Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Raleigh Nc Taxi Licences Dept

E'tutto here.?

felt anxiety growing up,
at other times he would have fought with all his strength,
with fear and seriousness,
running away from a 'mental occupation to another ...
Not now,
now she is here with me,
I accept and observe,
not run away anywhere,
and the beauty is that at some point it makes me laughing ...

... To realize that you have let themselves be overwhelmed by the "psychological time", you can use a simple criterion. Ask yourself: there is joy, ease and lightness in what I'm doing? If there are none, then the time is hiding the present moment, and life is perceived as a burden or struggle. If no joy, ease and lightness in what you are doing, this does not necessarily mean you have to change what you are doing. As may be sufficient. The \u0026lt;\u0026lt;come>> is increasingly important \u0026lt;\u0026lt;What cosa>>. See if you can pay more attention to the outcome that do not want to get through doing. Dedicate your full attention to what it offers now. This implies that you accept fully what it is, because can not devote your attention to something and at the same time resisted.
not just honor the present moment, all unhappiness and every effort will dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and serenity. When you act on the basis of present moment awareness, whatever you do is imbued with a sense of quality of care and love, even the simplest action.

Taken from: The Power of Now - Tolle

piece at the bottom of Brunori Sas: the giraffe died


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