Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2006 Fleetwood Niagara Camper

Relay friendship

Hello to all, how are you? is a bit that I do not make a living, excuse me, but it's a crowded time: who knows' why, when I decide to want to do things for me, that's all overlaps, work, cleaning, things to iron out various , Telephone calls etc. kilometers ecc.Ma because every time it's always like this'? I overlaps all and then I end up doing many things with the anxiety of not being able to do everything in tempo.Uffa. However
. Friday 'to go deer weekend Quilt Italy when I return I'll post' some photos of work done in recent times and the pictures that I hope to do in Cervia.
Now no more talk, I received the relay friendship from Doreen's blog http://chiacchierinomakouk.blogspot.com/ is an initiative that serves to let us know a bit better from all voi.Onestamente I had already 'seen in other blogs, but I did not believe that someone would think of me: Thanks Doreen, I 'do my best to answer these questions.
Here are the questions and my answers:
1 - When asked what you wanted from small to large do you reply?
I seem to remember that I wanted to make a classical dancer (always tried to imitate the dancers with tutu 'dancing on the tips) my mother sew' a tutu 'to a carnival and I felt really a dancer
2 - What were your favorite cartoons?
Well, more 'that the cartoons on TV gave the puppets, only at Christmas were some cartone della walt disney (i classici topolino , paperino , ecc  e quelli mi piacevano tutti)poi ero incinta del mio primo figlio(avevo 21 anni) e fecero per la prima volta Heidi ....quanto mi piacevaaaaaaaaaaaa :-)
3 - Quali erano i vostri giochi preferiti?
 non avevo compagni di giochi ed ero la piu' piccola in casa ; mia madre e mia sorella avevano sempre da fare ed io, quando non  preparavo blocchettini di carta  con i fogli tagliati dai vecchi quaderni(gia'allora riciclavo tutto quello che potevo riutilizzare)mi piaceva tantissimo fare le bolle di sapone(vi confido un segreto a volte le faccio yet when I go to the bathroom to wash my hands ssssssssshhh .... but that remains a secret ')

4 - What is your birthday was the best and why?
not think I've ever had a good birthday ..... maybe one in 30 years when I was already 'married with two children, a party hosted by me, tuttopreparato by me, with their friends and their families, we danced and I also put out the candles
5 - What are the things I absolutely wanted to do and you have not already done?

I wanted to go to New York (now do not tell me "never say never" because even If I could go there now would not be as good as if I had gone to 25-30 years)
6 - What was your first sporting passion and do not?
I've never had a passion for the sport, of course, having two brothers and a brother who watched football in the end a bit 'I followed him also, but without much enthusiasm
7 - What was the Your first musical idol?
Well this is easy: first of all do not laugh because I remember that around three years, when I asked who was my favorite singer replied "Nilla Pizzi (at the time the festival had a drive all enthralled by the largest to piu piccolo) poi  sono passata a Domenico Modugno(vi ho visto eh che   state ridacchiando per i miei gusti canori ).Verso i 13 anni i miei gusti musicali sono sensibilmente  migliorati perchè c'era Battisti( il mitico) c'erano i Beatles , Massimo Ranieri e tanti altri
8 - Qual è stata la cosa più bella chiesta (ed eventualmente ricevuta) da Babbo Natale, Gesù Bambino, Santa Lucia?
Alla mia epoca si aspettava la Befana ,ma nonostante trascorressi le vacanze comportandomi bene,non facendo  capricci o robe varie, la Befana riusciva sempre a deludermi perchè non avevo mai quello che avrei voluto(in seguito, quando I discovered that the witch did not exist, as well as stay very badly, I realized the reason percu not received what I asked: with the salary of my father that more stockings, panties and I could not have different sciarpettine)
That's it. At this point I know I have to pass the baton to some people, because I do not know who already 'has made this game, then do one thing: I mention all those who read my post and that still have not made the play of the rolling of friendship. Now I greet you all and wish you a wonderful notte.Ciao
; Gilda


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