamente semplice e veloce, fra l'altro utilizzando sempre uno stesso supporto è possibile praticamente inserire al suo interno un numero infinito o tendente all'infinito di brani musicali
- il "rito" legato al suo utilizzo è quasi nullo, possiamo ascoltarlo praticamente in ogni luogo e in any situation without any limit
- Here the "dirt" does not exist, there is indeed a step beyond digital: data compression, is then stripped of sounds imperceptible to the human ear

This brief historical overview, you need to think about how the character of unconsciousness has been suggested quite clearly and implicitly in the evolution of music media (less physical and more "mental") and this at the expense of the quality of music, in my opinion.
We lovers of easy discharge of the music on youtube, the "Music bulimia," sooner or later we should reflect on how we live this new relationship, that we can not hear everything at once, and that we should still give us time to live and metabolize things.
It 's a fact that we have access to immediate and potentially a huge source of data, virtually infinite and free, unthinkable a few years ago, yet the overall quality of the relationship with the music (and culture) and plays seems to be clearly decreased to very low levels.

This is not to say that "it was better before," this is absolutely not the purpose of my reflection, but its quite the contrary.
Perhaps for this reason, precisely because the resistance the quality of music is more aware and listening more difficult to implement, there is the possibility of acquiring more power and cultural quality, and thus acquire a true freedom of choice in these difficulties, linked to the research of our presence, listening total in the here and now "and not just mental.
I know personally that this sometimes leads to a "fatigue," an effort, a commitment, but be aware that if we can get when you are listening to our music, we have access to a deeper relationship with the world that is within us and around us.

me repeat the fundamental concept: we now easily access to knowledge that until a few years ago was unthinkable, and this mainly due to technology, so it is even more challenging follow a profound and intense search of ourselves, but also why the path has become perhaps even more essential.


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