Saturday, November 13, 2010

Aluminium Boat Building

A practical exercise of gravity permanent

Per favore, provatelo subito.
Potete trovare utile per questa pratica chiudere gli occhi. 
Più tardi, quando <<essere in the body>> will become natural and easy, no longer needed. Please direct your attention within the body. Feel it from within. E'vivo? There is life in the hands, arms, legs and feet, abdomen and chest? You can feel the subtle energy field that pervades the entire body and gives vibrant life to every organ and every cell? You can hear it at the same time in all parts of the body as a single field of energy? Continue to focus briefly on the perception of the inner body. Do not start thinking about it.

feel it.

The more attention you devote, will become clearer and stronger this perception. It will seem that every cell becomes more alive, and if you have a strong visual sense can perceive an image of your body becoming luminous. Although this picture may be useful temporarily, pay more attention to the feeling that any image can be born. An image as beautiful or powerful, as it is already defined, so there is less space to penetrate deeper.

... The perception of your inner body is formless, limitless and unfathomable. You can always go more in depth. If you are unable to collect crabs at this stage, pay attention to what actually hearing. Perhaps there is only a slight tingling in hands or feet. For the moment suffice. Focus on that feeling. Your body is becoming alive. Later you will still practice. Now, please, open gl eye, but keep some attention to the energy of the inner body even when you look around the room. The inner body is on the threshold between your form identity and your essence identity, your true nature. Never lose contact with it.

... Check please, where is your attention at this time. I was listening to, or are you reading these words in a book. This is the hub of vostra attenzione. Siate anche marginalmente consapevoli dell'ambiente che vi circonda, di altre persone, eccetera. Inoltre vi può essere qualche attività mentale intorno a voi che ascoltate o leggete, qualche commento mentale. Eppure non è necessario che alcunchè di tutto questo assorba l'intera vostra attenzione. Vedete se potete rimanere allo stesso tempo in contatto con il vostro corpo interiore. Mantenete parte della vostra attenzione all'interno. Non lasciatela fuoriuscire completamente. Percepite il vostro corpo dall'interno, come un unico capo di energia. E'quasi come ascoltare o leggere con l'intero corpo. Questa dovrebbe essere la vostra pratica per i giorni e le settimane che seguono.

taken from Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now

down video of Franco Battiato - permanent center of gravity (do the same thing ACULTY the song)


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